Computers are generally started with the power on/off buttons. But in some cases, we may need to boot or start the computer from remote by using different techniques. Wake On LAN is a method that can start the computer from the network.
通常使用电源开/关按钮启动计算机。 但是在某些情况下,我们可能需要使用不同的技术从远程启动或启动计算机。 LAN唤醒是一种可以从网络启动计算机的方法。
(What Is Wake On LAN?)
Wake On Lan (WOL) is ea feature provided the network interface card and motherboard in order to boot a system over a network connection by sending special package which is called as Magic Packet
. The magic packets contains the remote system NIC MAC address where the remote system NIC is only listening to the network in low-power mode even the system is powered down. When the NIC receives the magical packet the NIC will signal the computer power supply or motherboard to wake-up or boot the system like pressing the power button.
局域网唤醒(WOL)是一项功能,它提供了网络接口卡和母板,以便通过发送称为Magic Packet
特殊程序包通过网络连接来引导系统。 魔术数据包包含远程系统NIC MAC地址,即使系统断电,远程系统NIC也仅以低功率模式侦听网络。 当NIC接收到神奇的数据包时,NIC将向计算机电源或主板发出信号,以唤醒或引导系统,就像按电源按钮一样。
(Wake On LAN Expressions)
魔术包(Magical Packet)
Magic Packet will trigger the start of a system remotely. Magical packet is a broadcast frame which works on OSI Layer 2 where it contains the remote system MAC address and FF
or 255 values for data.The first 6 bytes contains “FF FF FF FF FF FF” value and then the MAC address of the target system by repeating 16 times.
Magic Packet将远程触发系统启动。 魔术包是在OSI第2层上工作的广播帧,其中包含远程系统MAC地址和FF
或255个数据值。前6个字节包含“ FF FF FF FF FF FF FF”值,然后是目标的MAC地址系统重复16次。
In order to trigger the Wake On LAN features the following requirements should be met by a Magical Packet.
- Requires the destination or target system/computer MAC address.
- May require the SecureOn password.
- As broadcast mechanisms there is no confirmation about the Magical Packet delivery by the remote target system.
- The magical packet is only transmitted inside the Local Area Network and can not be routed outside of the current network
- The NIC should support the Wake On LAN to boot a computer remotely.NIC应该支持Wake On LAN来远程引导计算机。
(What On LAN Software List)
As a simple and useful protocol there are a lot of software which can trigger Wake On LAN. Below you can sing some of them. Also Wake On LAN can be easily implemented with some programming and scripting languages with the help of low level library support.
作为一种简单而有用的协议,有许多软件可以触发局域网唤醒。 在下面您可以唱歌。 此外,借助底层库支持,可以使用某些编程和脚本语言轻松实现Wake On LAN。
- SolarWinds Wake On LAN
- Teamviewer Wake On LAN FeatureTeamviewer唤醒局域网功能
- Depicus Wake On LAN Magic Packet ToolDepicus局域网魔术数据包唤醒工具
- Wake-on-LAN tool by OpUtilsOpUtils的局域网唤醒工具
- WakeMeOnLan by NirSoftNirSoft的WakeMeOnLan
- Wake On LAN (Magic Packet) HM Software
- Windows System Management Software By PointDevWindows系统管理软件,由PointDev提供
- Wakeup Tool唤醒工具
- Wake On LAN Mike Webb (Android)局域网唤醒Mike Webb(Android)
LEARN MORE Windows WMIC (Windows Management Interface Command) Tutorial with Examples
了解更多Windows WMIC(Windows管理界面命令)教程和示例
局域网唤醒支持(Wake On LAN Support)
Wake On LAN features is supported by the network interface card which is generally a ethernet card and motherboard. If the NIC and motherboard is manufactured in the past decade or so they will support the Wake On LAN features. The Wake On LAN is configured through the BIOS menu or the NIC firmware configuration.
网络接口卡(通常是以太网卡和主板)支持Wake On LAN功能。 如果NIC和主板是在过去十年左右的时间内制造的,则它们将支持Wake On LAN功能。 可通过BIOS菜单或NIC固件配置来配置Wake On LAN。
(Configure Wake On LAN On BIOS)
BIOS is the basic operating system for the computer or system hardware. The Wake On LAN features can be configured from the BIOS menu. In order to enter the BIOS menu use keys like “Delete”, “Escape”, “F2”, “F10” etc. in the power-on phase of the computer which will open the BIOS Setup Utility like below. Wae On LAN generally located in the “Power” options menu with names like “Wake Up on LAN”, “WOL”, “Power On By PCI” etc. The “Wake Up on LAN” features should be enabled like below.
