#coding:utf-8   #是用来指定文件编码为utf-8的
 import os
 import codecs#涉及到文件目录有中文日文英文,其ASCII格式不一样 from tkinter import *
 from tkinter import messagebox   #导入tkMessageBox
 from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory     #返回文件夹路径,不是文件路径使用
 import tkinter.filedialog
 import tkinter.messagebox
 import tkinter as tk
 from tkinter import ttkimport re 
 import time #定时使用 #以下是将docx文件转为doc文件实用。需要调用office中的API
 import win32com
 from win32com.client import Dispatch
 import shutil from PIL import Image,ImageTk
 import traceback import shutil   #实现文件的复制
 class Application(Frame):
     filename2 = ''
     filename3 = ''
     WordApp =''
     ButtonLSX = ['']
     CAN_ID = ''
     byteL = 0
     byteH = 0
     combox = ('762',)
          def __init__(self,master = None):
         self.grid(row = 0,column = 5)
         self.path2 = StringVar()#先在此处定义,在函数selectDocx()被调用时赋值
         self.path3 = StringVar()#先在此处定义,在函数selectDocx()被调用时赋值
         self.path4 = StringVar()#先在此处定义,在函数selectDocx()被调用时赋值        self.txt1 =StringVar()
         self.txt2 =StringVar()
         self.txt3 =StringVar()
         self.txt4 =StringVar()
         self.txt5 =StringVar()
         self.txt6 =StringVar()
         self.txt7 =StringVar()
         self.txt8 =StringVar()
         self.abs = StringVar()
         self.sas = StringVar()
         self.CanID = StringVar() #can id 下拉菜单
     def createWidgets(self):
         global ButtonLS
         self.DocxPathLabel = Label(self,text = "选择CAN CFG 文件", bg = '#f0fff0',height = 1,width = 18)
         self.DocxPathLabel.grid(row = 0, column = 0,pady = 5,sticky=N+S+N+S)  #sticky=N+S上下对齐
         self.DocxPathEntry = Entry(self, textvariable = self.path2,bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red') #entry 的text属性不可以设置文本格式,在Entry中设定初始值,使用textvariable将变量与Entry绑定
         self.DocxPathEntry.grid(row = 0, column = 1,columnspan =8,pady = 5,sticky=N+S+W+E)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离
         self.ProButton = Button(self, text = "cfg文件选择", bg = '#fff8dc',height = 1,width = 13,command = self.selectDocx)
         self.ProButton.grid(row = 0, column = 9,pady = 5,sticky=N+S+W+E)        #设置Can Id
         #self.Get_CanId_Label = Label(self,text = "Can Id", bg = '#f0fff0',height = 1,width = 6)
         #self.Get_CanId_Label.grid(row = 1, column = 0,pady = 5,sticky=E)  #sticky=N+S上下对齐
         ##self.Get_CanId_Entry = Entry(self, textvariable = self.path3,width = 10,fg ='red',bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red')
         ##self.Get_CanId_Entry.grid(row = 1, column = 1,columnspan =8,pady = 5,sticky=W+N+S)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离
         #self.Get_CanId_Entry.insert(0,'输入Can Id')
         ##self.Get_CanID_Button = Button(self, text = "设置CanID", fg='red',bg = '#fff8dc',height = 1,command = self.getCanId)
         ##self.Get_CanID_Button.grid(row = 1, column = 3,columnspan =2,pady = 5,sticky=N+S+W+E)        """
         options = ['8','9','7','6','3']
         self.CanIDchose = OptionMenu(self, self.CanID,*options)
         #self.CanIDchose['values'] = (12,6,3,4,5)
         self.CanIDchose.grid(row = 15, column = 3,columnspan =2,pady = 5,sticky=N+S+W+E)
         #self.Get_CanId_Label = Label(self,text = "选择Can Id", bg =  'orange',fg = 'red',height = 1,width = 6)
         #self.Get_CanId_Label.grid(row = 1, column = 9,pady = 5,sticky=N+S+W+E)  #sticky=N+S上下对齐
         self.CanIDchose = ttk.Combobox(self, textvariable = self.CanID,width = 5)        f = open(r'.\cfg\CAN协议总结.cfg')          
         for line in f:
             if line[5:10] =="CANID":
                 self.combox = self.combox + (line[11:14],)
         self.combox = tuple(set(self.combox))  #去重
         self.CanIDchose['values'] = sorted(self.combox)  #sorted 只能排序字符串
         self.CanIDchose.grid(row = 1, column = 9,columnspan =1,pady = 5,sticky=N+S+E)
         self.Get_CanID_Button = Button(self, text = "设置CanID", fg='red',bg = 'pink',height = 1,width = 8,command = self.getCanId)
         self.Get_CanID_Button.grid(row = 1, column = 10,columnspan =1,pady = 5,sticky=N+S)        self.Write_File = Button(self, text = "写入txt", fg='blue',bg = 'pink',height = 1,width = 9,command = self.WriteFile)
         self.Write_File.grid(row = 1, column = 11,columnspan =1,pady = 5,sticky=N+S+W)
         self.canvas1 = Canvas(self, width = 900, height = 600, bg = "#f0fff0")
         load1 = Image.open(r".\cfg\sys")
         render1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(load1)
         img1 = load1.resize((int(load1.size[0]/3*2),int(load1.size[1]/3*2)),Image.ANTIALIAS)
         render1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img1)
         self.canvas1.image =render1  #这里会让图片显示出来
         self.canvas1.create_image(412,200,image = render1)  #中心位置
         self.canvas1.grid(row = 13, column = 1,columnspan=8,sticky=W+E)
                 #64bit button set        fg='blue',bg = '#ff0000'
         self.Button0 = Button(self, text = "0",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(0))
