public class ImageLoader : MonoBehaviour {
public UISprite m_img;
private UIAtlas m_uiAtlas;
/// 加载的贴图
/// Tex.
public void ImageLoad(Texture2D tex)
if(tex == null)
if(tex.name == m_img.spriteName)
if(m_uiAtlas == null)
Material mat;
Shader shader = Shader.Find(“Unlit/Transparent Colored”);
mat = new Material(shader);
m_uiAtlas = this.gameObject.AddComponent();
m_uiAtlas.spriteMaterial = mat;
m_uiAtlas.spriteMaterial.mainTexture = tex;
m_uiAtlas.coordinates = UIAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels;
UIAtlas.Sprite sprite = new UIAtlas.Sprite();
sprite.name = tex.name;
sprite.outer = sprite.inner = new Rect(0f, 0f, tex.width,tex.height);
m_img.atlas = m_uiAtlas;
m_img.spriteName = tex.name;
我们工作中常常遇到的是需要将多张图片制作成一个图集,再给多个UISprite控件使用,其实看懂了上面的代码运行时如何生成图集,再结合平常在编辑器中制作图集,答案就已经出来了。请大家好好看看NGUI的编辑器脚本UIAtlasMaker,也就是我们平常在编辑器中制作图集时用的脚本。我们 缺少的仅仅是将多张图片 PackTextures(打包)成一张大图(也就是我们的图集啦),其实 UIAtlasMaker脚本那么长,核心的操作也就是为了 PackTextures,也就是unity3d的API里 Texture2D.PackTextures函数,这里大家可以参考我以前转的别人的一篇关于该函数用法的文章:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_930ffa0b0102uyl8.html
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// 运行时创建NGUI图集,NGUI2.6.3
public static class CreatAtlas {
classSpriteEntry {
public Texture2Dtex; //Sprite texture -- original texture or a temporary texture
public Rectrect; // Sprite'souter rectangle within the generated texture atlas
public int minX =0; //Padding, if any (set if the sprite is trimmed)
public int maxX = 0;
public int minY = 0;
public int maxY = 0;
public bool temporaryTexture =false; //Whether the texture is temporary and should be deleted
staticShader s_shader = Shader.Find("Unlit/Transparent Colored");
staticMaterial s_mat = new Material(s_shader);
static ints_maximumAtlasSize = 2048;
staticTextureFormat s_TextureFormat = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
static voidInit ( UIAtlas uIAtlas ) {
if ( uIAtlas.spriteMaterial == null ) {
uIAtlas.spriteMaterial = s_mat;
publicstatic void CreatAtlasFromTex ( UIAtlas uIAtlas, List textures ){
if ( null == textures || textures.Count <= 0 ) {
Debug.LogWarning("textures is null or count <= 0 !!");
if ( null == uIAtlas ) {
Debug.LogWarning("uIAtlas is null");
} else {
// 设定贴图,将小图映射为SpriteEntry
List sprites = CreateSprites(textures);
// 将多个小图PackTexture为一张大图,给图集用
uIAtlas.spriteMaterial.mainTexture = UpdateTexture(uIAtlas,sprites);
ReplaceSprites(uIAtlas, sprites);
#region copyUIAtlasMaker编辑器脚本
static ListCreateSprites (List textures) {
List list = new List( );
foreach (Texture tex in textures) {
Texture2D oldTex = tex as Texture2D;
if (oldTex == null) continue;
// If we want to trim transparent pixels, there is more work to bedone
Color32[ ] pixels = oldTex.GetPixels32( );
int xmin = oldTex.width;
int xmax = 0;
int ymin = oldTex.height;
int ymax = 0;
int oldWidth = oldTex.width;
int oldHeight = oldTex.height;
// Find solid pixels
for (int y = 0, yw = oldHeight; y < yw; ++y) {
for (int x = 0, xw = oldWidth; x < xw; ++x) {
Color32 c = pixels[y * xw + x];
if (c.a != 0) {
if (y < ymin) ymin = y;
if (y > ymax) ymax = y;
if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
int newWidth = (xmax - xmin) + 1;
int newHeight = (ymax - ymin) + 1;
// If the sprite is empty, don't do anything with it
if (newWidth > 0 && newHeight > 0) {
SpriteEntry sprite = new SpriteEntry( );
sprite.rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, oldTex.width, oldTex.height);
