ios怎么删除所有短信 如何删除iphone所有的短信_ios怎么删除所有短信

Whether you got them by iMessage or SMS, sometimes you need to remove messages from your iOS device’s message history. Maybe you’re clearing out old clutter, or maybe you need to remove messages with more sensitive information. Whatever your reason, you can remove specific messages from conversations or delete entire conversations at once (and you can also set messages to automatically expire). Here’s how to get it done.

无论是通过iMessage还是SMS来获取消息,有时您都需要从iOS设备的消息历史记录中删除消息。 也许您正在清除旧的杂物,或者可能需要删除包含更敏感信息的邮件。 无论出于何种原因,您都可以从对话中删除特定的消息,也可以一次删除整个对话(也可以将消息设置为自动过期 )。 这是完成任务的方法。

(Delete a Specific Message from a Conversation)

First, we’ll look at deleting specific messages from a conversation. In your Messages app, tap the conversation to open it.

首先,我们将讨论从对话中删除特定消息。 在您的消息应用程序中,点击对话以将其打开。

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In the conversation, tap and hold any message.


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On the pop-up that appears, tap “More”.


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Tapping “More” reveals selection bubbles you can use to select one or more messages in the thread. When you’ve got the messages selected that you want to delete, tap the trash can icon at the bottom left.

点按“更多”会显示选择气泡,您可以使用它们选择线程中的一条或多条消息。 选中要删除的邮件后,请点击左下方的垃圾桶图标。

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Just note that iOS won’t ask you to confirm your choice, so be sure you’ve selected the right messages before hitting delete.


(Delete an Entire Conversation)

You can also delete entire conversations at once. Back at the main messages view, just slide a conversation to the left to reveal a Delete button. Tap the button to delete the whole conversation.

您也可以一次删除整个对话。 返回主消息视图,只需将对话向左滑动即可显示“删除”按钮。 点击按钮删除整个对话。

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Again, there’s no confirmation, so be careful with your choices.


(Delete Multiple Conversations at Once)

And finally, you can delete multiple conversations at a time. On the main Messages screen, tap “Edit.”

最后,您可以一次删除多个对话。 在“消息”主屏幕上,点击“编辑”。

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Tapping “Edit” reveals selection bubbles you can use to select as many conversations as you want. When you’ve selected the conversations you want to delete, tap “Delete” at the bottom right. And once again, there’s no additional confirmation. The deletion happens right away.

点击“编辑”会显示选择气泡,您可以根据需要选择多个对话。 选择要删除的对话后,请点击右下角的“删除”。 再一次,没有其他确认。 删除立即发生。

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And that’s it. It’s pretty straightforward, even if the option for deleting specific messages from a conversation is somewhat buried under other options. But at least the option is there. Now, you can remove those old messages to save a little space, ensure a bit of extra privacy, or just get them out of your way.

就是这样。 即使从对话中删除特定消息的选项被其他选项掩盖了,这也非常简单。 但是至少有选择。 现在,您可以删除这些旧邮件,以节省一些空间,确保更多的隐私权,或者将它们移开。