         self.Button0.grid(row = 4, column = 8,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button1 = Button(self, text = "1",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(1))
         self.Button1.grid(row = 4, column = 7,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button2 = Button(self, text = "2",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(2))
         self.Button2.grid(row = 4, column = 6,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button3 = Button(self, text = "3",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(3))
         self.Button3.grid(row = 4, column = 5,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button4 = Button(self, text = "4",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(4))
         self.Button4.grid(row = 4, column = 4,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)                
         self.Button5 = Button(self, text = "5",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(5))
         self.Button5.grid(row = 4, column = 3,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button6 = Button(self, text = "6",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(6))
         self.Button6.grid(row = 4, column = 2,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button7 = Button(self, text = "7",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(7))
         self.Button7.grid(row = 4, column = 1,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button8 = Button(self, text = "8",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(8))
         self.Button8.grid(row = 5, column = 8,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button9 = Button(self, text = "9",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(9))
         self.Button9.grid(row = 5, column = 7,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button10 = Button(self, text = "10",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(10))
         self.Button10.grid(row = 5, column = 6,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button11 = Button(self, text = "11",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(11))
         self.Button11.grid(row = 5, column = 5,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button12 = Button(self, text = "12",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(12))
         self.Button12.grid(row = 5, column = 4,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button13 = Button(self, text = "13",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(13))
         self.Button13.grid(row = 5, column = 3,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button14 = Button(self, text = "14",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(14))
         self.Button14.grid(row = 5, column = 2,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)                
         self.Button15 = Button(self, text = "15",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(15))
         self.Button15.grid(row = 5, column = 1,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button16 = Button(self, text = "16",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(16))
         self.Button16.grid(row = 6, column = 8,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button17 = Button(self, text = "17",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(17))
         self.Button17.grid(row = 6, column = 7,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button18 = Button(self, text = "18",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(18))
         self.Button18.grid(row = 6, column = 6,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button19 = Button(self, text = "19",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(19))
         self.Button19.grid(row = 6, column = 5,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button20 = Button(self, text = "20",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(20))
         self.Button20.grid(row = 6, column = 4,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button21 = Button(self, text = "21",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(21))
         self.Button21.grid(row = 6, column = 3,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button22 = Button(self, text = "22",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(22))
         self.Button22.grid(row = 6, column = 2,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button23 = Button(self, text = "23",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(23))
         self.Button23.grid(row = 6, column = 1,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button24 = Button(self, text = "24",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(24))
         self.Button24.grid(row = 7, column = 8,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)                
         self.Button25 = Button(self, text = "25",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(25))
         self.Button25.grid(row = 7, column = 7,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button26 = Button(self, text = "26",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(26))
