If you want to keep Outlook 2010 clean and run faster, one method is to set up the AutoArchive feature. Today we show you how to configure and manage the feature in Outlook 2010.
如果要保持Outlook 2010清洁并运行得更快,一种方法是设置自动存档功能。 今天,我们向您展示如何在Outlook 2010中配置和管理功能。
Using AutoArchive allows you to manage space in your mailbox or on the email server by moving older items to another location on your hard drive.
Enable and Configure Auto Archive
In Outlook 2010 Auto Archive is not enabled by default. To turn it on, click on the File tab to access Backstage View, then click on Options.
在Outlook 2010中,默认情况下未启用自动存档。 要打开它,请单击“文件”选项卡以访问Backstage视图,然后单击“选项”。
The Outlook Options window opens then click on Advanced then the AutoArchive Settings button.
将打开“ Outlook选项”窗口,然后单击“高级”,然后单击“自动存档设置”按钮。
The AutoArchive window opens and you’ll notice everything is grayed out. Check the box next to Run AutoArchive every…
“自动存档”窗口打开,您会注意到所有内容均为灰色。 选中“每隔…运行自动存档 ”旁边的框。
Note: If you select the Permanently delete old items option, mails will not be archived.
Now you can choose the settings for how you want to manage the AutoArchive feature. Select how often you want it to run, prompt before the feature runs, where to move items, and other actions you want to happen during the process. After you’ve made your selections click OK.
现在,您可以选择要如何管理自动存档功能的设置。 选择您希望它运行的频率,在功能运行之前提示,将项目移至何处以及您希望在此过程中进行的其他操作。 做出选择后,单击确定。
Manually Configure Individual Folders
For more control over individual folders that are archived, right-click on the folder and click on Properties.
Click on the AutoArchive tab and choose the settings you want to change for that folder. For instance you might not want to archive a certain folder or move archived data to a specific folder.
单击“自动存档”选项卡,然后选择要为该文件夹更改的设置。 例如,您可能不想存档某个文件夹或将存档的数据移至特定文件夹。
If you want to manually archive and backup an item, click on the File tab, Cleanup Tools, then Archive.
Click the radio button next to Archive this folder and all subfolders. Select the folder you want to archive. In this example we want to archive this folder to a specific location of its own.
单击“ 存档此文件夹及其所有子文件夹”旁边的单选按钮。 选择要存档的文件夹。 在此示例中,我们要将这个文件夹归档到其自己的特定位置。
The .pst files are saved in your documents folder and if you need to access them at a later time you can.
After you’ve setup AutoArchive you can find items in the archived files. In the Navigation Pane expand the Archives folder in the list. You can then view and access your messages.
设置自动存档后,您可以在存档文件中找到项目。 在导航窗格中,展开列表中的“存档”文件夹。 然后,您可以查看和访问您的消息。
You can also access them by clicking the File tab \ Open then Open Outlook Data File.
Then you can browse to the archived file you want to open.
Archiving old emails is a good way to help keep a nice clean mailbox, help speed up your Outlook experience, and save space on the email server. The other nice thing is you can configure your email archives and specific folders to meet your email needs.
归档旧电子邮件是一种很好的方法,可以帮助您保持良好的整洁邮箱,加快Outlook体验并节省电子邮件服务器上的空间。 另一个好处是,您可以配置电子邮件存档和特定的文件夹以满足您的电子邮件需求。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17877/how-to-manage-autoarchive-in-outlook-2010/