文章内容来自《Functional Programing in Swift》,具体内容请到书中查阅

Map, Filter, Reduce

Functions that take functions as arguments are sometimes called higher- order functions. 

higher-order function(高阶函数)就是说函数可以作为另一个函数的参数。



Introducing Generics (泛型)

// 函数:返回 对原来的数组的每个元素进行加1后的数组
func incrementArray(xs: [Int]) -> [Int] {
    var result: [Int] = []
    for x in xs {
        result.append(x + 1)

    return result 


// 函数:返回 对原来的数组的每个元素进行乘2后的数组
func doubleArray1(xs: [Int]) -> [Int] { 
    var result: [Int] = []
    for x in xs {
        result.append(x * 2) 
    return result 


func computeIntArray(xs: [Int]) -> [Int] { 
    var result: [Int] = []
    for x in xs {
        result.append(/* something using x */) }
    return result 


func computeIntArray(xs: [Int], f: Int -> Int) -> [Int] { 
    var result: [Int] = []
    for x in xs {
    return result 


func doubleArray2(xs: [Int]) -> [Int] {
     return computeIntArray(xs) { x in x * 2 }

 注意在调用computeIntArray的时候,我们使用过了尾闭包(trailing closures )语法


func isEvenArray(xs: [Int]) -> [Bool] { 
    computeIntArray(xs) { x in x % 2 == 0 }


func computeBoolArray(xs: [Int], f: Int -> Bool) -> [Bool] { 
    let result: [Bool] = []
    for x in xs {
    return result

 但是这样还是不好,假如我们需要计算的是String?难道我们要定义另外一个高阶函数,参数类型为 Int->String  ?

we will say "NO"

幸好,这有解决办法:我们可以使用泛型 (generics):

func genericComputeArray<U>(xs: [Int], f: Int -> U) -> [U] { 
    var result: [U] = []
    for x in xs {
    return result 


func map<T, U>(xs: [T], f: T -> U) -> [U] { 
    var result: [U] = []
    for x in xs {
    return result 


func computeIntArray<T>(xs: [Int], f: Int -> T) -> [T] { 
    return map(xs, f)


func doubleArray3(xs: [Int]) -> [Int] { 
    return xs.map { x in 2 * x }




map函数并不是swift标准Array库中通过使用 泛型 唯一的方法。在接下来的节中,我们将会陆续介绍其他的


let exampleFiles = ["README.md", "HelloWorld.swift", "HelloSwift.swift", "FlappyBird.swift"]


func getSwiftFiles(files: [String]) -> [String] { 
    var result: [String] = []
    for file in files {
        if file.hasSuffix(".swift") { 
    return result



func filter<T>(xs: [T], check: T -> Bool) -> [T] {
    var result: [T] = []
    for x in xs {
        if check(x) {
    return result




func getSwiftFiles2(files: [String]) -> [String] {
    return filter(files) { file in file.hasSuffix(".swift") }





exampleFiles.filter { file in file.hasSuffix(".swift") }

 现在你可能想知道:有没有一个更通用的函数----定义包含了 map 和fiter的函数?这就是接下来我们要讲的。



func sum(xs: [Int]) -> Int {
    var result: Int = 0
    for x in xs {
        result += x 
    return result



let xs = [1,2,3,4]

sum(xs)   // 结果为10


func product(xs: [Int]) -> Int { 
    var result: Int = 1
    for x in xs {
        result = x * result
    return result 



func concatenate(xs: [String]) -> String { 
    var result: String = ""
    for x in xs {
        result += x 
    return result 



func prettyPrintArray(xs: [String]) -> String {
    var result: String = "Entries in the array xs:\n" 
    for x in xs {
        result=" "+result+x+"\n" 
    return result 



上面的这些函数有公共的地方么?他们都初始化了一个变量result,他们都通过迭代xs里面的元素 以某种方式进行更新这个reslut。用泛型函数来描绘这个模式,我们需要提炼出2条信息:



func reduce<A, R>(arr: [A], initialValue: R,combine: (R, A) -> R) -> R {
    var result = initialValue
     for i in arr {
        result = combine(result, i) 
    return result 


 一开始对于这个reduce会有一点难读。它在两方面使用泛型:输入数组的类型[A],resulst 的类型R。在函数式编程中如OCaml和Haskell中,reduce函数被叫做fold或者fold_right


func sumUsingReduce(xs: [Int]) -> Int {
    return reduce(xs, 0) { result, x in result + x } // 使用了尾闭包



func productUsingReduce(xs: [Int]) -> Int {
     return reduce(xs, 1, *)

func concatUsingReduce(xs: [String]) -> String { 
    return reduce(xs, "", +)


 在一次,reduce是array的一个扩展,所以我们在使用reduce(xs, initialValue,combine)变为:xs.reduce(initialValue, combine)

reduce: iterating over an array to compute a result. 

Putting It All Together 

struct City{
    let name: String
    let population: Int

let paris = City(name: "Paris", population: 2243)
let madrid = City(name: "Madrid", population: 3216)
let amsterdam = City(name: "Amsterdam", population: 811)
let berlin = City(name: "Berlin", population: 3397)

let cities = [paris, madrid, amsterdam, berlin]

func scale(city: City) -> City {
    return City(name: city.name, population: city.population * 1000)

cities.filter({ city in city.population > 1000 }) .map(scale).reduce("City: Population") { 
    result, c in
        return result + "\n" + "\(c.name) : \(c.population)"


Generics vs. the Any Type 


generics can be used to define flexible functions, the types of which are still checked by the compiler; the Any type can be used to dodge Swift’s type system (and should be avoided whenever possible). 



func noOp<T>(x: T) -> T { 
    return x


func noOpAny(x: Any) -> Any { 
    return x


