

Android view的显示和隐藏的动画 android view view_递归


private void performTraversals() {
        // cache mView since it is used so much below...
//1 处理mAttachInfo的初始化,并根据resize、visibility改变的情况,给相应的变量赋值。
        final View host = mView;
        final View.AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo;
        final int viewVisibility = getHostVisibility();
        boolean viewVisibilityChanged = mViewVisibility != viewVisibility
                || mNewSurfaceNeeded;
        float appScale = mAttachInfo.mApplicationScale;
        WindowManager.LayoutParams params = null;
        if (mWindowAttributesChanged) {
            mWindowAttributesChanged = false;
            surfaceChanged = true;
            params = lp;
        Rect frame = mWinFrame;
        if (mFirst) {

            // For the very first time, tell the view hierarchy that it
            // is attached to the window.  Note that at this point the surface
            // object is not initialized to its backing store, but soon it
            // will be (assuming the window is visible).
            attachInfo.mSurface = mSurface;
            attachInfo.mUse32BitDrawingCache = PixelFormat.formatHasAlpha(lp.format) ||
                    lp.format == PixelFormat.RGBX_8888;
            attachInfo.mHasWindowFocus = false;
            attachInfo.mWindowVisibility = viewVisibility;
//2 如果mLayoutRequested判断为true,那么说明需要重新layout,不过在此之前那必须重新measure。
        if (mLayoutRequested) {
            // Execute enqueued actions on every layout in case a view that was detached
            // enqueued an action after being detached

            if (mFirst) {
//3 判断是否有子视图的属性发生变化,ViewRoot需要获取这些变化。
        if (attachInfo.mRecomputeGlobalAttributes) {

        if (mFirst || attachInfo.mViewVisibilityChanged) {

//4 根据上面得到的变量数值,确定我们的view需要多大尺寸才能装下。于是就得measure了,有viewgroup的weight属性还得再做些处理
                 // Ask host how big it wants to be
                host.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);
                mLayoutRequested = true;
//5 measure完毕,接下来可以layout了。
        final boolean didLayout = mLayoutRequested;
        boolean triggerGlobalLayoutListener = didLayout
                || attachInfo.mRecomputeGlobalAttributes;
        if (didLayout) {
            host.layout(0, 0, host.mMeasuredWidth, host.mMeasuredHeight);


//6 如果mFirst为true,那么会进行view获取焦点的动作。
        if (mFirst) {
            mRealFocusedView = mView.findFocus();

        boolean cancelDraw = attachInfo.mTreeObserver.dispatchOnPreDraw();
//7 终于,来到最后一步,前面的工作可以说都是铺垫,都是为了draw而准备的。
        if (!cancelDraw && !newSurface) {
            mFullRedrawNeeded = false;

  private void performTraversals() {
        // cache mView since it is used so much below...
//1 处理mAttachInfo的初始化,并根据resize、visibility改变的情况,给相应的变量赋值。
        final View host = mView;
        final View.AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo;
        final int viewVisibility = getHostVisibility();
        boolean viewVisibilityChanged = mViewVisibility != viewVisibility
                || mNewSurfaceNeeded;
        float appScale = mAttachInfo.mApplicationScale;
        WindowManager.LayoutParams params = null;
        if (mWindowAttributesChanged) {
            mWindowAttributesChanged = false;
            surfaceChanged = true;
            params = lp;
        Rect frame = mWinFrame;
        if (mFirst) {