         self.Button26.grid(row = 7, column = 6,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button27 = Button(self, text = "27",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(27))
         self.Button27.grid(row = 7, column = 5,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button28 = Button(self, text = "28",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(28))
         self.Button28.grid(row = 7, column = 4,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button29 = Button(self, text = "29",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(29))
         self.Button29.grid(row = 7, column = 3,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button30 = Button(self, text = "30",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(30))
         self.Button30.grid(row = 7, column = 2,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button31 = Button(self, text = "31",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(31))
         self.Button31.grid(row = 7, column = 1,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button32 = Button(self, text = "32",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(32))
         self.Button32.grid(row = 8, column = 8,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button33 = Button(self, text = "33",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(33))
         self.Button33.grid(row = 8, column = 7,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button34 = Button(self, text = "34",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(34))
         self.Button34.grid(row = 8, column = 6,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)                
         self.Button35 = Button(self, text = "35",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(35))
         self.Button35.grid(row = 8, column = 5,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button36 = Button(self, text = "36",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(36))
         self.Button36.grid(row = 8, column = 4,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button37 = Button(self, text = "37",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(37))
         self.Button37.grid(row = 8, column = 3,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button38 = Button(self, text = "38",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(38))
         self.Button38.grid(row = 8, column = 2,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button39 = Button(self, text = "39",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(39))
         self.Button39.grid(row = 8, column = 1,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button40 = Button(self, text = "40",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(40))
         self.Button40.grid(row = 9, column = 8,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button41 = Button(self, text = "41",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(41))
         self.Button41.grid(row = 9, column = 7,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button42 = Button(self, text = "42",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(42))
         self.Button42.grid(row = 9, column = 6,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button43 = Button(self, text = "43",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(43))
         self.Button43.grid(row = 9, column = 5,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button44 = Button(self, text = "44",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(44))
         self.Button44.grid(row = 9, column = 4,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)                
         self.Button45 = Button(self, text = "45",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(45))
         self.Button45.grid(row = 9, column = 3,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button46 = Button(self, text = "46",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(46))
         self.Button46.grid(row = 9, column = 2,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button47 = Button(self, text = "47",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(47))
         self.Button47.grid(row = 9, column = 1,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button48 = Button(self, text = "48",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(48))
         self.Button48.grid(row = 10, column = 8,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button49 = Button(self, text = "49",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(49))
         self.Button49.grid(row = 10, column = 7,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
                self.Button50 = Button(self, text = "50",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(50))
         self.Button50.grid(row = 10, column = 6,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button51 = Button(self, text = "51",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(51))
         self.Button51.grid(row = 10, column = 5,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button52 = Button(self, text = "52",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(52))