BIOS是计算机或系统硬件的基本操作系统。 可以从BIOS菜单配置Wake On LAN功能。 为了进入BIOS菜单,在计算机开机阶段使用“ Delete”,“ Escape”,“ F2”,“ F10”等键,这将打开BIOS Setup Utility,如下所示。 Wae On LAN通常位于“电源”选项菜单中,其名称为“ Wake Up on LAN”,“ WOL”,“ Power by By PCI”等。“ Wake Up on LAN”功能应按以下方式启用。
Configure Wake On LAN On BIOS
On computers like HP, and ASUS the BIOS menu or tool can be a bit different like below.
Configure Wake On LAN On BIOS
But there are different type of BIOS software where the Wake On LAN configuration can be set from different menus or pages. So for more preciese and detailed information please take a look to the manuals.
但是有不同类型的BIOS软件,可以从不同的菜单或页面设置LAN唤醒配置。 因此,有关更详细的信息,请查看手册。
(Configure Wake On LAN On Windows)
In order to run Wake On LAN feature properly also the operating system should be configured via the Network interface card configuration like below. We will use the “Start Menu” in order to open “Device Manager” where we will access to the “Network Adapters”section. From the “Network Adapters” section we will right-click the NIC we want to configure which and select “Properties”.
为了正确运行Wake On LAN功能,还应通过如下所示的网络接口卡配置来配置操作系统。 我们将使用“开始菜单”来打开“设备管理器”,在这里我们将访问“网络适配器”部分。 在“网络适配器”部分,我们将右键单击我们要配置的NIC,然后选择“属性”。
The NIC properties window will be listed like below. There we will select the “Advanced” tab which provides detailed configuration about the NIC firmware. On the down the “Wake on Magic Packet” feature will be selected and the value will be set to the “Enabled”.
NIC属性窗口将如下列出。 在此处,我们将选择“高级”选项卡,其中提供了有关NIC固件的详细配置。 在下方,将选择“魔术包唤醒”功能,并将其值设置为“已启用”。
Configure Wake On LAN On Windows
在Linux上配置局域网唤醒(Configure Wake On LAN On Linux)
Linux operating systems and distributions provide different tools to configure Wake On LAN feature. Ubuntu and other Linux distributions provides the “ethtool” to configure NIC firmware. “ethtool” can be installed with the following commands.
Linux操作系统和发行版提供了不同的工具来配置Wake On LAN功能。 Ubuntu和其他Linux发行版提供了用于配置NIC固件的“ ethtool”。 可以使用以下命令安装“ ethtool”。
$sudo apt install ethtool
Or for RPM based distributions:
$ sudo yum install ethtool
Current configuration about the Wake On LAN can be listed with the following command. In this example the network interface card is named as “eth0” but it can be also “eht1”, “ens1” etc.
可以使用以下命令列出有关Wake On LAN的当前配置。 在此示例中,网络接口卡被命名为“ eth0”,但也可以是“ eht1”,“ ens1”等。
$ sudo ethtool eht0
We can enable the Wake On LAN feature with the -s
and wol
options like below.
$ sud ethtool -s eth0 wol g
(Configure Wake On LAN On MacOSX)
Apple operating system MacOSX provides the Wake On LAN feature configuration too. The Wake On LAN configuration is located in the “Energy Saver” section. First open the “System Preferences” and then select “Energy Saver”. There the configuration named “Wake for Network Access” is location which will be enabled by check checkbox.
Apple操作系统MacOSX也提供了“局域网唤醒”功能配置。 LAN唤醒配置位于“节能器”部分。 首先打开“系统偏好设置”,然后选择“节能器”。 此处名为“网络访问唤醒”的配置是将通过复选框启用的位置。
Configure Wake On LAN On MacOSX
从Windows唤醒局域网(Wake On LAN From Windows)
Windows operating system has a lot of alternative tools for the “Wake On LAN” tool. One of them which is very simple is “Wake On LAN – Magic Packet”. This tool requires the remote system MAC address and optional information like Internet Address, Subnet Mask, Send Options, and Remote Port Number. By clicking the “Wake Me Up” button the magic packet will be sent to the remote system.