            // For the very first time, tell the view hierarchy that it
            // is attached to the window.  Note that at this point the surface
            // object is not initialized to its backing store, but soon it
            // will be (assuming the window is visible).
            attachInfo.mSurface = mSurface;
            attachInfo.mUse32BitDrawingCache = PixelFormat.formatHasAlpha(lp.format) ||
                    lp.format == PixelFormat.RGBX_8888;
            attachInfo.mHasWindowFocus = false;
            attachInfo.mWindowVisibility = viewVisibility;
//2 如果mLayoutRequested判断为true,那么说明需要重新layout,不过在此之前那必须重新measure。
        if (mLayoutRequested) {
            // Execute enqueued actions on every layout in case a view that was detached
            // enqueued an action after being detached

            if (mFirst) {
//3 判断是否有子视图的属性发生变化,ViewRoot需要获取这些变化。
        if (attachInfo.mRecomputeGlobalAttributes) {

        if (mFirst || attachInfo.mViewVisibilityChanged) {

//4 根据上面得到的变量数值,确定我们的view需要多大尺寸才能装下。于是就得measure了,有viewgroup的weight属性还得再做些处理
                 // Ask host how big it wants to be
                host.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);
                mLayoutRequested = true;
//5 measure完毕,接下来可以layout了。
        final boolean didLayout = mLayoutRequested;
        boolean triggerGlobalLayoutListener = didLayout
                || attachInfo.mRecomputeGlobalAttributes;
        if (didLayout) {
            host.layout(0, 0, host.mMeasuredWidth, host.mMeasuredHeight);


//6 如果mFirst为true,那么会进行view获取焦点的动作。
        if (mFirst) {
            mRealFocusedView = mView.findFocus();

        boolean cancelDraw = attachInfo.mTreeObserver.dispatchOnPreDraw();
//7 终于,来到最后一步,前面的工作可以说都是铺垫,都是为了draw而准备的。
        if (!cancelDraw && !newSurface) {
            mFullRedrawNeeded = false;



private void onMeasure(int height , int width){
   setMeasuredDimension(h , l) ;
   int childCount = getChildCount() ;
   for(int i=0 ;i<childCount ;i++){
	   View child = getChildAt(i) ;
	   //该方法只是一个过滤器,最后会调用measure()过程 ;或者 measureChild(child , h, i)方法都
	   measureChildWithMargins(child , h, i) ; 
	   //child.measure(h, l)

//该方法具体实现在ViewGroup.java里 。
protected  void measureChildWithMargins(View v, int height , int width){

private void onMeasure(int height , int width){
   setMeasuredDimension(h , l) ;
   int childCount = getChildCount() ;
   for(int i=0 ;i<childCount ;i++){
	   View child = getChildAt(i) ;
	   //该方法只是一个过滤器,最后会调用measure()过程 ;或者 measureChild(child , h, i)方法都
	   measureChildWithMargins(child , h, i) ; 
	   //child.measure(h, l)

//该方法具体实现在ViewGroup.java里 。
protected  void measureChildWithMargins(View v, int height , int width){


//回调View视图里的onLayout过程 ,该方法只由ViewGroup类型实现
private void onLayout(int left , int top , right , bottom){
   setFrame(l ,t , r ,b) ;
   int childCount = getChildCount() ;
   for(int i=0 ;i<childCount ;i++){
	   View child = getChildAt(i) ;
	   child.layout(l, t, r, b) ;

//回调View视图里的onLayout过程 ,该方法只由ViewGroup类型实现
private void onLayout(int left , int top , right , bottom){
   setFrame(l ,t , r ,b) ;
   int childCount = getChildCount() ;
   for(int i=0 ;i<childCount ;i++){
	   View child = getChildAt(i) ;
	   child.layout(l, t, r, b) ;

由ViewRoot对象的 performTraversals() 方法调用 draw() 方法发起绘制该View树,值得注意的是每次发起绘图时,并不会重新绘制每个View树的视图,而只会重新绘制那些“需要重绘”的视图,View类内部变量包含了一个标志位DRAWN,当该视图需要重绘时,就会为该View添加该标志位。
mView.draw() 开始绘制,draw() 方法实现的功能如下:

