



hivemetastoreclient创建表主键 hive建表语句主键_宏


hivemetastoreclient创建表主键 hive建表语句主键_数据库_02


hivemetastoreclient创建表主键 hive建表语句主键_mysql_03




hivemetastoreclient创建表主键 hive建表语句主键_宏_04


hivemetastoreclient创建表主键 hive建表语句主键_excel_05



hivemetastoreclient创建表主键 hive建表语句主键_hive_06


hivemetastoreclient创建表主键 hive建表语句主键_excel_07




hivemetastoreclient创建表主键 hive建表语句主键_宏_08


Sub P01_Gen_DDL_mysql()
'lyg 2021-07-26

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim FSO As Object
Dim TextFile As Object

Dim PrimaryKey      As String   '主键
Dim NotNull         As String   '分布键
Dim Orientation     As String   '分布键
Dim CompressMode    As String   '分布键
Dim DistributeKey   As String   '分布键

Dim ColumnList         As String   '字段列表
Dim CommentList        As String   '注释

PrimaryKey = ""
NotNull = ""
Orientation = ""
CompressMode = ""
DistributeKey = ""

ColumnList = ""
CommentList = ""

v_path = ActiveWorkbook.Path
v_filename = v_path + "\" + Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 4) + "-mpp.sql"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set TextFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(v_filename, True)
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet

For Each rw In ws.Cells(1, 2).CurrentRegion.Rows

    If Len(ws.Cells(1, 1)) = 0 Then Exit For
        n = rw.Row   '行号

        SchemaName = Cells(n, 1).Value
        table_en = Cells(n, 2).Value     '英文表名
        table_cn = Cells(n, 3).Value     '中文表名
        field_en = Cells(n, 5).Value     '字段名称英文
        field_cn = Cells(n, 6).Value     '字段名称中文
        field_type = Cells(n, 7).Value   '字段类型长度MPP
        this_table = UCase(Trim(table_en))                '当前表名
        next_table = UCase(Trim(Cells(n + 1, 2).Value))   '下一英文表名
        If n > 1 Then
            pre_table = UCase(Trim(Cells(n - 1, 2).Value))   '上一英文表名
            pre_table = ""
        End If
        If UCase(Trim(Cells(n, 11).Value)) = "Y" Then      '设置主键,  (行号,列号)
            PrimaryKey = PrimaryKey + Cells(n, 5).Value + ","
        End If

        If UCase(Trim(Cells(n, 12).Value)) = "Y" Then   '设置分布键
            DistributeKey = DistributeKey + Cells(n, 5).Value + ","   '字段名称英文
        End If
        If UCase(Trim(Cells(n, 13).Value)) = "NN" Then  '非空标志
            NotNull = " NOT NULL"
            NotNull = " NULL"
        End If
        If this_table <> pre_table Then
            If UCase(Trim(Cells(n, 14).Value)) = "Y" Or IsEmpty(Trim(Cells(n, 14).Value)) Then    '列式存储(默认column)
                Orientation = "COLUMN"
                Orientation = "ROW"    '指定N或其它值时为ROW
            End If
        End If
        If this_table <> pre_table Then
            If UCase(Cells(n, 15).Value) <> "" Then    '压缩级别
                CompressMode = Cells(n, 15).Value
                CompressMode = "LOW"
            End If
        End If

        If UCase(Cells(n, 16).Value) = "Y" Then  '复制表
            DistributeKey = "REPLICATION"
        End If

