The Screen Time feature first appeared in iOS 12 to help you monitor your app usage on iPhone and iPad. It’s now on macOS Catalina, with one major flaw: it only shows how long apps are open, not how long you use them.
屏幕时间功能首次出现在iOS 12中,可帮助您监视iPhone和iPad上的应用程序使用情况。 它现在位于macOS Catalina上,存在一个主要缺陷:它仅显示打开应用程序的时间,而不显示您使用它们的时间。
Fortunately, there are alternatives to Screen Time that are far better at tracking your screen time than Apple’s built-in tool.
(The Problem with the Screen Time App in Catalina)
In iOS, you cannot have more than two active “focused” apps onscreen at the same time, but that’s not the case on a Mac.
Most people leave apps open in the background on their Mac without even noticing. Do you ever close your browser? Are you listening to music right now via Spotify or Catalina’s iTunes replacement? Are the apps you use for email, notes, or calendar open right now? Which apps are open in the menu bar at the top of your screen?
大多数人甚至没有注意到在Mac上后台打开应用程序的情况 。 您曾经关闭浏览器吗? 您现在正在通过Spotify或Catalina的iTunes替代品听音乐吗? 您用于电子邮件,便笺或日历的应用程序现在是否打开? 屏幕顶部的菜单栏中打开了哪些应用程序?
Screen Time tracks open apps, rather than those currently in use. As a result, it provides no meaningful data about where your time has gone. You can’t see how much of your day you spent typing a report, reading, replying to emails, or browsing Facebook.
屏幕时间跟踪打开的应用程序,而不是当前正在使用的应用程序。 结果,它没有提供有关您的时间过去的有意义的数据。 您看不到您一天花费多少时间来输入报告,阅读,回复电子邮件或浏览Facebook。
Ultimately, this makes Screen Time pretty useless on a Mac if you wanted to use it to boost your productivity. One work-around is to close apps as soon as you’re done with them, but that’s just not how the vast majority of people use their computer. If you want to isolate which apps are sapping your time, you’ll have to find an alternative.
最终,如果您想使用Screen Time来提高生产力,那么这在Mac上就毫无用处了。 一种解决方法是在完成使用后立即关闭应用程序,但这不是绝大多数人使用计算机的方式。 如果您想找出浪费时间的应用程序,则必须寻找替代方法。
(Screen Time Has Parental Controls)
With Screen Time, Apple also merged its existing parental controls into a single interface. The options previously available under System Preferences > Parental Controls can now be found in the control panel at System Preferences > Screen Time, instead.
借助Screen Time,Apple还将其现有的家长控件合并到一个界面中。 现在,可以在控制面板的“系统偏好设置”>“屏幕时间”中找到以前在“系统偏好设置”>“家长控制”下可用的选项。
This includes the ability to restrict content based on age ratings, blocking adult websites, and playing multiplayer games via Game Center. You can also define “Downtime” in which apps must be whitelisted to be used. So far, so good.
这包括根据年龄等级限制内容,阻止成站以及通过Game Center玩多人游戏的能力。 您还可以定义“停机时间”,必须在其中将应用列入白名单才能使用。 到现在为止还挺好。
You can also set limits on how long an app can be used in the App Limits portion of the Screen Time preferences. In theory, this sounds great. Click the plus sign (+) to add an app or category you want to limit, and then set the amount of time the app or category can be used every 24 hours. The limits reset at midnight.
您还可以在“屏幕时间”首选项的“应用程序限制”部分中设置应用程序可以使用多长时间的限制。 从理论上讲,这听起来不错。 单击加号(+)添加要限制的应用程序或类别,然后设置每24小时可以使用该应用程序或类别的时间。 限制在午夜重置。
Unfortunately, app limits are subject to the same arbitrary monitoring as every other app. For example, if you set a time limit of two hours per day for Safari, the timer ticks down as long as the app is open, even if no one is using it. If you have kids, they’ll probably be the first to notice how shortsighted and “unfair” this is.