  1. 绘制该View的背景
  1. 为显示渐变框做一些准备操作(见5,大多数情况下,不需要改渐变框)
  2. 调用onDraw()方法绘制视图本身 (每个View都需要重载该方法,ViewGroup不需要实现该方法)
  3. 调用dispatchDraw ()方法绘制子视图(如果该View类型不为ViewGroup,即不包含子视图,不需要重载该方法)值得说明的是,ViewGroup类已经为我们重写了dispatchDraw ()的功能实现,应用程序一般不需要重写该方法,但可以重载父类函数实现具体的功能。
  4. dispatchDraw()方法内部会遍历每个子视图,调用drawChild()去重新回调每个子视图的draw()方法(注意,这个地方“需要重绘”的视图才会调用draw()方法)。值得说明的是,ViewGroup类已经为我们重写了dispatchDraw()的功能实现,应用程序一般不需要重写该方法,但可以重载父类函数实现具体的功能。
  5. 绘制滚动条


/ draw()过程     ViewRoot.java
// 发起draw()的"发号者"在ViewRoot.java里的performTraversals()方法, 该方法会继续调用draw()方法开始绘图
private void  draw(){
   View mView  ;
   mView.draw(canvas) ;  

//回调View视图里的onLayout过程 ,该方法只由ViewGroup类型实现
private void draw(Canvas canvas){
   //1 、绘制该View的背景
        // 应用程序程序一般不需要重写该方法,但可以捕获该方法的发生,做一些特别的事情。

protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
   int childCount = getChildCount() ;
   for(int i=0 ;i<childCount ;i++){
	   View child = getChildAt(i) ;
	   drawChild(child,canvas) ;
protected void drawChild(View child,Canvas canvas) {
   // ....
   child.draw(canvas) ;

/ draw()过程     ViewRoot.java
// 发起draw()的"发号者"在ViewRoot.java里的performTraversals()方法, 该方法会继续调用draw()方法开始绘图
private void  draw(){
   View mView  ;
   mView.draw(canvas) ;  

//回调View视图里的onLayout过程 ,该方法只由ViewGroup类型实现
private void draw(Canvas canvas){
   //1 、绘制该View的背景
        // 应用程序程序一般不需要重写该方法,但可以捕获该方法的发生,做一些特别的事情。

protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
   int childCount = getChildCount() ;
   for(int i=0 ;i<childCount ;i++){
	   View child = getChildAt(i) ;
	   drawChild(child,canvas) ;
protected void drawChild(View child,Canvas canvas) {
   // ....
   child.draw(canvas) ;

关于绘制Drawable背景的进一步说明,可以参考博客 Android Drawable 分析


  • invalidate()


  1. 直接调用invalidate()方法,有点废话啊,请求重新draw(),但只会绘制调用者本身
  2. setSelection()方法 :请求重新draw(),但只会绘制调用者本身。
  3. setVisibility()方法 : 当View可视状态在INVISIBLE转换VISIBLE时,会间接调用invalidate()方法,继而绘制该View。
  4. setEnabled()方法 : 请求重新draw(),但不会重新绘制任何视图包括该调用者本身。
    以上四点,你可以直接跟踪代码,看看是不是最终要Call invalidate().
  • requestLayout()


  1. 直接调用requestLayout()方法,有点废话啊,重新布局layout过程包括measure()和layout()过程,不会调用draw()过程。
  2. setVisibility()方法,当View的可视状态在INVISIBLE/ VISIBLE 转换为GONE状态时,会间接调用requestLayout() 和invalidate方法。同时,由于整个个View树大小发生了变化,会请求measure()过程以及draw()过程,同样地,只绘制需要“重新绘制”的视图。
  • requestFocus()



  1. setVisibility()方法,会调用measure、layout、draw方法,整个过程潇洒的走了一遍。
  2. setSelection()方法  & setEnabled()方法,都只会调用draw方法


public abstract class Window {    
    public static final int FEATURE_NO_TITLE = 1;  
    public static final int FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS = 5;  
    public abstract void setContentView(int layoutResID);  
    public abstract void setContentView(View view);  
    public boolean requestFeature(int featureId) {  
        final int flag = 1<<featureId;  
        mFeatures |= flag;  
        mLocalFeatures |= mContainer != null ? (flag&~mContainer.mFeatures) : flag;  
        return (mFeatures&flag) != 0;  

