- 资源需求量:当前队列或者应用希望获得的资源的总量。
- 最小份额:队列的最小共享量在配置中指定。应用的最小共享量为0。
- 资源使用量:当前队列或者应用已经分配到的总资源。
- 权值:队列的权重值在配置中指定。在开启sizebasedweight特性的情况下,应用的权重=(log2(资源需求量))*优先级*调整因子。优先级当前都是1,当应用运行超过5分钟,调整因子为3。
- 首先,计算两个队列各自的资源使用量 < min(资源需求量,最小份额),即是否饥饿。
- 然后,饥饿的队列优先。
- 对于两者都饥饿的情况下,需要计算资源分配比,结果小者优先。资源分配比=资源使用量/min(资源需求量,最小份额, 1)
- 当都不饥饿时,需要计算资源使用权值比,结果小者优先。资源使用权重比=资源使用量/权值
- 如果资源分配比或权值比相等,先提交的优先。
公平排序算法决定的是谁可以先获得资源,在资源需求量一致的情况下,最小份额越大且资源使用量较小有较高的优先级来获得资源,保证不长时间处于饿死状态。注意权值是在两者都不饥饿的前提下起作用,即两个队列的资源使用量 >= min(资源需求量,最小份额).
* Compare Schedulables via weighted fair sharing. In addition, Schedulables
* below their min share get priority over those whose min share is met.
* Schedulables below their min share are compared by how far below it they
* are as a ratio. For example, if job A has 8 out of a min share of 10 tasks
* and job B has 50 out of a min share of 100, then job B is scheduled next,
* because B is at 50% of its min share and A is at 80% of its min share.
* Schedulables above their min share are compared by (runningTasks / weight).
* If all weights are equal, slots are given to the job with the fewest tasks;
* otherwise, jobs with more weight get proportionally more slots.
private static class FairShareComparator implements Comparator
Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5564969375856699313L;
public int compare(Schedulable s1, Schedulable s2) {
double minShareRatio1, minShareRatio2;
double useToWeightRatio1, useToWeightRatio2;
//计算两个队列各自的资源使用量 < min(资源需求量,最小份额),即是否饥饿。
Resource minShare1 = Resources.min(RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, null,
s1.getMinShare(), s1.getDemand());
Resource minShare2 = Resources.min(RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, null,
s2.getMinShare(), s2.getDemand());
boolean s1Needy = Resources.lessThan(RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, null,
s1.getResourceUsage(), minShare1);
boolean s2Needy = Resources.lessThan(RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, null,
s2.getResourceUsage(), minShare2);
Resource one = Resources.createResource(1);
minShareRatio1 = (double) s1.getResourceUsage().getMemory()
/ Resources.max(RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, null, minShare1, one).getMemory();
minShareRatio2 = (double) s2.getResourceUsage().getMemory()
/ Resources.max(RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, null, minShare2, one).getMemory();
useToWeightRatio1 = s1.getResourceUsage().getMemory() /
useToWeightRatio2 = s2.getResourceUsage().getMemory() /
int res = 0;
if (s1Needy && !s2Needy)
res = -1;
else if (s2Needy && !s1Needy)
res = 1;
else if (s1Needy && s2Needy)
res = (int) Math.signum(minShareRatio1 - minShareRatio2);
// Neither schedulable is needy
res = (int) Math.signum(useToWeightRatio1 - useToWeightRatio2);
if (res == 0) {
// Apps are tied in fairness ratio. Break the tie by submit time and job
// name to get a deterministic ordering, which is useful for unit tests.
res = (int) Math.signum(s1.getStartTime() - s2.getStartTime());
if (res == 0)
res = s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName());
return res;
另外一种情况,你需要有一个等级分明、两级分化的环境,那就有人说了,怎么不直接用另一个调度器 Capacity Scheduler ?当然如果你不考虑它配置的苛刻“所有队列的容量之和应小于100”,它是可以满足的。而公平调度没有这个限制,无论多么不合理的配置都能够处理。好吧,说正题,这时最好统一最小份额配置,通过调节权值来体现两极分化。