不幸的是,应用程序限制与其他所有应用程序都受到相同的任意监视。 例如,如果您为Safari设置每天两小时的时限,则只要没有打开应用程序,计时器就会计时下来,即使没有人使用它。 如果您有孩子,他们可能会第一个注意到这是多么短视和“不公平”。
Setting limits for children is all part of fostering a healthy relationship with modern technology. Unfortunately, Apple’s tools for doing this are half-baked.
为儿童设定极限是与现代技术建立健康关系的全部部分。 不幸的是,苹果公司用于此目的的工具是半熟的。
Parents can still use Downtime to limit apps between set hours, and content filtering to prevent their children from being exposed to mature content.
(Notifications and Pickups Aren’t Too Useful)
Screen Time also tracks how many notifications you receive, as well as Pickups (the number of times you wake your Mac from sleep or restart it).
It’s a lot easier to drown out notifications on your Mac than it is on iOS. On a Mac, media players, like Music and Spotify, push a new notification every time the track changes. If you’re low on disk space or awaiting a macOS update, you’ll be dismissing notifications all day long. This feature isn’t necessarily broken in the same way app tracking is, but it’s not very useful, either.
在Mac上淹没通知要比在iOS上容易得多。 在Mac上,每次更改曲目时,音乐播放器和Spotify等媒体播放器都会推送新的通知。 如果您的磁盘空间不足或正在等待macOS更新,则整天都会取消通知。 此功能不一定以与应用程序跟踪相同的方式破坏,但它也不是很有用。
Pickups manages to be even less useful. On an iPhone or iPad, Pickups tracks how many times you unlock your device and which app was responsible. This can be useful if you want to limit your notifications or certain apps during work hours to improve your productivity. You can check Pickups to find out which apps are distracting you the most.
取件的用处甚至更少。 在iPhone或iPad上,皮卡跟踪您解锁设备的次数以及哪个应用负责。 如果您想在工作时间内限制通知或某些应用程序以提高工作效率,这将很有用。 您可以检查取件,找出哪些应用最让您分心。
On a Mac, this doesn’t make much sense, though. Notifications don’t wake the screen or demand the same amount of attention they do on iOS. When I leave Music playing and wake my Mac, Screen Time registers Music in Pickups as the reason I woke my Mac. In reality, I just wanted to wake the computer so I could get back to work.
在Mac上,这没有多大意义。 通知不会唤醒屏幕,也不会要求它们像在iOS上一样受到关注。 当我退出音乐播放并唤醒Mac时,Screen Time在Pickups中注册了Music作为唤醒Mac的原因。 实际上,我只是想唤醒计算机,以便重新开始工作。
(The Best Alternatives to macOS Screen Time)
Apps that track your computer usage are nothing new. Some people use them to improve and track their productivity. Some freelancers who charge an hourly rate use them to create reports. Others just use them to remind themselves they actually got something done during the day.
跟踪计算机使用情况的应用程序并不是什么新鲜事物。 有些人使用它们来改善和跟踪他们的生产力。 一些按小时收费的自由职业者使用它们来创建报告。 其他人只是用它们来提醒自己他们白天实际上已经完成了某件事。
Timing is one of the most accomplished apps of this type. It’s available in three tiers: Productivity ($39), Professional ($69), or Expert ($99). At its most basic settings, Timing automatically tracks how long you spend in each app and includes information like window title and pathname.
计时是这种类型最完善的应用程序之一。 它分为三个等级:生产力(39美元),专业(69美元)或专家(99美元)。 在最基本的设置下,计时会自动跟踪您在每个应用中花费的时间,并包括诸如窗口标题和路径名之类的信息。
All the data is collected and displayed on the Review screen. This is where you can see which apps you’ve used. You can also organize usage by project or task. You’ll see the websites you’ve visited, relevant keywords (like a project’s title), and the folders you frequented the most.
