

一 、String类 

在java.lang包中,此类被final修饰,表示String的对象是不可变量。String类实现了Serizlizable,Comparable, CharSequence接口。 


Comparable接口只有一个compareTo(T o)方法。 

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CharSequence接口有length(),charAt(int index),subSequence(int start,int end),toString()方法。 



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package jdk;

import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class Stringstr {
    private final char value[];
    private int hash; 

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6849794470754667710L;
    public String() {
        this.value = new char[0];
    public String(String original) {
            this.value = original.value;
            this.hash = original.hash;
    public String(char value[]) {
            this.value = Arrays.copyOf(value, value.length);
    public String(char value[], int offset, int count) {
            if (offset < 0) {
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset);
            if (count < 0) {
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(count);
            // Note: offset or count might be near -1>>>1.
            if (offset > value.length - count) {
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset + count);
            this.value = Arrays.copyOfRange(value, offset, offset+count);
     public String(int[] codePoints, int offset, int count) {
            if (offset < 0) {
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset);
            if (count < 0) {
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(count);
            // Note: offset or count might be near -1>>>1.
            if (offset > codePoints.length - count) {
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset + count);

            final int end = offset + count;

            // Pass 1: Compute precise size of char[]
            int n = count;
            for (int i = offset; i < end; i++) {
                int c = codePoints[i];
                if (Character.isBmpCodePoint(c))
                else if (Character.isValidCodePoint(c))
                else throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(c));

            // Pass 2: Allocate and fill in char[]
            final char[] v = new char[n];

            for (int i = offset, j = 0; i < end; i++, j++) {
                int c = codePoints[i];
                if (Character.isBmpCodePoint(c))
                    v[j] = (char)c;
                    Character.toSurrogates(c, v, j++);

            this.value = v;
     private static void checkBounds(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
            if (length < 0)
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(length);
            if (offset < 0)
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset);
            if (offset > bytes.length - length)
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset + length);

     public String(StringBuffer buffer) {
            synchronized(buffer) {
                this.value = Arrays.copyOf(buffer.getValue(), buffer.length());
      public String(StringBuilder builder) {
            this.value = Arrays.copyOf(builder.getValue(), builder.length());

      public int length() {
            return value.length;
      public boolean isEmpty() {
            return value.length == 0;
      public char charAt(int index) {
            if ((index < 0) || (index >= value.length)) {
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
            return value[index];
      public int codePointAt(int index) {
            if ((index < 0) || (index >= value.length)) {
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
            return Character.codePointAtImpl(value, index, value.length);
      public int codePointBefore(int index) {
            int i = index - 1;
            if ((i < 0) || (i >= value.length)) {
                throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
            return Character.codePointBeforeImpl(value, index, 0);
      public int codePointCount(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
            if (beginIndex < 0 || endIndex > value.length || beginIndex > endIndex) {
                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
            return Character.codePointCountImpl(value, beginIndex, endIndex - beginIndex);
      public boolean equals(Object anObject) {
            if (this == anObject) {
                return true;
            if (anObject instanceof String) {
                String anotherString = (String) anObject;
                int n = value.length;
                if (n == anotherString.value.length) {
                    char v1[] = value;
                    char v2[] = anotherString.value;
                    int i = 0;
                    while (n-- != 0) {
                        if (v1[i] != v2[i])
                                return false;
                    return true;
            return false;
      public int compareTo(String anotherString) {
            int len1 = value.length;
            int len2 = anotherString.value.length;
            int lim = Math.min(len1, len2);
            char v1[] = value;
            char v2[] = anotherString.value;

            int k = 0;
            while (k < lim) {
                char c1 = v1[k];
                char c2 = v2[k];
                if (c1 != c2) {
                    return c1 - c2;
            return len1 - len2;
      public int hashCode() {
            int h = hash;
            if (h == 0 && value.length > 0) {
                char val[] = value;

                for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
                    h = 31 * h + val[i];
                hash = h;
            return h;
      public boolean startsWith(String prefix, int toffset) {
            char ta[] = value;
            int to = toffset;
            char pa[] = prefix.value;
            int po = 0;
            int pc = prefix.value.length;
            // Note: toffset might be near -1>>>1.
            if ((toffset < 0) || (toffset > value.length - pc)) {
                return false;
            while (--pc >= 0) {
                if (ta[to++] != pa[po++]) {
                    return false;
            return true;
      public String concat(String str) {
            int otherLen = str.length();
            if (otherLen == 0) {
                return this;
            int len = value.length;
            char buf[] = Arrays.copyOf(value, len + otherLen);
            str.getChars(buf, len);
            return new String(buf, true);
      public String replace(char oldChar, char newChar) {
            if (oldChar != newChar) {
                int len = value.length;
                int i = -1;
                char[] val = value; /* avoid getfield opcode */

                while (++i < len) {
                    if (val[i] == oldChar) {
                if (i < len) {
                    char buf[] = new char[len];
                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
                        buf[j] = val[j];
                    while (i < len) {
                        char c = val[i];
                        buf[i] = (c == oldChar) ? newChar : c;
                    return new String(buf, true);
            return this;
      public String trim() {
            int len = value.length;
            int st = 0;
            char[] val = value;    /* avoid getfield opcode */

            while ((st < len) && (val[st] <= ' ')) {
            while ((st < len) && (val[len - 1] <= ' ')) {
            return ((st > 0) || (len < value.length)) ? substring(st, len) : this;

