2016年9月份,Google放出了其研究测试了好几年并且已经在其B4 SDN骨干网,油管全量部署的BBR拥塞控制算法,一时间得到了广泛关注。
和大多数国内公司的盲改盲测不同,Google的做法显得有条有理,他们会首先在QUIC协议上就行试验性的实验并且经过充分的debug之后才会将确定性的结论实现在TCP协议上。这个意义上,QUIC BBR其实就是携带了充分调试信息的debug版本的BBR,实际上也是这样,毕竟30年前的TCP协议在传输反馈过程中信息量太少了,用它直接来做,显然不如出一个debug版本,而QUIC显然就是这个debug版本。就好像写程序一样,一开始的debug版本携带大量的信息将程序优化到极致,最后把debug信息去掉就是成型的发布版本了。
就在今年4月份,一位朋友发给我一份Google BBR最新的slides: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/101/materials/slides-101-iccrg-an-update-on-bbr-work-at-google-00 让我有了一些新的想法。该slides中提到了一个很重要的问题,那就是TCP BBR的失速问题,特别是在Wifi等无线的环境下,这个问题我之前也提到过。针对这个问题的解决,BBR给出了自己的思路。同时在该slides的最后,BBR做出了美好的展望。
这意味着BBR v2.0要来了?
今年4月5日,也就是两个月前,BBR的作者之一Neal Cardwell在bbr-dev list上放出一个新的topic:
* RFC: Linux TCP BBR patches for higher wifi throughput and lower queuing delays *
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/bbr-dev/8pgyOyUavvY 就可以知道这是一个什么样的壮举。这个新的topic大概意思是在介绍一组最新的patch set。
先看一下bbr-dev上的这个topic的主要内容,我在此摘录两段,这两段内容描述了这组patch set的主要内容:
1: Higher throughput for wifi and other paths with aggregation
Aggregation effects are extremely common with wifi, cellular, and cable modem link technologies, ACK decimation in middleboxes, and LRO and GRO in receiving hosts. The aggregation can happen in either direction, data or ACKs, but in either case the aggregation effect is visible to the sender in the ACK stream.
Previously, BBR’s sending was often limited by cwnd under severe ACK aggregation/decimation because BBR sized the cwnd at 2*BDP. If packets were ACKed in bursts after long delays then BBR stopped sending after sending 2*BDP, leaving the bottleneck idle for potentially long periods. Note that loss-based congestion control does not have this issue because when facing aggregation it continues increasing cwnd after bursts of ACKs, growing cwnd until the buffer is full.
To achieve good throughput in the presence of aggregation effects, this new algorithm allows the BBR sender to put extra data in flight to keep the bottleneck utilized during silences in the ACK stream that it has evidence to suggest were caused by aggregation.
2: Lower queuing delays by frequently draining excess in-flight data
In BBR v1.0 the “drain” phase of the pacing gain cycle holds the pacing_gain to 0.75 for essentially 1*min_rtt (or less if inflight falls below the BDP).
This patch modifies the behavior of this “drain” phase to attempt to www.yigouylpt2.cn“drain to target”, adaptively holding this “drain” phase until inflight reaches the target level that matches the estimated BDP (bandwidth-delay product).
This can significantly reduce the amount of data queued at the bottleneck, and hence reduce queuing delay and packet loss, in cases where there are multiple flows sharing a bottleneck.
/* A pacing_gain < 1.0 tries to drain extra queue we added if bw
* probing didn't find more bw. If inflight falls to match BDP then we
* estimate queue is drained; persisting would underutilize the pipe.