收集所有数据并将其显示在“查看”屏幕上。 在这里,您可以查看所使用的应用程序。 您还可以按项目或任务组织使用情况。 您会看到您访问过的网站,相关的关键字(例如项目的标题)以及您最常访问的文件夹。
The Timing app is best for people who like to be hands-on with their productivity. The app can generate a productivity score, but how well this feature works depends on how you organize the data. You can export your data in raw.CSV format. If you upgrade, you can export in XLS and PDF formats and generate invoices.
Timing应用程序最适合喜欢动手提高生产力的人。 该应用程序可以生成生产力得分,但是此功能的运行情况取决于您如何组织数据。 您可以以raw.CSV格式导出数据。 如果升级,则可以导出为XLS和PDF格式并生成发票。
If you opt for the Professional edition of Timing, you can add data points for manual tasks you complete away from your Mac, so you can track all aspects of your day. If you need to fully customize reports, generate invoices, and an API and Zapier plugin, go for the Expert tier. You can also find the Expert version of Timing on SetApp.
如果您选择的是Timing专业版,则可以为Mac以外完成的手动任务添加数据点,从而可以跟踪一天中的各个方面。 如果您需要完全自定义报告,生成发票以及API和Zapier插件,请进入专家层。 您还可以在SetApp上找到Timing的Expert版本。
Time Sink is another alternative, and it only costs $5. It’s much easier to use than Timing, but it works the same way. The app automatically and accurately tracks the time you spend in various apps. You can also manually register activities you perform away from your Mac.
Time Sink是另一种选择,它的价格仅为5美元。 它比Timing容易使用,但工作方式相同。 该应用程序会自动准确地跟踪您在各种应用程序中花费的时间。 您也可以在Mac之外手动注册执行的活动。
Time Sink uses Pools to help you track related activities. Because it groups similar activities into categories (like “Chatter”), you get a broad overview of where your time goes—not even Screen Time does this. Time Sink also registers both the total time an app is open and the amount of time you actively use it. You can see all of this in the app’s Activity Report.
Time Sink使用池来帮助您跟踪相关活动。 因为它将类似的活动归为不同的类别(例如“ Chatter”),所以您可以大致了解时间的流逝,即使Screen Time也不行。 Time Sink还会记录应用程序打开的总时间和您积极使用该应用程序的时间。 您可以在应用程序的活动报告中查看所有这些信息。
If you need more powerful features, like invoice generation or an API, then Time Sink isn’t for you. However, if you just need a cheap app to help you track your daily habits and improve your productivity, Time Sink could be the best $5 you spend this week.
如果您需要更强大的功能(如发票生成或API),那么不适合使用Time Sink。 但是,如果您只需要一个便宜的应用程序来帮助您跟踪自己的日常习惯并提高工作效率,Time Sink就是您本周花费的最佳5美元。
ActivityWatch is a free time-tracking app for Mac, Windows, and Linux. It automatically logs your activity on your Mac, including which applications you use and on which domains you spend the most time. A small application runs in the background to collect the data, which you can view in your browser.
ActivityWatch是适用于Mac,Windows和Linux的免费时间跟踪应用程序。 它会自动在Mac上记录您的活动,包括您使用的应用程序以及花费时间最多的域。 一个小型应用程序在后台运行以收集数据,您可以在浏览器中查看该数据。
Other similar Mac apps that automatically track your app usage include ManicTime, RescueTime, and WakaTime,
其他可自动跟踪您的应用使用情况的类似Mac应用包括ManicTime , RescueTime和WakaTime ,
(Use Screen Time for Parental Controls)
None of the alternatives to Screen Time offer anything like the parental controls Apple has built into its native feature. If you want to use the parental controls on your Mac, you still need to set up Screen Time.
Screen Time的任何替代品都无法提供Apple已在其本机功能中内置的家长控制功能。 如果要在Mac上使用家长控制,则仍需要设置屏幕时间。
However, if you primarily want to track exactly what you’re doing with your time during your workday, you have far more accurate options than Screen Time.
How Apple could get this so wrong, when products like Timing and Time Sink have gotten it right for so long, is perplexing.
当诸如Timing和Time Sink之类的产品已经解决了很长时间时,Apple如何解决这个问题变得令人困惑。