         self.Button52.grid(row = 10, column = 4,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button53 = Button(self, text = "53",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(53))
         self.Button53.grid(row = 10, column = 3,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button54 = Button(self, text = "54",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(54))
         self.Button54.grid(row = 10, column = 2,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)                
         self.Button55 = Button(self, text = "55",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(55))
         self.Button55.grid(row = 10, column = 1,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button56 = Button(self, text = "56",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(56))
         self.Button56.grid(row = 11, column = 8,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button57 = Button(self, text = "57",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(57))
         self.Button57.grid(row = 11, column = 7,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button58 = Button(self, text = "58",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(58))
         self.Button58.grid(row = 11, column = 6,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button59 = Button(self, text = "59",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(59))
         self.Button59.grid(row = 11, column = 5,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button60 = Button(self, text = "60",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(60))
         self.Button60.grid(row = 11, column = 4,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button61 = Button(self, text = "61",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(61))
         self.Button61.grid(row = 11, column = 3,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button62 = Button(self, text = "62",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(62))
         self.Button62.grid(row = 11, column = 2,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button63 = Button(self, text = "63",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = 'green',cursor = "heart",command = lambda :self.bit_info(63))
         self.Button63.grid(row = 11, column = 1,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)         self.Button64 = Button(self, text = "1\nbit 0",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button64.grid(row = 12, column = 8,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button65 = Button(self, text = "2\nbit 1",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button65.grid(row = 12, column = 7,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button66 = Button(self, text = "4\nbit 2",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button66.grid(row = 12, column = 6,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button67 = Button(self, text = "8\nbit 3",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button67.grid(row = 12, column = 5,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button68 = Button(self, text = "1\nbit 4",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button68.grid(row = 12, column = 4,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button69 = Button(self, text = "2\nbit 5",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button69.grid(row = 12, column = 3,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button70 = Button(self, text = "4\nbit 6",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button70.grid(row = 12, column = 2,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button71 = Button(self, text = "8\nbit 7",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button71.grid(row = 12, column = 1,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)       
                 self.Button72 = Button(self, text = "H← Byte0 →L",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button72.grid(row = 4, column = 0,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S+E)        self.Button73 = Button(self, text = "H← Byte1 →L",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button73.grid(row = 5, column = 0,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S+E)        self.Button74 = Button(self, text = "H← Byte2 →L",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button74.grid(row = 6, column = 0,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S+E)
         self.Button75 = Button(self, text = "H← Byte3 →L",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button75.grid(row = 7, column = 0,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S+E)
         self.Button76 = Button(self, text = "H← Byte4 →L",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button76.grid(row = 8, column = 0,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S+E)        self.Button77 = Button(self, text = "H← Byte5 →L",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button77.grid(row = 9, column = 0,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S+E)