return is_full_length && // 只是把||改成了&&以确保一次性强收敛。
//return is_full_length |
static void bbr_advance_cycle_phase(struct sock *sk)
struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk); bbr->cycle_idx = (bbr->cycle_idx + 1) & (CYCLE_LEN - 1); if (bbr->cycle_idx == 2) { bbr->cycle_idx = 2 + next_pseudo_random32(jiffies)%11; } bbr->cycle_mstamp = tp->delivered_mstamp; bbr->pacing_gain = bbr_pacing_gain[bbr->www.leyouzaixian2.com cycle_idx]
我们知道Reno/CUBIC的曲线是锯齿,我问温州皮鞋厂老板BBR曲线是什么样子的,老板没有答上来,其实BBR v1.0的曲线跟人的心电图的样子非常像,就像一个固定时钟,这种固定的潮起潮落跟CUBIC没有本质的区别!所以一定要根据实际情况把曲线上的峰谷打散掉。
我们看一下今天展示的这个BBR v1.5的patch set是怎么解决这个问题的,首先它废掉了固定的cycle推进模式:
static void bbr_advance_cycle_phase(struct sock *sk)
struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk); if (bbr_drain_to_target) { // 打散后的cycle推进逻辑在这里! bbr_drain_to_target_cycling(sk, rs); return; } // 固定的cycle推进逻辑终将成为历史 bbr->cycle_idx = (bbr->cycle_idx +www.hjha178.com/ 1) & (CYCLE_LEN - 1); bbr->cycle_mstamp = tp->delivered_mstamp; bbr->pacing_gain = bbr_pacing_gain[bbr->cycle_idx]
static void bbr_drain_to_target_cycling(struct sock *sk,
const struct rate_sample *rs) { struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk); // elapsed_us表示从本轮开始到现在的时间。 u32 elapsed_us = tcp_stamp_us_delta(tp->delivered_mstamp, bbr->cycle_mstamp); u32 inflight, bw; if (bbr->mode != BBR_PROBE_BW) return; /* Always need to probe for bw before we forget good bw estimate. */ // 如果超过了一轮的时间,就要开启新的一轮。 // 注意:每一轮的周期数被随机了,周期数不再固定为8,而是2到8之间的随机值! // 我之前怎么就没有想到全局随机呢??? if (elapsed_us > bbr->cycle_len * bbr->min_rtt_us) { /* Start a new PROBE_BW probing cycle of www.leyou2.net [2 to 8] x min_rtt. */ bbr->cycle_mstamp = tp->delivered_mstamp; bbr->cycle_len = CYCLE_LEN - prandom_u32_max(bbr_cycle_rand); // 每一轮均从ProbeMore周期开始! bbr_set_cycle_idx(sk, BBR_BW_PROBE_UP); /* probe bandwidth */ return; } /* The pacing_gain of 1.0 paces at the estimated bw to try to fully * use the pipe without increasing the queue. */ // 每一轮均从ProbeMore周期开始,那么平稳的cruise周期肯定是 // 从Drain周期下来的,如果进入了平稳的cruise周期,便不再变化, // 直到结束,仔细想想,这个和我的那个cycle随机化修改是完全一 // 致的啊!! if (bbr->pacing_gain == BBR_UNIT) return; inflight = rs->prior_in_flight; /* what was in-flight before ACK? */ bw = bbr_max_bw(sk); /* A pacing_gain < 1.0 tries to drain extra queue we added if bw * probing didn't find more bw. If inflight falls to match BDP then we * estimate queue is drained; persisting would underutilize the pipe. */ // 如果处在Drain周期,那么就一直Drain到inflight等于target为止! if (bbr->pacing_gain < BBR_UNIT) { if (inflight <= bbr_inflight(sk, bw, BBR_UNIT)) // Drain成功后便进入到了平稳的cruise周期。 