
之前一篇文章《spark sql 在mysql的应用实践》 已经简单描述了spark sql 在我们的业务场景的实践、开发遇到的问题和集群的队列分配问题。这篇主要介绍spark dataset 的cache,了解其参数,基本原理和简单的源码分析。


实际开发过程中,有时候很多地方都会用到同一个dataset, 那么每个地方遇到Action操作的时候都会对同一个算子计算多次,这样会造成执行效率低下的问题,而通过cache操作可以把dataset持久化到内存或者磁盘,提高执行效率。

   * Persist this RDD with the default storage level (`MEMORY_ONLY`).
  def cache(): this.type = persist()
   * Persist this RDD with the default storage level (`MEMORY_ONLY`).
  def persist(): this.type = persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)

可以看到,cache只有一个默认的缓存级别MEMORY_ONLY ,而persist可以根据情况设置其它的缓存级别。


 * :: DeveloperApi ::
 * Flags for controlling the storage of an RDD. Each StorageLevel records whether to use memory,
 * or ExternalBlockStore, whether to drop the RDD to disk if it falls out of memory or
 * ExternalBlockStore, whether to keep the data in memory in a serialized format, and whether
 * to replicate the RDD partitions on multiple nodes.
 * The [[org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel$]] singleton object contains some static constants
 * for commonly useful storage levels. To create your own storage level object, use the
 * factory method of the singleton object (`StorageLevel(...)`).
class StorageLevel private(
    private var _useDisk: Boolean,
    private var _useMemory: Boolean,
    private var _useOffHeap: Boolean,
    private var _deserialized: Boolean,
    private var _replication: Int = 1)
  extends Externalizable


deserialized:反序列化,将对象表示成一连串的字节;而反序列化就表示将字节恢复为对象的过程。序列化是对象永久化的一种机制,可以将对象及其属性保存起来,并能在反序列化后直接恢复这个对象 。


 * Various [[org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel]] defined and utility functions for creating
 * new storage levels.
object StorageLevel {
  val NONE = new StorageLevel(false, false, false, false)
  val DISK_ONLY = new StorageLevel(true, false, false, false)
  val DISK_ONLY_2 = new StorageLevel(true, false, false, false, 2)
  val MEMORY_ONLY = new StorageLevel(false, true, false, true)
  val MEMORY_ONLY_2 = new StorageLevel(false, true, false, true, 2)
  val MEMORY_ONLY_SER = new StorageLevel(false, true, false, false)
  val MEMORY_ONLY_SER_2 = new StorageLevel(false, true, false, false, 2)
  val MEMORY_AND_DISK = new StorageLevel(true, true, false, true)
  val MEMORY_AND_DISK_2 = new StorageLevel(true, true, false, true, 2)
  val MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER = new StorageLevel(true, true, false, false)
  val MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2 = new StorageLevel(true, true, false, false, 2)
  val OFF_HEAP = new StorageLevel(true, true, true, false, 1)


dataset的cache由spark的storage模块进行管理,具体实现由BlockManager完成,在逻辑上dataset以block为基本存储单位,dataset的每个partition经过处理后唯一对应一个Block(BlockId 的格式为 rdd_RDD-ID_PARTITION-ID ),根据设置的级不同,block可以存储在磁盘/堆内内存/堆外内存,在实现上,BlockManager用一个LinkedHashMap来管理堆内和堆外存储内存中所有的 Block 对象的实例,只有在dataset的所有block都remove完之后,在driver端的jvm才会释放对dataset的对象引用。

 * Component of the [[BlockManager]] which tracks metadata for blocks and manages block locking.
 * The locking interface exposed by this class is readers-writer lock. Every lock acquisition is
 * automatically associated with a running task and locks are automatically released upon task
 * completion or failure.
 * This class is thread-safe.
private[storage] class BlockInfoManager extends Logging {

  private type TaskAttemptId = Long

   * Used to look up metadata for individual blocks. Entries are added to this map via an atomic
   * set-if-not-exists operation ([[lockNewBlockForWriting()]]) and are removed
   * by [[removeBlock()]].
  private[this] val infos = new mutable.HashMap[BlockId, BlockInfo]