         self.Button78 = Button(self, text = "H← Byte6 →L",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button78.grid(row = 10, column = 0,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S+E)        self.Button79 = Button(self, text = "H← Byte7 →L",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'yellow',cursor = "heart",state = DISABLED,command = self.helpdoc)
         self.Button79.grid(row = 11, column = 0,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S+E)         self.Button80 = Button(self, text = "bit to byte→0x",height = 1,width = 12,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'cyan',cursor = "heart",command = self.bitToByte1)
         self.Button80.grid(row = 4, column = 9,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button81 = Button(self, text = "bit to byte→0x",height = 1,width = 12,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'cyan',cursor = "heart",command = self.bitToByte2)
         self.Button81.grid(row = 5, column = 9,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button82 = Button(self, text = "bit to byte→0x",height = 1,width = 12,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'cyan',cursor = "heart",command = self.bitToByte3)
         self.Button82.grid(row = 6, column = 9,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button83 = Button(self, text = "bit to byte→0x",height = 1,width = 12,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'cyan',cursor = "heart",command = self.bitToByte4)
         self.Button83.grid(row = 7, column = 9,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button84 = Button(self, text = "bit to byte→0x",height = 1,width = 12,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'cyan',cursor = "heart",command = self.bitToByte5)
         self.Button84.grid(row = 8, column = 9,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button77 = Button(self, text = "bit to byte→0x",height = 1,width = 12,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'cyan',cursor = "heart",command = self.bitToByte6)
         self.Button77.grid(row = 9, column = 9,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button85 = Button(self, text = "bit to byte→0x",height = 1,width = 12,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'cyan',cursor = "heart",command = self.bitToByte7)
         self.Button85.grid(row = 10, column = 9,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button86 = Button(self, text = "bit to byte→0x",height = 1,width = 12,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'cyan',cursor = "heart",command = self.bitToByte8)
         self.Button86.grid(row = 11, column = 9,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button87 = Button(self, text = "←byte to bit",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'gray',cursor = "heart",command = self.byteToBit1)
         self.Button87.grid(row = 4, column = 10,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button88 = Button(self, text = "←byte to bit",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'gray',cursor = "heart",command = self.byteToBit2)
         self.Button88.grid(row = 5, column = 10,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button89 = Button(self, text = "←byte to bit",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'gray',cursor = "heart",command = self.byteToBit3)
         self.Button89.grid(row = 6, column = 10,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button90 = Button(self, text = "←byte to bit",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'gray',cursor = "heart",command = self.byteToBit4)
         self.Button90.grid(row = 7, column = 10,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button91 = Button(self, text = "←byte to bit",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'gray',cursor = "heart",command = self.byteToBit5)
         self.Button91.grid(row = 8, column = 10,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button92 = Button(self, text = "←byte to bit",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'gray',cursor = "heart",command = self.byteToBit6)
         self.Button92.grid(row = 9, column = 10,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)
         self.Button93 = Button(self, text = "←byte to bit",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'gray',cursor = "heart",command = self.byteToBit7)
         self.Button93.grid(row = 10, column = 10,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button94 = Button(self, text = "←byte to bit",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'gray',cursor = "heart",command = self.byteToBit8)
         self.Button94.grid(row = 11, column = 10,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        #速度和方向盘转角计算####################################################################################################################################
         self.Button95 = Button(self, text = "↑sped to byte",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'olive',cursor = "heart",command = self.SpeedTobyte)