bbr_set_cycle_idx(sk, BBR_BW_PROBE_CRUISE);www.bomaoyule.cn/ /* cruise */ return; } /* A pacing_gain > 1.0 probes for bw by trying to raise inflight to at * least pacing_gain*BDP; this may take more than min_rtt if min_rtt is * small (e.g. on a LAN). We do not persist if packets are lost, since * a path with small buffers may not hold that much. Similarly we exit * if we were prevented by app/recv-win from reaching the target. */ // 每一轮从ProbeMore开始,只有在出现丢包,RTT增加等情况下会进入Drain周期。 // 注意:elapsed_us是从本轮开始计数,到当前的时间除以RTT正好记录了 // 经过了多少个RTT,退出ProbeMore的条件是,至少经过了一个RTT, // 这一点和BBR 1.0版本完全一致。 if (elapsed_us > bbr->min_rtt_us && (inflight >= bbr_inflight(sk, bw, bbr->pacing_gain) || rs->losses || /* perhaps pacing_gain*BDP won't fit */ rs->is_app_limited || /* previously app-limited */ !tcp_send_head(sk) || /* currently app/rwin-limited */ !tcp_snd_wnd_test(tp, tcp_send_head(sk), tp->mss_cache))) { bbr_set_cycle_idx(sk, BBR_BW_PROBE_DOWN); /* drain queue */
这个patch证明我之前的思路还是对的,从那个“||”改为“&&”的时候就是正确的,此后加上我那个随机化平稳cruise周期基本就是这个代码了。这里可以说“||”改为“&&”是一个代码上的小trick,而我觉得真正有意义的地方在于随机化cycle后并且一次性Drain to target 。
TCP BBR失速控制的一个小trick一个小patch:
当时已经看过了https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/101/materials/slides-101-iccrg-an-update-on-bbr-work-at-google-00这个slides,然而并没有看到今天这个patch set的代码,所以我写了一个完全不一样的,不使用windowed max,而是使用了移动指数平均的方法。我的那个实现其实是有问题的,问题在于我的计算周期太短了,我是每次ACK到达都会去计算速率,这样做是不是有失精度呢?
今天,我就简单说一下Google使用windowed max的方式来记录extra AKCed,从而计算extra cwnd的方法。
static void bbr_set_cwnd(struct sock *sk, const struct rate_sample *rs, u32 acked, u32 bw, int gain) { ... target_cwnd = bbr_bdp(sk, bw, gain); /* Increment the cwnd to account for excess ACKed data that seems * due to aggregation (of data and/or ACKs) visible in the ACK stream. */ // 这个才是我们关注的!为cwnd增加了extra cwnd target_cwnd += bbr_ack_aggregation_cwnd(sk)
static u32 bbr_ack_aggregation_cwnd(struct sock *sk)
u32 max_aggr_cwnd, aggr_cwnd = 0;
if (bbr_extra_acked_gain && bbr_full_bw_reached(sk)) {
// 计算一个上界 max_aggr_cwnd = ((u64)bbr_bw(sk) * bbr_extra_acked_max_us) / BW_UNIT; // 这句中的bbr_extra_acked最重要,至于又一个gain,权当经验值好了! aggr_cwnd = (bbr_extra_acked_gain * bbr_extra_acked(sk)) >> BBR_SCALE; aggr_cwnd = min(aggr_cwnd, max_aggr_cwnd); } return aggr_cwnd
我说这虽然可能是BBR 2.0里面的自带功能,但却是一个十足的无失速BBR版本的1.0,这也是一个开始,解决失速问题的开始,不要苛求精确。
/* Return maximum extra acked in past k-2k round trips,
* where k = bbr_extra_acked_win_rtts.
static u16 bbr_extra_acked(const struct sock *sk)
struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk)
接下来看一个最后的函数,即如何来计算extra ACKed的值,其实,只看注释应该就够了,但是那和直接看那个slides无异。为了展示实现上的技巧,还是要贴出代码最实在:
/* Estimates the windowed max degree of ack aggregation.
* This is used to provision extra in-flight data to keep sending during
* inter-ACK silences.
* Degree of ack aggregation is estimated as extra data acked beyond expected.
* max_extra_acked = "maximum recent excess data ACKed beyond max_bw * interval"
* cwnd += max_extra_acked
* Max extra_acked is clamped by cwnd and bw * bbr_extra_acked_max_us (100 ms).
