The Services Window is new in Unity 5.2. It’s your in-editor gateway to Unity Ads, Unity Analytics, Unity Cloud Build, and Unity Multiplayer, and there’s no longer any need to integrate an SDK to access them. In fact, you can enable Unity Services with just a few clicks!

服务窗口是Unity 5.2中的新增功能。 它是您访问 Unity AdsUnity AnalyticsUnity Cloud BuildUnity Multiplayer 的编辑器网关, 不再需要集成SDK来访问它们。 实际上,您只需单击几下即可启用Unity Services!

First, open the Services Window, either from the Window menu, or by clicking the cloud icon in the top right corner of the Editor interface.


unity十万数据库访问量租什么配置的云服务器 unity cloud analytics_java

Once that’s done, you’ll be prompted to create a Project ID. The Project ID is a unique identifier for your Project – typically a game. You should now see four tabs in your Services Window: Services, Members, Age Designation, and Settings.

完成后,将提示您创建一个项目ID。 项目ID是项目(通常是游戏)的唯一标识符。 现在,您应该在“服务”窗口中看到四个选项卡:“服务”,“成员”,“年龄指定”和“设置”。

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You can enable Unity Ads and Unity Analytics in your Project by simply clicking the toggle switch to “On”. To get going with Unity Cloud Build, all you need to do is accept the terms and conditions, and, with Unity Multiplayer, you can start configuring your settings straight away. That’s all there is to it – you’re good to go!

您只需单击切换开关“打开”即可在项目中启用Unity Ads和Unity Analytics。 要开始使用Unity Cloud Build,您需要做的就是接受条款和条件,并且使用Unity Multiplayer,您可以立即开始配置设置。 这就是全部–您很好!


When sharing your Project, it’s important to accord the appropriate rights to the people you grant access to. You can invite additional members to your Project directly in the Members tab and accord them rights in your Project’s online dashboard. Any given Project belongs to an Organization, and within a given Organization there can be a number of Projects.

共享您的项目时,重要的是将适当的权利授予您授予访问权限的人员。 您可以直接在“成员”选项卡中邀请其他成员加入您的项目,并在项目的在线仪表板上为其授予权限。 任何给定的项目都属于一个组织,并且在给定的组织内可以有多个项目。

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(Age Designation)

Developers building apps directed to children under the age of 13 in the United States are required to comply with COPPA (the Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act). If your game fits into that category, set the Age Designation setting to “under 13”. Doing so will restrict the data collected by Unity Analytics or Unity Ads – though you can, of course, continue to use both services.

在美国开发面向13岁以下儿童的应用的开发人员必须 遵守COPPA (儿童在线隐私和保护法)。 如果您的游戏适合该类别,请将“年龄指定”设置设置为“ 13岁以下”。 这样做将限制 Unity Analytics或Unity Ads收集数据 -尽管您当然可以继续使用这两种服务。


You can use the Settings tab to change the name of your Project (what you refer to it by), though not its Project ID (the project’s unique identifier). To create a new Project ID, for example, in the event that you want to use one project as a template for another, just click “Unlink”. You can always enable them again, should you wish to.

您可以使用“设置”选项卡来更改项目的名称(您使用的名称),但不能更改其项目ID(项目的唯一标识符)。 例如,如果要使用一个项目作为另一个项目的模板,则要创建新的项目ID,只需单击“取消链接”。 如果需要,您可以始终再次启用它们。

(That’s really all there is to it)

With your Unity Services enabled, you can now configure them in the appropriate Online Dashboard. There’s Unity Ads, Unity Analytics, Unity Cloud Build and Unity Multiplayer documentation available to help you do so.     

启用Unity Services后,您现在可以在相应的在线仪表板中对其进行配置。 有 Unity AdsUnity AnalyticsUnity Cloud BuildUnity Multiplayer 文档可帮助您做到这一点。