         self.Button95.grid(row = 14, column = 11,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button96 = Button(self, text = "byte to sped↓",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'cyan',cursor = "heart",command = self.byteToSpeed)
         self.Button96.grid(row = 14, column = 14,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S+E)        self.Button97 = Button(self, text = "↑angle to byte",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'olive',cursor = "heart",command = self.AngleTobyte)
         self.Button97.grid(row = 15, column = 11,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S)        self.Button98 = Button(self, text = "byte to angle↓",height = 1,width = 10,relief=FLAT,fg='red',bg = 'cyan',cursor = "heart",command = self.byteToAngle)
         self.Button98.grid(row = 15, column = 14,pady = 5,padx =5,sticky=N+S+E)
         ###########################################################################################################################################################        self.Etxt1 = Entry(self, textvariable = self.txt1,width = 10,fg ='red',bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red')
         self.Etxt1.grid(row = 4, column = 11,columnspan =8,pady = 5,sticky=W+N+S)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离        self.Etxt2 = Entry(self, textvariable = self.txt2,width = 10,fg ='red',bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red')
         self.Etxt2.grid(row = 5, column = 11,columnspan =8,pady = 5,sticky=W+N+S)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离
         self.Etxt3 = Entry(self, textvariable = self.txt3,width = 10,fg ='red',bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red')
         self.Etxt3.grid(row = 6, column = 11,columnspan =8,pady = 5,sticky=W+N+S)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离
         self.Etxt4 = Entry(self, textvariable = self.txt4,width = 10,fg ='red',bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red')
         self.Etxt4.grid(row = 7, column = 11,columnspan =8,pady = 5,sticky=W+N+S)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离
         self.Etxt5 = Entry(self, textvariable = self.txt5,width = 10,fg ='red',bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red')
         self.Etxt5.grid(row = 8, column = 11,columnspan =8,pady = 5,sticky=W+N+S)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离
         self.Etxt6 = Entry(self, textvariable = self.txt6,width = 10,fg ='red',bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red')
         self.Etxt6.grid(row = 9, column = 11,columnspan =8,pady = 5,sticky=W+N+S)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离
         self.Etxt7 = Entry(self, textvariable = self.txt7,width = 10,fg ='red',bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red')
         self.Etxt7.grid(row = 10, column = 11,columnspan =8,pady = 5,sticky=W+N+S)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离
         self.Etxt8 = Entry(self, textvariable = self.txt8,width = 10,fg ='red',bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red')
         self.Etxt8.grid(row = 11, column = 11,columnspan =8,pady = 5,sticky=W+N+S)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离
        self.Eabs = Entry(self, textvariable = self.abs,width = 10,fg ='red',bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red')
         self.Eabs.grid(row = 14, column = 12,columnspan =1,pady = 5,sticky=W+N+S)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离        self.Esas = Entry(self, textvariable = self.sas,width = 10,fg ='red',bg = '#f0fff0',selectbackground  = 'red')
         self.Esas.grid(row = 15, column = 12,columnspan =1,pady = 5,sticky=W+N+S)#padx=2,与前一个控件水平距离        self.absLabel = Label(self,text = "速度计算Km/h:(double)Byte*0.05625", bg = 'lime',height = 1,width = 30)
         self.absLabel.grid(row = 14, column = 8,pady = 5,columnspan =3,sticky=N+S+N+S)  #sticky=N+S上下对齐
         self.sasLabel = Label(self,text = "角度计算:((double)Byte/16-2048)/14", bg = 'lime',height = 1,width = 30)
         self.sasLabel.grid(row = 15, column = 8,pady = 5,columnspan =3,sticky=N+S+N+S)  #sticky=N+S上下对齐         ###########################################################################################################################################################
         self.HelpButton = Button(self, text = "Help",height = 1,width = 3,relief=FLAT,fg='blue',bg = '#ff0000',cursor = "heart",command = self.helpdoc)
         self.HelpButton.grid(row = 28, column = 18,pady = 5,sticky=E)         ButtonLS = [self.Button0,self.Button1,self.Button2,self.Button3,self.Button4,self.Button5,self.Button6,self.Button7,self.Button8,self.Button9,\
                     self.Button20,self.Button21,self.Button22,self.Button23,self.Button24,self.Button25,self.Button26,self.Button27,self.Button28,self.Button29, \
                     self.Button60,self.Button61,self.Button62,self.Button63]     def WriteFile(self):
         WriteStr =""
         data1 = ""
         data2 = ""
         data3 = ""
         data4 = ""