        '生成字段列表, 例如: Wthd_Mod_Cd   CHAR(3)  NOT NULL,   --支取方式代码
        field_en_len = 32    '设置英文字段名的字符最大长度
        field_type_len = 20  '设置字段类型的字符最大长度
        If n > 1 Then        '从第2行开始执行
            ColumnList = ColumnList + "  ," + field_en + Space(Abs(field_en_len - Len(field_en)) + 1) + field_type + Space(Abs(field_type_len - Len(field_type)) + 1) + Space(Abs(10 - Len(NotNull)) + 1) + "COMMENT '" + field_cn + "'" + vbLf
            CommentString = "COMMENT ON COLUMN " + SchemaName + "." + table_en + "." + field_en + Space(Abs(field_en_len - Len(field_en)) + 1) + "IS '" + field_cn + "';"
            If Len(field_cn) > 0 Then  '如果有注释则执行,否则不执行COMMENT
                CommentList = CommentList + CommentString + vbLf
                CommentList = CommentList + "--" + CommentString + vbLf
            End If

        End If
        If n > 1 And this_table <> next_table Then     '从第2行开始
            TextFile.WriteLine ("-- --------------CREATE TABLE: " + table_cn + "----------------------------------")
            DropSQL = "-- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + SchemaName + "." + table_en + " CASCADE;"
            TextFile.WriteLine (DropSQL)

            Create = "CREATE TABLE " + SchemaName + "." + table_en + vbLf + "("
            TextFile.WriteLine (Create)
            ColumnList = "   " + Mid(ColumnList, 4, InStrRev(ColumnList, vbLf) - 4)  '去除前面1个逗号和尾部换行符号
            TextFile.WriteLine (ColumnList)  '字段列表
            ' If Len(PrimaryKey) > 0 Then
            '     TextFile.WriteLine ("  --,PRIMARY KEY (" + Mid(PrimaryKey, 1, Len(PrimaryKey) - 1) + ")")   '设置主键,去除最后1个字符逗号
            ' End If
            TextFile.WriteLine (")")      '字段完成
            TAB_COMMENT = "COMMENT ='" + table_cn + "';"    '表注释
            TextFile.WriteLine (TAB_COMMENT)
            ' TextFile.WriteLine ("WITH (ORIENTATION = " + Orientation + ", COMPRESSION = " + CompressMode + ")")    '设置存储模式、压缩级别
            ' If DistributeKey = "" Then
           '  ElseIf DistributeKey = "REPLICATION" Then
            '     TextFile.WriteLine ("DISTRIBUTE BY REPLICATION")  '设置分布键,去除最后1个字符逗号
            ' Else
            '     TextFile.WriteLine ("DISTRIBUTE BY HASH(" + Mid(DistributeKey, 1, Len(DistributeKey) - 1) + ")")   '设置分布键,去除最后1个字符逗号
            ' End If
            TextFile.WriteLine (";")      '列出字段完成
            TextFile.WriteLine ("")
            ' TAB_COMMENT = "COMMENT ON TABLE  " + SchemaName + "." + table_en + " IS '" + table_cn + "';"    '表注释
            ' TextFile.WriteLine (TAB_COMMENT)
            ' TextFile.WriteLine (CommentList)       '设置字段注释,建表完成
            PrimaryKey = ""
            NotNull = ""
            Orientation = ""
            CompressMode = ""
            DistributeKey = ""

            ColumnList = ""
            CommentList = ""
        End If

    MsgBox "DDL成功生成在:" + vbLf + v_filename
End Sub

Sub P02_Gen_DDL_hive()
'wzm 2020-07-09

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim FSO As Object
Dim TextFile As Object

Dim ColumnList      As String
Dim PartitionKey    As String

PrimaryKey = ""
NotNull = ""
Orientation = ""
CompressMode = ""
DistributeKey = ""
ColumnList = ""
PartitionKey = ""

v_path = ActiveWorkbook.Path
v_filename = v_path + "\" + Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 4) + "-hive.sql"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set TextFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(v_filename, True)
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet

For Each rw In ws.Cells(1, 2).CurrentRegion.Rows

    If Len(ws.Cells(1, 1)) = 0 Then Exit For
     n = rw.Row   '行号
     If UCase(Cells(n, 20).Value) = "Y" Then   '判断是否生成Hive脚本
        '生成字段列表, 例如: Wthd_Mod_Cd   CHAR(3)  NOT NULL,   --支取方式代码
        If n > 1 Then  '从第2行开始
            SchemaName = Cells(n, 1).Value
            table_en = Cells(n, 2).Value     '英文表名
            table_cn = Cells(n, 3).Value     '中文表名

            field_en = Cells(n, 5).Value     '字段名称英文
            field_cn = Cells(n, 6).Value     '字段名称中文
            field_type = Cells(n, 7).Value   '字段类型长度
            field_type = Replace(UCase(field_type), "NVARCHAR2", "VARCHAR")
            field_type = Replace(UCase(field_type), "VARCHAR2", "VARCHAR")
            field_type = Replace(UCase(field_type), "CHARACTER", "CHAR")
            field_type = Replace(UCase(field_type), "BYTEA", "STRING")
            field_type = Replace(UCase(field_type), "TEXT", "STRING")
            field_type = Replace(UCase(field_type), "CLOB", "STRING")
            field_type = Replace(UCase(field_type), "NUMBER", "DOUBLE")
            field_type = Replace(UCase(field_type), "NUMERIC", "DOUBLE")
            field_type = Replace(UCase(field_type), "DECIMAL", "DOUBLE")
            field_type = Replace(UCase(field_type), "TIMESTAMP(6)", "TIMESTAMP")
            If Mid(UCase(field_type), 1, 6) = "DOUBLE" Then   '将DECIMAL(x,x)替换为整型
                field_type = "DOUBLE"
            End If
            If Mid(UCase(field_type), 1, 9) = "TIMESTAMP" Then   'TIMESTAMP(x)替换为整型
                field_type = "TIMESTAMP"
            End If
            field_en_len = 32    '设置英文字段名的字符最大长度
            field_type_len = 20  '设置字段类型的字符最大长度
            ColumnList = ColumnList + "  ," + field_en + Space(Abs(field_en_len - Len(field_en)) + 1) + field_type + Space(Abs(field_type_len - Len(field_type)) + 1) + "COMMENT " + """" + field_cn + """" + vbLf     '设置字段及注释
            If UCase(Cells(n, 21).Value) = "Y" Then    '获取Hive分区键
               PartitionKey = field_cn
            End If
        End If
        this_table = UCase(Trim(table_en))               '当前表名
        next_table = UCase(Trim(Cells(n + 1, 2).Value))  '下一表名
        If n > 1 And this_table <> next_table Then     '从第2行开始
            TextFile.WriteLine ("----------------CREATE TABLE: " + table_cn + "----------------------------------")
            DropSQL = "--DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + SchemaName + "." + table_en + ";"
            TextFile.WriteLine (DropSQL)

            Create = "CREATE TABLE " + SchemaName + "." + table_en + vbLf + "("
            TextFile.WriteLine (Create)
            ColumnList = "   " + Mid(ColumnList, 4, InStrRev(ColumnList, vbLf) - 4)  '去除前面1个逗号和尾部换行符号
            TextFile.WriteLine (ColumnList)  '字段列表
            TextFile.WriteLine (") ")      '字段完成
            TextFile.WriteLine ("COMMENT " + """" + table_cn) + """" '添加表注释
            TextFile.WriteLine ("PARTITIONED BY (DYEAR STRING COMMENT """ + PartitionKey + "(年)""," + "DMONTH STRING COMMENT """ + PartitionKey + "(月)"") ")   '设置分区
            TextFile.WriteLine ("ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' ")   '设置行格式
            TextFile.WriteLine ("STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES (""orc.compress""=""SNAPPY"");")   '设置行格式
            TextFile.WriteLine ("")
            PrimaryKey = ""
            NotNull = ""
            Orientation = ""
            CompressMode = ""
            DistributeKey = ""
            ColumnList = ""
            PartitionKey = ""
        End If
      End If

    MsgBox "DDL成功生成在:" + vbLf + v_filename
End Sub