* Max filter is an approximate sliding window of 10-20 (packet timed) round
* trips.
static void bbr_update_ack_aggregation(struct sock *sk,
const struct rate_sample *rs) { u32 epoch_us, expected_acked, extra_acked; struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk); struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); if (!bbr_extra_acked_gain || rs->acked_sacked <= 0 || rs->delivered < 0 || rs->interval_us <= 0) return; if (bbr->round_start) { bbr->extra_acked_win_rtts = min(0x1F, bbr->extra_acked_win_rtts + 1); // 每10个rtt作为一轮参与计算。 if (bbr->extra_acked_win_rtts >= bbr_extra_acked_win_rtts) { bbr->extra_acked_win_rtts = 0; // 交错使用extra_acked倒换数组容器 bbr->extra_acked_win_idx = bbr->extra_acked_win_idx ?0 : 1; bbr->extra_acked[bbr->extra_acked_win_idx] = 0; } } /* Compute how many packets we expected to be delivered over epoch. */ // epoch_us表示自从收到“比预期过量的ACK”开始到现在的时间间隔! epoch_us = tcp_stamp_us_delta(tp->delivered_mstamp, bbr->ack_epoch_mstamp); // 很显然的预期公式,bw*t = acked。 expected_acked = ((u64)bbr_bw(sk) * epoch_us) / BW_UNIT; /* Reset the aggregation epoch if ACK rate is below expected rate or * significantly large no. of ack received since epoch (potentially * quite old epoch). */ // 只有从开始收到比预期多的ACK,SACK时才开始计时。另外,太多也不行。 if (bbr->ack_epoch_acked <= expected_acked || (bbr->ack_epoch_acked + rs->acked_sacked >= bbr_ack_epoch_acked_reset_thresh)) { bbr->ack_epoch_acked = 0; bbr->ack_epoch_mstamp = tp->delivered_mstamp; expected_acked = 0; } /* Compute excess data delivered, beyond what was expected. */ bbr->ack_epoch_acked = min(0xFFFFFU, bbr->ack_epoch_acked + rs->acked_sacked); // 用实际的ACK,SACK数量减去预期的,就是extra。 extra_acked = bbr->ack_epoch_acked - expected_acked; extra_acked = min(extra_acked, tp->snd_cwnd); // 加入到容器以供set cwnd逻辑来取值。 if (extra_acked > bbr->extra_acked[bbr->extra_acked_win_idx]) bbr->extra_acked[bbr->extra_acked_win_idx] = extra_acked
/* Bottleneck Bandwidth and RTT (BBR) congestion control
* BBR congestion control computes the sending rate based on the delivery
* rate (throughput) estimated from ACKs. In a nutshell:
* On each ACK, update our model of the network path:
* bottleneck_bandwidth = windowed_max(delivered / elapsed, 10 round trips)
* min_rtt = windowed_min(rtt, 10 seconds)
* pacing_rate = pacing_gain * bottleneck_bandwidth
* cwnd = max(cwnd_gain * bottleneck_bandwidth * min_rtt, 4)
* The core algorithm does not react directly to packet losses or delays,
* although BBR may adjust the size of next send per ACK when loss is
* observed, or adjust the sending rate if it estimates there is a
* traffic policer, in order to keep the drop rate reasonable.
* Here is a state transition diagram for BBR:
* |
* V
* +---> STARTUP ----+
* | | |
* | V |
* | DRAIN ----+
* | | |
* | V |
* +---> PROBE_BW ----+
* | ^ | |
* | | | |
* | +----+ |
* | |
* +---- PROBE_RTT <--+
* A BBR flow starts in STARTUP, and ramps up its sending rate quickly.
* When it estimates the pipe is full, it enters DRAIN to drain the queue.
* In steady state a BBR flow only uses PROBE_BW and PROBE_RTT.