         data5 = ""
         data6 = ""
         data7 = ""
         data8 = ""
         print("get= ",end = '')
         if self.Etxt1.get()=="0x0" or self.Etxt1.get()=="":
             data1 = "00 "
             data1 = self.Etxt1.get()[2:4] + " "
         if self.Etxt2.get()=="0x0" or self.Etxt2.get()=="":
             data2 = "00 "
             data2 = self.Etxt2.get()[2:4]+ " "
         if self.Etxt3.get()=="0x0" or self.Etxt3.get()=="":
             data3 = "00 "
             data3 = self.Etxt3.get()[2:4]+ " "
         if self.Etxt4.get()=="0x0" or self.Etxt4.get()=="":
             data4 = "00 "
             data4 = self.Etxt4.get()[2:4]+ " "
         if self.Etxt5.get()=="0x0" or self.Etxt5.get()=="":
             data5 = "00 "
             data5 = self.Etxt5.get()[2:4] + " "
         if self.Etxt6.get()=="0x0" or self.Etxt6.get()=="":
             data6 = "00 "
             data6 = self.Etxt6.get()[2:4]+ " "
         if self.Etxt7.get()=="0x0" or self.Etxt7.get()=="":
             data7 = "00 "
             data7 = self.Etxt7.get()[2:4]+ " "
         if self.Etxt8.get()=="0x0" or self.Etxt8.get()=="":
             data8 = "00 "
             data8 = self.Etxt8.get()[2:4]   + " "         
             WriteStr = CAN_ID + "    "+ data1+ data2 +data3 +data4+data5 + data6+ data7+ data8 +"    std    data\n"
              tkinter.messagebox.showwarning(title='CAN ID和Byte检查',message='☞请检查CAN ID是否设置成功!\nByte值是否正确 !\n')
             f = open("./cfg/CanCommand.txt", "a+")
             f.seek(0, 0)# 把文件指针从末尾移到开头,没有这句话下面的read()就读不到正确的东西
     def byteToSpeed(self):
         #if CANID ==
             speedF = int(ButtonLS[43]['text'])*1+\
             speedB = speedF * 0.05625
             print("speedF =",end ='')
             print("speedB =",end ='')
             print(speedB)            self.abs.set(str(speedB))
    def SpeedTobyte(self):
         byte = float(self.Eabs.get())/0.05625
         #print("byte =",end ='')
         b = '{:013b}'.format(int(byte),16)
         #print("b =",end ='')
         ButtonLS[43]['text'] = b[12:13]
         ButtonLS[44]['text'] = b[11:12]
         ButtonLS[45]['text'] = b[10:11]
         ButtonLS[46]['text'] = b[9:10]
         ButtonLS[47]['text'] = b[8:9]
         ButtonLS[32]['text'] = b[7:8]
         ButtonLS[33]['text'] = b[6:7]
         ButtonLS[34]['text'] = b[5:6]
         ButtonLS[35]['text'] = b[4:5]
         ButtonLS[36]['text'] = b[3:4]
         ButtonLS[37]['text'] = b[2:3]
         ButtonLS[38]['text'] = b[1:2]
         ButtonLS[39]['text'] = b[0:1]         ButtonLS[43]['bg'] = 'black'
         ButtonLS[44]['bg'] = 'black'
         ButtonLS[45]['bg']= 'black'
         ButtonLS[46]['bg']= 'black'
         ButtonLS[47]['bg'] = 'black'
         ButtonLS[32]['bg'] = 'black'
         ButtonLS[33]['bg'] = 'black'
         ButtonLS[34]['bg'] = 'black'
         ButtonLS[35]['bg']= 'black'
         ButtonLS[36]['bg'] = 'black'
         ButtonLS[37]['bg'] = 'black'
         ButtonLS[38]['bg'] = 'black'
         ButtonLS[39]['bg'] = 'black'    def byteToAngle(self):
        AngleH = 0
         AngleL = 0
             for i in range(0,8):
                 AngleH = AngleH + int(ButtonLS[i]['text'])*2**(8+i)
             for i in range(0,8):
                 AngleL = AngleL + int(ButtonLS[i+8]['text'])*2**(i)
             AngleF = AngleH + AngleL
             AngleB = (AngleF/16 -2048)/14
     def AngleTobyte(self):
         byte = (float(self.Esas.get())*14+2048)*16
         print("byte =",end ='')
         b = '{:016b}'.format(int(byte),16)
         print("b =",end ='')
         ButtonLS[7]['text'] = b[0:1]
         ButtonLS[6]['text'] = b[1:2 ]
         ButtonLS[5]['text'] = b[2:3 ]
         ButtonLS[4]['text'] = b[3:4 ] 
         ButtonLS[3]['text'] = b[4:5 ]         
         ButtonLS[2]['text'] = b[5:6 ]
         ButtonLS[1]['text'] = b[6:7 ]
         ButtonLS[0]['text'] = b[7:8 ]
         ButtonLS[15]['text'] = b[8:9 ]
         ButtonLS[14]['text'] = b[9:10 ]
         ButtonLS[13]['text'] = b[10:11 ]
         ButtonLS[12]['text'] = b[11:12 ]
         ButtonLS[11]['text'] = b[12:13 ]
         ButtonLS[10]['text'] = b[13:14 ]
         ButtonLS[9]['text'] = b[14:15 ]
         ButtonLS[8]['text'] = b[15:16 ]        for i in range(0,16):
             ButtonLS[i]['bg'] = 'black'     
     def getByteData(self,num,var):
         if var =='':
            var = '0x00'
         b = '{:08b}'.format(int(var,16))
         strBin = b
         for  i in range(0,8):
             ButtonLS[num*8 +7-i ]['text']=strBin[i:i+1]
             ButtonLS[num*8 +i]['fg'] = 'pink'    def byteToBit1(self):
     def byteToBit2(self):
     def byteToBit3(self):
     def byteToBit4(self):
     def byteToBit5(self):
     def byteToBit6(self):
     def byteToBit7(self):
     def byteToBit8(self):
         self.getByteData(7,self.Etxt8.get())    def getBitData(self,num):
         bit_str = ""
         bit_info = False
         global byteL
         global byteH
         bit0 = 0
         bit1 = 0
         bit2 = 0
         bit3 = 0
         bit4 = 0
         bit5 = 0
         bit6 = 0