LinkedHashMap 的新增和删除间接记录了内存的申请和释放,

   * Attempt to acquire the appropriate lock for writing a new block.
   * This enforces the first-writer-wins semantics. If we are the first to write the block,
   * then just go ahead and acquire the write lock. Otherwise, if another thread is already
   * writing the block, then we wait for the write to finish before acquiring the read lock.
   * @return true if the block did not already exist, false otherwise. If this returns false, then
   *         a read lock on the existing block will be held. If this returns true, a write lock on
   *         the new block will be held.
  def lockNewBlockForWriting(
      blockId: BlockId,
      newBlockInfo: BlockInfo): Boolean = synchronized {
    logTrace(s"Task $currentTaskAttemptId trying to put $blockId")
    lockForReading(blockId) match {
      case Some(info) =>
        // Block already exists. This could happen if another thread races with us to compute
        // the same block. In this case, just keep the read lock and return.
      case None =>
        // Block does not yet exist or is removed, so we are free to acquire the write lock
        infos(blockId) = newBlockInfo
   * Removes the given block and releases the write lock on it.
   * This can only be called while holding a write lock on the given block.
  def removeBlock(blockId: BlockId): Unit = synchronized {
    logTrace(s"Task $currentTaskAttemptId trying to remove block $blockId")
    infos.get(blockId) match {
      case Some(blockInfo) =>
        if (blockInfo.writerTask != currentTaskAttemptId) {
          throw new IllegalStateException(
            s"Task $currentTaskAttemptId called remove() on block $blockId without a write lock")
        } else {
          blockInfo.readerCount = 0
          blockInfo.writerTask = BlockInfo.NO_WRITER
          writeLocksByTask.removeBinding(currentTaskAttemptId, blockId)
      case None =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          s"Task $currentTaskAttemptId called remove() on non-existent block $blockId")


 * Spark executor, backed by a threadpool to run tasks.
 * This can be used with Mesos, YARN, and the standalone scheduler.
 * An internal RPC interface is used for communication with the driver,
 * except in the case of Mesos fine-grained mode.
private[spark] class Executor(
    executorId: String,
    executorHostname: String,
    env: SparkEnv,
    userClassPath: Seq[URL] = Nil,
    isLocal: Boolean = false)
  extends Logging {

  logInfo(s"Starting executor ID $executorId on host $executorHostname")

  // Application dependencies (added through SparkContext) that we've fetched so far on this node.
  // Each map holds the master's timestamp for the version of that file or JAR we got.
  private val currentFiles: HashMap[String, Long] = new HashMap[String, Long]()
  private val currentJars: HashMap[String, Long] = new HashMap[String, Long]()

  private val EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER = ByteBuffer.wrap(new Array[Byte](0))

  private val conf = env.conf

  // No ip or host:port - just hostname
  Utils.checkHost(executorHostname, "Expected executed slave to be a hostname")
  // must not have port specified.
  assert (0 == Utils.parseHostPort(executorHostname)._2)

  // Make sure the local hostname we report matches the cluster scheduler's name for this host

  if (!isLocal) {
    // Setup an uncaught exception handler for non-local mode.
    // Make any thread terminations due to uncaught exceptions kill the entire
    // executor process to avoid surprising stalls.

  // Start worker thread pool
  private val threadPool = ThreadUtils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool("Executor task launch worker")
  private val executorSource = new ExecutorSource(threadPool, executorId)

BlockInfo 源码:

 * Tracks metadata for an individual block.
 * Instances of this class are _not_ thread-safe and are protected by locks in the
 * [[BlockInfoManager]].
 * @param level the block's storage level. This is the requested persistence level, not the
 *              effective storage level of the block (i.e. if this is MEMORY_AND_DISK, then this
 *              does not imply that the block is actually resident in memory).
 * @param classTag the block's [[ClassTag]], used to select the serializer
 * @param tellMaster whether state changes for this block should be reported to the master. This
 *                   is true for most blocks, but is false for broadcast blocks.
private[storage] class BlockInfo(
    val level: StorageLevel,
    val classTag: ClassTag[_],
    val tellMaster: Boolean) {