* A long-lived BBR flow spends the vast majority of its time remaining
* (repeatedly) in PROBE_BW, fully probing and utilizing the pipe's bandwidth
* in a fair manner, with a small, bounded queue. *If* a flow has been
* continuously sending for the entire min_rtt window, and hasn't seen an RTT
* sample that matches or decreases its min_rtt estimate for 10 seconds, then
* it briefly enters PROBE_RTT to cut inflight to a minimum value to re-probe
* the path's two-way propagation delay (min_rtt). When exiting PROBE_RTT, if
* we estimated that we reached the full bw of the pipe then we enter PROBE_BW;
* otherwise we enter STARTUP to try to fill the pipe.
* BBR is described in detail in:
* "BBR: Congestion-Based Congestion Control",
* Neal Cardwell, Yuchung Cheng, C. Stephen Gunn, Soheil Hassas Yeganeh,
* Van Jacobson. ACM Queue, Vol. 14 No. 5, September-October 2016.
* There is a public e-mail list for discussing BBR development and testing:
* https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bbr-dev
* NOTE: BBR might be used with the fq qdisc ("man tc-fq") with pacing enabled,
* otherwise TCP stack falls back to an internal pacing using one high
* resolution timer per TCP socket and may use more resources.
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <net/tcp.h>
#include <linux/inet_diag.h>
#include <linux/inet.h> #include <linux/random.h> #include <linux/win_minmax.h> /* Scale factor for rate in pkt/uSec unit to avoid truncation in bandwidth * estimation. The rate unit ~= (1500 bytes / 1 usec / 2^24) ~= 715 bps. * This handles bandwidths from 0.06pps (715bps) to 256Mpps (3Tbps) in a u32. * Since the minimum window is >=4 packets, the lower bound isn't * an issue. The upper bound isn't an issue with existing technologies. */ #define BW_SCALE 24 #define BW_UNIT (1 << BW_SCALE) #define BBR_SCALE 8 /* scaling factor for fractions in BBR (e.g. gains) */ #define BBR_UNIT (1 << BBR_SCALE) /* BBR has the following modes for deciding how fast to send: */ enum bbr_mode { BBR_STARTUP, /* ramp up sending rate rapidly to fill pipe */ BBR_DRAIN, /* drain any queue created during startup */ BBR_PROBE_BW, /* discover, share bw: pace around estimated bw */ BBR_PROBE_RTT, /* cut inflight to min to probe min_rtt */ }; /* BBR congestion control block */ struct bbr { u32 min_rtt_us; /* min RTT in min_rtt_win_sec window */ u32 min_rtt_stamp; /* timestamp of min_rtt_us */ u32 probe_rtt_done_stamp; /* end time for BBR_PROBE_RTT mode */ struct minmax bw; /* Max recent delivery rate in pkts/uS << 24 */ u32 rtt_cnt; /* count of packet-timed rounds elapsed */ u32 next_rtt_delivered; /* scb->tx.delivered at end of round */ u64 cycle_mstamp; /* time of this cycle phase start */ u32 mode:3, /* current bbr_mode in state machine */ prev_ca_state:3, /* CA state on previous ACK */ packet_conservation:1, /* use packet conservation? */ restore_cwnd:1, /* decided to revert cwnd to old value */ round_start:1, /* start of packet-timed tx->ack round? */ cycle_len:4, /* phases in this PROBE_BW gain cycle */ tso_segs_goal:7, /* segments we want in each skb we send */ idle_restart:1, /* restarting after idle? */ probe_rtt_round_done:1, /* a BBR_PROBE_RTT round at 4 pkts? */ unused:8, lt_is_sampling:1, /* taking long-term ("LT") samples now? */ lt_rtt_cnt:7, /* round trips in long-term interval */ lt_use_bw:1; /* use lt_bw as our bw estimate? */ u32 lt_bw; /* LT est delivery rate in pkts/uS << 24 */ u32 