如何判断SharePoint Online 或 Office 365 E3 如何判断office版本_mac


如何判断SharePoint Online 或 Office 365 E3 如何判断office版本_mac_02

Many of us use Microsoft Office programs daily, but you may forget which version of Office you’re running. If you need to know which edition of Office you have, as well as which architecture (32-bit or 64-bit), we’ll show you how to quickly find this information on Windows and Mac.

我们许多人每天都使用Microsoft Office程序,但您可能会忘记正在运行的Office版本。 如果您需要了解所用的Office版本以及哪种体系结构(32位或64位),我们将向您展示如何在Windows和Mac上快速找到此信息。

Knowing which version of Office you have can be useful if you are downloading templates and Office add-ins, some of which only work with specific versions of Office.

如果要下载模板和Office加载项 (其中某些仅适用于特定版本的Office),则知道拥有哪个Office版本会很有用。

(Windows: Office 2013 and 2016)

Open one of the programs in Office, such as Word. If the ribbon looks similar to the following image (ribbon tabs with sharp corners), you are using either Office 2013 or 2016. If your ribbon looks different, skip to the next section.

在Office中打开其中一个程序,例如Word。 如果功能区看起来类似于下图(带有尖角的功能区选项卡),则说明您正在使用Office 2013或2016。如果功能区看起来不同,请跳至下一部分。

To find out more details about which version of Office 2013 or 2016 you are using, click the “File” tab.

要了解有关您使用哪个版本的Office 2013或2016的更多详细信息,请单击“文件”选项卡。

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On the backstage screen, click “Account” in the list of items on the left.


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On the right side of the Account screen, you’ll see which edition of Office you’re using and whether or not you have a subscription product. Under Office Updates, the exact version number and build number are listed. To find out whether your version of Office is 32-bit or 64-bit, click “About Word”.

在“帐户”屏幕的右侧,您将看到正在使用的Office版本以及是否有订阅产品。 在Office更新下,列出了确切的版本号和内部版本号。 要了解您的Office版本是32位还是64位,请单击“关于Word”。

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The version and build number are listed at the top of the About dialog box along with either “32-bit” or “64-bit”. Click “OK” to close the dialog box.

版本和内部版本号与“ 32位”或“ 64位”一起列在“关于”对话框的顶部。 单击“确定”关闭对话框。

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(Windows: Office 2010)

If the ribbon in your version of Office has tabs with corners that are not quite so sharp, you are likely using Office 2010. To find out more information about which version of Office 2010 you’re using, click the “File” tab.

如果您的Office版本中的功能区上的选项卡的边角不太尖,则可能是使用Office2010。要了解有关所使用的Office 2010版本的更多信息,请单击“文件”选项卡。

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On the File screen, click “Help” in the list of items on the left.


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On the right side of the File screen, you’ll see which edition of Office you’re running. Under About Microsoft Word (or other Office program), the exact version and build number is listed, along with whether the program is 32-bit or 64-bit. For even more information, click “Additional Version and Copyright Information”.

在“文件”屏幕的右侧,您将看到正在运行的Office版本。 在关于Microsoft Word(或其他Office程序)下,列出了确切的版本和内部版本号,以及该程序是32位还是64位。 有关更多信息,请单击“其他版本和版权信息”。

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You’ll see a dialog box with additional information about the current version of the program and your Product ID towards the bottom. Click “OK” to close the dialog box.

您将在底部看到一个对话框,其中包含有关程序当前版本和产品ID的其他信息。 单击“确定”关闭对话框。

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(Mac: Office 2016 or 2011)

If you’re using Office for Mac, open one of the Office programs, such as Word, and click on the Word (or Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) menu. Select “About Word”.

如果您使用的是Mac版Office,请打开Office程序之一,例如Word,然后单击Word(或Excel,PowerPoint等)菜单。 选择“关于Word”。

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The About Word (or Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) dialog box displays, listing the current version number and the build number. If you see Version 15.x, you’re using Office for Mac 2016. If you see Version 14.x, Office for Mac 2011 is what you’re using.

将显示关于Word(或Excel,PowerPoint等)对话框,其中列出了当前的版本号和内部版本号。 如果看到版本15.x,则说明您正在使用Office for Mac2016。如果看到版本14.x,则说明正在使用Office for Mac 2011。

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On the Mac, there is no choice between running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of the operating system, since the OS has been 64-bit for several years. Office for Mac 2011 was only available in a 32-bit version, and Office for Mac 2016 is now only available in a 64-bit version.

在Mac上,运行32位或64位版本的操作系统是没有选择的,因为该操作系统已经使用64位已有数年了。 Mac版Office 2011仅提供32位版本,而Mac版Office 2016现在仅提供64位版本。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/288001/how-to-find-out-which-version-of-microsoft-office-youre-using/
