Unity 2018.1 is gearing up to be one of the most exciting Unity releases in a while. And if you download and install the beta, not only do you get early access to all the new features, like the Shader Graph and the Scripted Render Pipeline, you also get to have your say and make a real impact on the end product. Finally, the beta gives you a chance to test how your current project will fare on 2018.1.
Unity 2018.1正准备成为 一段时间以来最令人兴奋的Unity版本之一。 而且,如果您下载并安装Beta版,不仅可以尽早使用所有新功能,例如Shader Graph和Scripted Render Pipeline,还可以发表自己的意见并对最终产品产生真正的影响。 最后,测试版使您有机会测试当前项目在2018.1的表现。
You’ll get a closer look at our Shader Graph, a new visual shader tool. The Shader Graph is designed to work with the Scripted Render Pipeline, which is also included in the 2018.1b. Later in the cycle, we’ll add the C# job system, that we showcased at Unity last year. You can find more info about the new rendering capabilities in our “2018 and Graphics” blog.
您将仔细查看我们的着色器图,这是一种新的视觉着色器工具。 着色器 图旨在 与脚本渲染管线一起使用,该管线也包含在2018.1b中。 在本周期的后期,我们将添加去年在Unity上展示的C#作业系统。 您可以在我们的 “ 2018 and Graphics”博客中 找到有关新渲染功能的更多信息 。
(Win Unity Gear)
To spice things up a bit, we’re giving a Unity Gear set to 25 lucky testers. Each set includes a logo hoodie, a logo tee and a metal camp mug from the Unity Gear store.
为了给事情增添趣味,我们为25位幸运的测试人员准备了一套Unity Gear。 每套都 包括 Unity Gear商店的徽标帽衫,徽标T恤和金属露营杯。
Note that only original bug entries are eligible (in other words, entries that have not yet been reported at the time of submission and have been reproduced and acknowledged by us as a bug).
请注意,只有原始的错误条目才是合格的(换句话说,在提交时尚未报告的条目, 并已被 我们 复制 并确认为错误)。
(What to expect?)
As with any beta program, you’ll have early access to features that are still under development. That means you’ll experience Unity as less stable than the final version. The beta test is currently expected to run until March 4, and several beta versions will be made available in that time.
与任何Beta版程序一样,您将尽早使用仍在开发中的功能。 这意味着您将体验到Unity不如 最终 版本 稳定 的问题 。 目前, 该Beta测试 预计将持续到3月4日, 届时将 提供 多个beta 版本 。
(How to join)
It’s simple to get started and participate in the beta process. Simply head over to our beta testing section, read our guide and download the installer to get access to the 2018.1 beta.
入门 和参与 Beta流程 很简单 。 只需转到我们的 Beta测试部分 ,阅读我们的指南并下载安装程序即可访问2018.1 beta。
We also encourage you to sign up for the optional beta tester email list below. Signing up will enable us to send you notifications when new versions are available, as well as tips on how to be an effective beta tester.
我们 也建议 您在下面注册可选的Beta测试人员电子邮件列表。 注册后,我们将可以在有新版本可用时向您发送通知,以及有关 如何成为 有效的Beta测试人员的提示。
Please see this guide to being an effective beta tester to start off on the right foot.
请参阅本 指南, 了解 如何从右脚开始 成为有效的Beta测试员 。
The beta release is available for free to all Unity users, including Personal Edition users. In the release notes section, you’ll find a complete list of all the new features, improvements and bug fixes included in the release.
Beta版 对所有Unity用户(包括个人版用户) 免费 提供。 在 发行说明部分中 ,您将找到该发行版中包含的所有新功能,改进和错误修复的完整列表。
2018.1 Beta Sweepstakes Official Rules and Conditions
2018.1 Beta抽奖活动正式规则和条件
(Sign up for our beta newsletter)
We also encourage you to sign up for the optional beta tester email list below. Signing up will enable us to send you notifications when new versions are available, as well as tips on how to be an effective beta tester.
我们也建议您在下面注册可选的Beta测试人员电子邮件列表。 注册后,我们将可以在有新版本可用时向您发送通知,以及有关如何成为有效的Beta测试人员的提示。
First Name: Last Name: Email Address: Processing… Thank you! Your data has been successfully sent. We are sorry! Some error occurred. please, try again later.
名字: 姓: 电子邮件地址: 处理中… 谢谢! 您的数据已成功发送。 很抱歉! 发生了一些错误。 请稍后再试。