lt_last_delivered; /* LT intvl start: tp->delivered */ u32 lt_last_stamp; /* LT intvl start: tp->delivered_mstamp */ u32 lt_last_lost; /* LT intvl start: tp->lost */ u32 pacing_gain:10, /* current gain for setting pacing rate */ cwnd_gain:10, /* current gain for setting cwnd */ full_bw_cnt:3, /* number of rounds without large bw gains */ cycle_idx:3, /* current index in pacing_gain cycle array */ has_seen_rtt:1, /* have we seen an RTT sample yet? */ unused_b:5; u32 prior_cwnd; /* prior cwnd upon entering loss recovery */ u32 full_bw; /* recent bw, to estimate if pipe is full */ /* For tracking ACK aggregation: */ u64 ack_epoch_mstamp; /* start of ACK sampling epoch */ u16 extra_acked[2]; /* max excess data ACKed in epoch */ u32 ack_epoch_acked:20, /* packets (S)ACKed in sampling epoch */ extra_acked_win_rtts:5, /* age of extra_acked, in round trips */ extra_acked_win_idx:1, /* current index in extra_acked array */ unused1:6; }; #define CYCLE_LEN 8 /* number of phases in a pacing gain cycle */ /* Window length of bw filter (in rounds): */ static const int bbr_bw_rtts = CYCLE_LEN + 2; /* Window length of min_rtt filter (in sec): */ static const u32 bbr_min_rtt_win_sec = 10; /* Minimum time (in ms) spent at bbr_cwnd_min_target in BBR_PROBE_RTT mode: */ static const u32 bbr_probe_rtt_mode_ms = 200; /* Skip TSO below the following bandwidth (bits/sec): */ static const int bbr_min_tso_rate = 1200000; /* We use a high_gain value of 2/ln(2) because it's the smallest pacing gain * that will allow a smoothly increasing pacing rate that will double each RTT * and send the same number of packets per RTT that an un-paced, slow-starting * Reno or CUBIC flow would: */ static const int bbr_high_gain = BBR_UNIT * 2885 / 1000 + 1; /* The pacing gain of 1/high_gain in BBR_DRAIN is calculated to typically drain * the queue created in BBR_STARTUP in a single round: */ static const int bbr_drain_gain = BBR_UNIT * 1000 / 2885; /* The gain for deriving steady-state cwnd tolerates delayed/stretched ACKs: */ static const int bbr_cwnd_gain = BBR_UNIT * 2; enum bbr_pacing_gain_phase { BBR_BW_PROBE_UP = 0, BBR_BW_PROBE_DOWN = 1, BBR_BW_PROBE_CRUISE = 2, }; /* The pacing_gain values for the PROBE_BW gain cycle, to discover/share bw: */ static const int bbr_pacing_gain[] = { BBR_UNIT * 5 / 4, /* probe for more available bw */ BBR_UNIT * 3 / 4, /* drain queue and/or yield bw to other flows */ BBR_UNIT, BBR_UNIT, BBR_UNIT, /* cruise at 1.0*bw to utilize pipe, */ BBR_UNIT, BBR_UNIT, BBR_UNIT /* without creating excess queue... */ }; /* Randomize the starting gain cycling phase over N phases: */ static const u32 bbr_cycle_rand = 7; /* Try to keep at least this many packets in flight, if things go smoothly. For * smooth functioning, a sliding window protocol ACKing every other packet * needs at least 4 packets in flight: */ static const u32 bbr_cwnd_min_target = 4; /* To estimate if BBR_STARTUP mode (i.e. high_gain) has filled pipe... */ /* If bw has increased significantly (1.25x), there may be more bw available: */ static const u32 bbr_full_bw_thresh = BBR_UNIT * 5 / 4; /* But after 3 rounds w/o significant bw growth, estimate pipe is full: */ static const u32 bbr_full_bw_cnt = 3; /* "long-term" ("LT") bandwidth estimator parameters... */ /* The minimum number of rounds in an LT bw sampling interval: */ static const u32 bbr_lt_intvl_min_rtts = 4; /* If lost/delivered ratio > 20%, interval is "lossy" and we may