Windows操作系统有许多“局域网唤醒”工具的替代工具。 其中一个非常简单的方法是“ Wake On LAN – Magic Packet”。 此工具需要远程系统MAC地址和可选信息,例如Internet地址,子网掩码,发送选项和远程端口号。 通过单击“唤醒我”按钮,魔术包将被发送到远程系统。
Wake On LAN From Windows
Alternatively following software can be used as a Wake On LAN tool or client.
- SolarWinds Wake On LAN
- Teamviewer Wake On LAN FeatureTeamviewer唤醒局域网功能
- Depicus Wake On LAN Magic Packet ToolDepicus局域网魔术数据包唤醒工具
- Wake-on-LAN tool by OpUtilsOpUtils的局域网唤醒工具
- WakeMeOnLan by NirSoftNirSoft的WakeMeOnLan
- Wake On LAN (Magic Packet) HM Software
- Windows System Management Software By PointDevWindows系统管理软件,由PointDev提供
- Wakeup Tool唤醒工具
LEARN MORE What Is My MAC Address Of Network Interface On Windows Or Linux?
(Wake On LAN From Linux)
Linux operating system and distributions provides different tools to trigger Wake On LAN feature. One of the most popular one if “ethernetwake” tool which can be installed for Ubuntu, Debian, Mint and Kali like below.
Linux操作系统和发行版提供了不同的工具来触发局域网唤醒功能。 可以安装在Ubuntu,Debian,Mint和Kali上的最受欢迎的if“ ethernetwake”工具之一,如下所示。
$ sudo apt install ehterwake
Following commands can be used for remote wake up with the “ether-wake” or “wakeonlan” command.
以下命令可通过“ ether-wake”或“ wakeonlan”命令用于远程唤醒。
$ wakeonlan xx:yy:zz:11:22:33
$ ether-wake xx:yy:zz:11:22:33
$ ether-wake -D xx:yy:zz:11:22:33
Alternative tools for Wake On LAN from Linux are like below.
- gWakeOnLAN
- wol
- wol_qtwol_qt
(Wake On LAN From MacOSX)
MacOS.X provides different tools as a Wake On LAN client. “WakeOnLAN” is the most popular one which provides GUI and some extra features. Similar to the Linux “wakeonlan” can be also used for MacOSX too. This tool can list information about LAN computers and current status and network information. Also scheduled wake up calls can be set up easily with GUI.
MacOS.X提供了不同的工具作为Wake On LAN客户端。 “ WakeOnLAN”是最受欢迎的一种,它提供GUI和一些其他功能。 与Linux类似,“ wakeonlan”也可以用于MacOSX。 该工具可以列出有关LAN计算机的信息以及当前状态和网络信息。 还可以使用GUI轻松设置预定的唤醒电话。
Wake On LAN From MacOSX
从Android唤醒局域网(Wake On LAN From Android)
Android provides the tools named “Wake On LAN by Mike Webb” and “Wol0n – Wake on LAN” tools which can be used to boot a computer from an Android smartphone easily. They provide features like Grouping, Network Search, SecureOn, CSV Import/Export etc.
Android提供了名为“ Mike Webb的LAN唤醒”和“ Wol0n – LAN唤醒”的工具,可用于轻松地从Android智能手机引导计算机。 它们提供了分组,网络搜索,SecureOn,CSV导入/导出等功能。
Wake On LAN by Mike Webb
Mike Webb的LAN唤醒
Wol0n – Wake on LAN
Wol0n –局域网唤醒
从iPhone / iOS / iPad唤醒局域网(Wake On LAN From iPhone/iOS/iPad)
iPhone and iOS platforms provides the “RemoteBoot WOL” tool in order to turn on remote system. As an alternative the “Wake Me Up – Wake-on-LAN” tool can be used too.
iPhone和iOS平台提供“ RemoteBoot WOL”工具以打开远程系统。 或者,也可以使用“唤醒我-局域网唤醒”工具。
(Wake On LAN From Python Script)
Python provides low level libraries which can be used for Wake On LAN magic packet creation. “wakeonlan” package can be installed with the following command which provides the “send_magic_packet”.
Python提供了低级库,可用于创建Wake On LAN魔术包。 可以使用提供“ send_magic_packet”的以下命令来安装“ wakeonlan”软件包。
$ pip install wakeonlan
and then magic packets can be sent with the send_magic_packet() function by providing the remote system MAC address or IP address like below.
send_magic_packet('ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff' , 'aa-bb-cc-11-22-33')