// If the dimensions match, then nothing was actually trimmed
if (newWidth == oldWidth && newHeight == oldHeight) {
sprite.tex = oldTex;
sprite.temporaryTexture = false;
} else {
// Copy the non-trimmed texture data into a temporary buffer
Color32[ ] newPixels = new Color32[newWidth * newHeight];
for (int y = 0; y < newHeight; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < newWidth; ++x) {
int newIndex = y * newWidth + x;
int oldIndex = (ymin + y) * oldWidth + (xmin + x);
newPixels[newIndex] = pixels[oldIndex];
// Create a new texture
sprite.temporaryTexture = true;
sprite.tex = new Texture2D(newWidth, newHeight);
sprite.tex.name = oldTex.name;
sprite.tex.Apply( );
// Remember the padding offset
sprite.minX = xmin;
sprite.maxX = oldWidth - newWidth - xmin;
sprite.minY = ymin;
sprite.maxY = oldHeight - newHeight - ymin;
return list;
staticTexture2D UpdateTexture (UIAtlas atlas, List sprites) {
Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(1, 1, s_TextureFormat, false);
PackTextures(tex, sprites);
atlas.spriteMaterial.mainTexture = tex;
return tex;
static voidPackTextures (Texture2D tex, List sprites) {
Texture2D[ ] textures = new Texture2D[sprites.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; ++i) textures[i] =sprites[i].tex;
Rect[ ] rects = tex.PackTextures(textures, 1,s_maximumAtlasSize);
for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; ++i) {
sprites[i].rect = NGUIMath.ConvertToPixels(rects[i], tex.width,tex.height, true);
static voidReplaceSprites (UIAtlas atlas, List sprites) {
// Get the list of sprites we'll be updating
List spriteList = atlas.spriteList;
List kept = new List( );
// The atlas must be in pixels
atlas.coordinates = UIAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels;
// Run through all the textures we added and add them as sprites tothe atlas
for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; ++i) {
SpriteEntry se = sprites[i];
UIAtlas.Sprite sprite = AddSprite(spriteList, se);
// Remove unused sprites
for (int i = spriteList.Count; i > 0; ) {
UIAtlas.Sprite sp = spriteList[--i];
if (!kept.Contains(sp)) spriteList.RemoveAt(i);
atlas.MarkAsDirty( );
staticUIAtlas.Sprite AddSprite (List sprites, SpriteEntry se) {
UIAtlas.Sprite sprite = null;
// See if this sprite already exists
foreach (UIAtlas.Sprite sp in sprites) {
if (sp.name == se.tex.name) {
sprite = sp;
if (sprite != null) {
float x0 = sprite.inner.xMin - sprite.outer.xMin;
float y0 = sprite.inner.yMin - sprite.outer.yMin;
float x1 = sprite.outer.xMax - sprite.inner.xMax;
float y1 = sprite.outer.yMax - sprite.inner.yMax;
sprite.outer = se.rect;
sprite.inner = se.rect;
sprite.inner.xMin = Mathf.Max(sprite.inner.xMin + x0,sprite.outer.xMin);
sprite.inner.yMin = Mathf.Max(sprite.inner.yMin + y0,sprite.outer.yMin);
sprite.inner.xMax = Mathf.Min(sprite.inner.xMax - x1,sprite.outer.xMax);
sprite.inner.yMax = Mathf.Min(sprite.inner.yMax - y1,sprite.outer.yMax);
} else {
sprite = new UIAtlas.Sprite( );
sprite.name = se.tex.name;
sprite.outer = se.rect;
sprite.inner = se.rect;
float width = Mathf.Max(1f, sprite.outer.width);
float height = Mathf.Max(1f, sprite.outer.height);
// Sprite's padding values are relative to width and height
sprite.paddingLeft = se.minX / width;
sprite.paddingRight = se.maxX / width;
sprite.paddingTop = se.maxY / height;
sprite.paddingBottom = se.minY / height;
return sprite;
#endregioncopy UIAtlasMaker编辑器脚本