be policed: */ static const u32 bbr_lt_loss_thresh = 50; /* If 2 intervals have a bw ratio <= 1/8, their bw is "consistent": */ static const u32 bbr_lt_bw_ratio = BBR_UNIT / 8; /* If 2 intervals have a bw diff <= 4 Kbit/sec their bw is "consistent": */ static const u32 bbr_lt_bw_diff = 4000 / 8; /* If we estimate we're policed, use lt_bw for this many round trips: */ static const u32 bbr_lt_bw_max_rtts = 48; /* Gain factor for adding extra_acked to target cwnd: */ static const int bbr_extra_acked_gain = BBR_UNIT; /* Window length of extra_acked window. Max allowed val is 31. */ static const u32 bbr_extra_acked_win_rtts = 10; /* Max allowed val for ack_epoch_acked, after which sampling epoch is reset */ static const u32 bbr_ack_epoch_acked_reset_thresh = 1U << 20; /* Time period for clamping cwnd increment due to ack aggregation */ static const u32 bbr_extra_acked_max_us = 100 * 1000; /* Each cycle, try to hold sub-unity gain until inflight <= BDP. */ static const bool bbr_drain_to_target = true; /* default: enabled */ /* Do we estimate that STARTUP filled the pipe? */ static bool bbr_full_bw_reached(const struct sock *sk) { const struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk); return bbr->full_bw_cnt >= bbr_full_bw_cnt; } static void bbr_set_cycle_idx(struct sock *sk, int cycle_idx) { struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk); bbr->cycle_idx = cycle_idx; bbr->pacing_gain = bbr->lt_use_bw ? BBR_UNIT : bbr_pacing_gain[bbr->cycle_idx]; } u32 bbr_max_bw(const struct sock *sk); u32 bbr_inflight(struct sock *sk, u32 bw, int gain); u32 bbr_max_bw(const struct sock *sk); static void bbr_drain_to_target_cycling(struct sock *sk, const struct rate_sample *rs) { struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk); u32 elapsed_us = tcp_stamp_us_delta(tp->delivered_mstamp, bbr->cycle_mstamp); u32 inflight, bw; if (bbr->mode != BBR_PROBE_BW) return; /* Always need to probe for bw before we forget good bw estimate. */ if (elapsed_us > bbr->cycle_len * bbr->min_rtt_us) { /* Start a new PROBE_BW probing cycle of [2 to 8] x min_rtt. */ bbr->cycle_mstamp = tp->delivered_mstamp; bbr->cycle_len = CYCLE_LEN - prandom_u32_max(bbr_cycle_rand); bbr_set_cycle_idx(sk, BBR_BW_PROBE_UP); /* probe bandwidth */ return; } /* The pacing_gain of 1.0 paces at the estimated bw to try to fully * use the pipe without increasing the queue. */ if (bbr->pacing_gain == BBR_UNIT) return; inflight = rs->prior_in_flight; /* what was in-flight before ACK? */ bw = bbr_max_bw(sk); /* A pacing_gain < 1.0 tries to drain extra queue we added if bw * probing didn't find more bw. If inflight falls to match BDP then we * estimate queue is drained; persisting would underutilize the pipe. */ if (bbr->pacing_gain < BBR_UNIT) { if (inflight <= bbr_inflight(sk, bw, BBR_UNIT)) bbr_set_cycle_idx(sk, BBR_BW_PROBE_CRUISE); /* cruise */ return; } /* A pacing_gain > 1.0 probes for bw by trying to raise inflight to at * least pacing_gain*BDP; this may take more than min_rtt if min_rtt is * small (e.g. on a LAN). We do not persist if packets are lost, since * a path with small buffers may not hold that much. Similarly we exit * if we were prevented by app/recv-win from reaching the target. */ if (elapsed_us > bbr->min_rtt_us && (inflight >= bbr_inflight(sk, bw, bbr->pacing_gain) || rs->losses || /* perhaps pacing_gain*BDP won't fit */ rs->is_app_limited || /* previously app-limited */ !tcp_send_head(sk) ||