public abstract class Window {    
    public static final int FEATURE_NO_TITLE = 1;  
    public static final int FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS = 5;  
    public abstract void setContentView(int layoutResID);  
    public abstract void setContentView(View view);  
    public boolean requestFeature(int featureId) {  
        final int flag = 1<<featureId;  
        mFeatures |= flag;  
        mLocalFeatures |= mContainer != null ? (flag&~mContainer.mFeatures) : flag;  
        return (mFeatures&flag) != 0;  


public class PhoneWindow extends Window implements MenuBuilder.Callback {  
    // This is the top-level view of the window, containing the window decor.  
    private DecorView mDecor;  //该对象是所有应用窗口的根视图 , 是FrameLayout的子类  
    // 同时也是DecorView对象的一个子视图  
    // This is the view in which the window contents are placed. It is either  
    // mDecor itself, or a child of mDecor where the contents go.  
    private ViewGroup mContentParent;   
    public void setTitle(CharSequence title) {  
        if (mTitleView != null) {  
        mTitle = title;  
    public final void setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable drawable) {  
        if (drawable != mBackgroundDrawable || mBackgroundResource != 0) {  
            mBackgroundResource = 0;  
            mBackgroundDrawable = drawable;  
            if (mDecor != null) {  

public class PhoneWindow extends Window implements MenuBuilder.Callback {  
    // This is the top-level view of the window, containing the window decor.  
    private DecorView mDecor;  //该对象是所有应用窗口的根视图 , 是FrameLayout的子类  
    // 同时也是DecorView对象的一个子视图  
    // This is the view in which the window contents are placed. It is either  
    // mDecor itself, or a child of mDecor where the contents go.  
    private ViewGroup mContentParent;   
    public void setTitle(CharSequence title) {  
        if (mTitleView != null) {  
        mTitle = title;  
    public final void setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable drawable) {  
        if (drawable != mBackgroundDrawable || mBackgroundResource != 0) {  
            mBackgroundResource = 0;  
            mBackgroundDrawable = drawable;  
            if (mDecor != null) {  

该类是一个FrameLayout的子类,并且是PhoneWindow的子类,该类就是对普通的FrameLayout进行功能的扩展,更确切点可以说是修饰(Decor的英文全称是Decoration,即“修饰”的意思),比如说添加TitleBar(标题栏),以及TitleBar上的滚动条等 。最重要的一点是,它是所有应用窗口的根View 。

private final class DecorView extends FrameLayout {  
    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {  
        return onInterceptTouchEvent(event);  

private final class DecorView extends FrameLayout {  
    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {  
        return onInterceptTouchEvent(event);  


  1. Activity的顶层View是DecorView, 而我们在onCreate函数中通过setContentView设置的View只不过是这个DecorView的一部分罢了。DecorView是一个FrameLayout类型的ViewGroup。
  1. Activity包含一个Window(类型为PoneWindow)和一个WindowManager(类型为WindowManagerGlobal)对象。这两个对象将控制Activity的显示。
  2. LocalWindowManager使用了WindowManagerImpl作为最最终处理对象(设计模式中的代理模式),这个WindowManagerImpl中有一个ViewRootImpl对象。
  3. ViewRootImpl实现了ViewParent接口,它有2个重要的成员,一个是mView,它指向Activity的顶层UI单元的DecorView,另外一个是mSurface,这个mSurface包含了一个Canvas。除此之外,ViewRootImpl其中内部类还通过binder机制和WindowManagerService进行跨进程交互。
  4. ViewRootImpl其中内部类是一个Handler,可以处理Handler的消息,Activity的显示就是由ViewRoot在它的performTraversals函数中完成的。
  5. 整个Activity的绘图流程就是从mSurface中lock一块Canvas,然后交给mView(DecorView)去draw整个视图层次(包括mView的所有子view)。最后调用unlockCanvasAndPost释放这块Canvas,将绘制的内容渲染到屏幕。