学生表 (学号,姓名,性别,出生日期,专业,班级,总学分)
课程表 (课程号,课程名,学分,教师编号)
教师表 (教师编号,姓名,性别,出生日期,职称,学院)
通过连接运算可以查询多个表中不同实体的信息, 把多个表按照一定的关系连接起来,
select s.sno as 学号, s.sname as 姓名, sc.cno as 课程号 , course.cname as 课程名, sc.grade as 成绩
from student as s , score as sc , course
where sc.sno = s.sno and sc.cno = course.cno ;
2. 自然连接 :在目标中去除相同的字段名,
3. 自连接: 将同一个表进行连接
select a.sno as 学号 , a.grade as 成绩
from score as a , score as b
where a.cno='1201' and a.grade > b.grade and b.sno='121002' and b.cno='1201'
order by a.grade desc;
使用join 关键字指定的连接
<表名><连接类型><表名> on <条件表达式>
1.内连接: 是按照on指定的条件合并两个表, 返回满足条件的行;
eg: 查询学生的情况和选修课程的情况
select * from student inner join score on student.sno = score.cno;
内连接是系统默认的 , 可以省略inner;
eg: 查询选修了数据库系统课程且成绩在84分以上的学生情况
select a.*
from student as a join score as b on a.sno = b.sno join course as c on c.cno = b.cno
where b.grade > 84 and c.cname='数据库系统';
2. 外连接:不但返回满足条件的行,还包括相应表中的所有行.外连接只能连接两个表
- 左外连接(left outer join): 包括满足条件的行, 保括左表的所有行,
- 右外连接(right outer join): 包括满足条件的行, 包括右表的所有行,
- 完全外连接(full outer join): 包括满足条件的行, 包含两个表的所有行,
eg: 分别采用左外连,右外连接,全连接 接查询教师任课情况
select teacher.tname, course.cname
from teacher left join course on teacher.tno = course.tno;
select teacher.tname, course.cname
from teacher right join course on teacher.tno = course.tno;
select teacher.tname, course.cname
from teacher full join course on teacher.tno = course.tno;
3.交叉连接: 采用交叉连接,查询教师和课程所有可能组合
select teacher.tname, course.cname
from teacher cross join course;
一个select-from-where 称为一个语句块.在where 子句或having子句中,可以使用另一个查询块的结果作为条件的一部分.
1. in子查询
语法: <表达式>[not ] in (子查询)
eg: 查询选修某课程的学生人数多于4人的教师姓名
select teacher.tname as 教师姓名
from teacher
where tno in (
select course.tno
from course join score on course.cno = score.cno
group by course.tno
having count(*) > 4
eg: 查询在 '计算机' 专业任课的教师情况
select * from teacher
where tno in
( select a.tno
from teacher a , course b , score c , student d
where a.tno = b.tno and b.cno = c.cno and c.sno = d.sno and d.speciality = '计算机'
select distinct teacher.*
from student join score on student.sno=score.sno join course on course.cno = score.cno join teacher on teacher.tno = course.tno
where student.speciality='计算机';
语法: <表达式>{ < | <= | = | > | >= | != | <> } { ALL | SOME | ANY} (子查询) ;
ALL : 当表达式与子查询结果集中每个值都满足比较关系,返回true,
SOME和ANY: 当表达式与子查询结果集中的某一个满足比较关系, 返回true
eg: 查询比所有 '计算机' 专业 学生年龄都小的学生
1) select *
from student
where student.sbirthday > ALl (select sbirthday from student where speciality='计算机');
2) select * from student
where student.sbirthday > (select max(sbirthday) from student where speciality='计算机');
exists 子查询
当子查询返回一个或多个行,exists 返回true, 否则返回false;
not exists 相反;
eg: 查询选修1004课程的学生姓名;
select student.sname as 学生姓名
from student
where exists(select * from score where student.sno =score.sno and score.cno='1004' )
连接查询: 可以合并两个或多个表的数据,
子查询: select 语句的结果只能来自一个表.
将两个或多个SQL语句的查询结果集合并起来,成为一个表 , 完成查询任务.
union : 并运算, 返回两个结果集的所有行, 不包括重复行
union all : 并运算, 返回两个结果集的所有行, 包括重复行
intersect : 交运算, 返回两个结果集都有的行,
except( PL/SQL : minus) : 差运算, 返回第一个结果集中有的而在第二个结果集中没有的行
{ union | union ALL | intersect | minus }
列的数目和数据类型 兼容
不能再单独的查询语句中使用order by 子句,
eg: 查询性别为女 及 选修了课程号为 4002的学生
select s.sno , s.sname , s.ssex
from student as s
where s.ssex='女'
select s.sno , s.sname, s.ssex
from student as s , score as b
where s.sno = b.sno and b.cno='4002'
eg: 查询既选修了英语又未选修数字电路的学生的选修;
select a.*
from student as a , score as b , course as c
where a.sno = b.sno and b.cno = c.cno and c.cname='英语'
select a.*
from student as a , score as b , course as c
where a.sno = b.sno and b.cno = c.cno and c.cname='数字电路'
如果查询条件对同一个子段有两个或多个要求, 使用集合查询