   * The size of the block (in bytes)
  def size: Long = _size
  def size_=(s: Long): Unit = {
    _size = s
  private[this] var _size: Long = 0

   * The number of times that this block has been locked for reading.
  def readerCount: Int = _readerCount
  def readerCount_=(c: Int): Unit = {
    _readerCount = c
  private[this] var _readerCount: Int = 0

   * The task attempt id of the task which currently holds the write lock for this block, or
   * [[BlockInfo.NON_TASK_WRITER]] if the write lock is held by non-task code, or
   * [[BlockInfo.NO_WRITER]] if this block is not locked for writing.
  def writerTask: Long = _writerTask
  def writerTask_=(t: Long): Unit = {
    _writerTask = t
  private[this] var _writerTask: Long = BlockInfo.NO_WRITER

  private def checkInvariants(): Unit = {
    // A block's reader count must be non-negative:
    assert(_readerCount >= 0)
    // A block is either locked for reading or for writing, but not for both at the same time:
    assert(_readerCount == 0 || _writerTask == BlockInfo.NO_WRITER)




spark sql 减少小时_Boo

  • 在缓存dataset到内存之前,我们读取dataset 的partition的每行record的,些 Record 的对象实例在逻辑上占用了 JVM 堆内内存的 other 部分的空间,同一 Partition 的不同 Record 的空间并不连续。RDD 在缓存到存储内存之后,Partition 被转换成 Block,Record 在堆内或堆外存储内存中占用一块连续的空间。将Partition由不连续的存储空间转换为连续存储空间的过程,Spark称之为”展开”(Unroll)。
  • Block 有序列化和非序列化两种存储格式,具体以哪种方式取决于该 RDD 的存储级别。非序列化的 Block 以一种 DeserializedMemoryEntry 的数据结构定义,用一个数组存储所有的对象实例,序列化的 Block 则以 SerializedMemoryEntry的数据结构定义,用字节缓冲区(ByteBuffer)来存储二进制数据。
  • 因为不能保证存储空间可以一次容纳 Iterator 中的所有数据,当前的计算任务在 Unroll 时要向 MemoryManager 申请足够的 Unroll 空间来临时占位,空间不足则 Unroll 失败,空间足够时可以继续进行。对于序列化的 Partition,其所需的 Unroll 空间可以直接累加计算,一次申请。而非序列化的 Partition 则要在遍历 Record 的过程中依次申请,即每读取一条 Record,采样估算其所需的 Unroll 空间并进行申请,空间不足时可以中断,释放已占用的 Unroll 空间。如果最终 Unroll 成功,当前 Partition 所占用的 Unroll 空间被转换为正常的缓存 RDD 的存储空间,如下图所示:
  • spark sql 减少小时_大数据_02

  • 由于同一个 Executor 的所有的计算任务共享有限的存储内存空间,当有新的 Block 需要缓存但是剩余空间不足且无法动态占用时,就要对 LinkedHashMap 中的旧 Block 进行淘汰,而被淘汰的 Block 如果其存储级别中同时包含存储到磁盘的要求,则要对其进行落盘,否则直接删除该 Block,按照最近最少使用(LRU)的顺序淘汰,直到满足新 Block 所需的空间。



对于cache之后的dataset,在executor执行过程中会以最近最少使用的(LRU)方式丢弃旧数据分区,如果确认数据不使用,可以使用dataset.unpersist()方式释放内存,但这只是将remove rdd block的消息发到drive 与executor的执行队列,并非立即执行,所以要避免大量的rdd、dataset同时remove造成通讯队列阻塞。

   * SparkContext.scala
   * Unpersist an RDD from memory and/or disk storage
  private[spark] def unpersistRDD(rddId: Int, blocking: Boolean = true) {
    env.blockManager.master.removeRdd(rddId, blocking)

以上是我对dataset cache的了解和对参考资料的整理,欢迎批评指正。