         bit7 = 0
         for  i in range(0,8):
             #print("num =",end ='')
             #print("i =",end ='')
             if ButtonLS[num*8 +i]['bg'] == 'black':
                 if i ==0:
                     bit0 =(int(ButtonLS[num*8 +0 ]['text'])*1)
                 if i ==1:
                     bit1 =(int(ButtonLS[num*8 +1 ]['text'])*2)
                 if i ==2:
                     bit2 =(int(ButtonLS[num*8 +2 ]['text'])*4)
                 if i ==3:
                     bit3 =(int(ButtonLS[num*8 +3 ]['text'])*8)
                 if i ==4:
                     bit4 =(int(ButtonLS[num*8 +4 ]['text'])*16)                if i ==5:
                     bit5 =(int(ButtonLS[num*8 +5 ]['text'])*32)
                 if i ==6:
                     bit6 =(int(ButtonLS[num*8 +6 ]['text'])*64)
                 if i ==7:
                     bit7 =(int(ButtonLS[num*8 +7 ]['text'])*128)
                 bit_str = bit_str + str(i) + '、'
                 bit_info =True
             if i==7 and bit_info ==True:
                 tkinter.messagebox.showwarning(title='请检查数据',message='☞bit: '+str(bit_str)+'位被该CAN ID使用。\n\n默认为:0\n')
         byteL =bit0 + bit1 + bit2 + bit3
         byteH = bit4 + bit5 + bit6 + bit7        
     def bitToByte1(self):
         self.txt1.set(str(hex(int(byteL) +int(byteH))))        
     def bitToByte2(self):
         self.txt2.set(str(hex(int(byteL) +int(byteH))))    def bitToByte3(self):
         self.txt3.set(str(hex(int(byteL) +int(byteH))))     def bitToByte4(self):
         self.txt4.set(str(hex(int(byteL) +int(byteH))))    def bitToByte5(self):
         self.txt5.set(str(hex(int(byteL) +int(byteH))))    def bitToByte6(self):
         self.txt6.set(str(hex(int(byteL) +int(byteH))))    def bitToByte7(self):
         self.txt7.set(str(hex(int(byteL) +int(byteH))))    def bitToByte8(self):
         self.txt8.set(str(hex(int(byteL) +int(byteH))))        
     def helpdoc(self):
         tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='工具帮助1.0',message='☆版本信息:\n    Version1.0\n ')
         print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())))     def selectDocx(self):
         Application.filename=tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[('cfg|txt格式','*.cfg;*.txt')])  #获取的docx文件路径
         #Application.filename= r'C:\Users\Desktop\Set_pattern\VSZ210952-DD5.doc'
         print('11编译环境路径 = ',end ='')
         print('12Static Tool 位置= ',end ='')
         print('13BootLoader 位置= ',end ='')
         self.path2.set(Application.filename)    def getCanId(self):
         global CAN_ID
         print('输入的Can Id = ',end ='')
         #CAN_ID = self.Get_CanId_Entry.get()
         CAN_ID = self.CanIDchose.get()
         self.ReadCFG()     def ReadCFG(self):
         # ButtonLS[0]['fg'] = 'red'
         #ButtonLS[0]['text'] = 'red0'        for i in range(0,64):
             ButtonLS[i]['fg'] = 'blue'
             ButtonLS[i]['bg'] = 'green'
             ButtonLS[i]['text'] = i        self.txt1.set('')#清空entry的值
         f = open(r'.\cfg\CAN协议总结.cfg')          
         for line in f:
             if line[11:14] ==CAN_ID:              
                  byte = int(line[20:21]) * 8 + int(line[26:27])
                  ButtonLS[byte]['fg'] = 'red'
                  ButtonLS[byte]['bg'] = 'black'
                  ButtonLS[byte]['text'] = line[33:34]#line[44:]
         f.close()    def bit_info(self,num):
         f = open(r'.\cfg\CAN协议总结.cfg')
         for line in f:
                 if line[11:14] == CAN_ID:
                      byte = int(line[20:21]) * 8 + int(line[26:27])  #byte11-13 bit 26
                      #print(byte)                     #print(line[44:])  #功能 44
                      if  num == byte:
                           re = tkinter.messagebox.askquestion(title='bit infoとbit值を变更する',message='☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆\n\n ' + line[33:34]+" : "+line[44:]+'\n☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆\n '+'\n是\否变更该bit位值?\n')
                           if re == 'yes':
                                 ButtonLS[byte]['fg'] = 'yellow'
                                 if ButtonLS[byte]['text'] =='1':
                                     print("set 1\n")
                                     ButtonLS[byte]['text'] = '0'#line[33:34]#line[44:] #data 33
                                     ButtonLS[byte]['text'] = '1'#line[33:34]#line[44:] #data 33
                                     print("set 0\n")
                           if re == 'no':
                     if line[0:8] == "#END_CFG":
                         tkinter.messagebox.showwarning(title='请确认该bit位',message='☞请确认该bit位是否被使用?\n未被使用的bit位无相应的bit 信息说明\n')
                 if line[0:8] == "#END_CFG":
                     tkinter.messagebox.showwarning(title='请检查CAN ID',message='☞请设置CAN ID\nCAN ID未设置无法查看bit 信息\n')
 app = Application()
 app.master.title('CAN协议解析工具     ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) +'                                                                作成者;タイカイヘイ20180811')
 app.master.resizable(width=True,height=True)   # 固定长宽不可拉伸