The Force Touch feature on Apple Watch is similar to a right mouse click in Windows. It allows you to quickly access contextually-specific options on the watch. We’ll show you 10 useful ways you can use Force Touch in different apps on your watch.
Apple Watch上的“强制触摸”功能类似于Windows中的右键单击。 它使您可以快速访问手表上上下文相关的选项。 我们将向您展示10种有用的方法,您可以在手表的不同应用程序中使用Force Touch。
(Change and Customize Watch Faces)
This is probably the most common use for Force Touch. Press firmly on the watch face to access the interface that allows you to change to a different watch face and customize the different watch faces.
这可能是Force Touch的最常见用法。 用力按在表盘上以访问该界面,该界面允许您更改为其他表盘并自定义不同的表盘。
NOTE: You can also use a single photo or photo album to create a custom watch face and make the Modular watch face multi-colored.
(Change the View in the Weather App)
When you open the “Weather” app on your Apple Watch, it displays the weather conditions by default. However, you can use Force Touch to change the view.
当您在Apple Watch上打开“天气”应用程序时,默认情况下会显示天气情况。 但是,您可以使用“强制触摸”来更改视图。
Press firmly on the watch face to access the three options for viewing the weather in the app. Tap on one of the options to change the view.
用力按表面,以访问三个选项以在应用程序中查看天气。 点击选项之一以更改视图。
NOTE: You can also tap on the current view to cycle through the three different views.
(Change the View in the Calendar App)
By default, when you first open the Calendar app on your watch, the “Day” view displays. After that, the last view used is the one that displays when you open the app. Use Force Touch to quickly change the Calendar view. In the current view, press firmly on the watch screen.
默认情况下,当您首次在手表上打开“日历”应用时,将显示“日”视图。 之后,最后使用的视图是打开应用程序时显示的视图。 使用强制触摸快速更改日历视图。 在当前视图中,牢固地按手表屏幕上的。
Tap “List” to view the events for “Today” in list form.
NOTE: Tap the “Today” link in the upper-left corner of the watch screen to view the whole month at a glance. Tap the monthly calendar to return to the “Today” view (“Day” or “List”, whichever format was last being viewed).
注意:点击手表屏幕左上角的“今天”链接,可以一眼查看整个月份。 点击每月日历以返回“今日”视图(“日期”或“列表”,以最后一次查看的格式为准)。
Pressing firmly again allows you to go back to the “Day” view.
(Flag and Delete Email, Mark Email as Unread, and Reply to Email in the Mail App)
The “Mail” app on Apple Watch allows you not only to view your email messages, but also take action on them using Force Touch. When you open the mail app, tap on the email you want to flag, delete, mark as unread, or reply to.
Apple Watch上的“邮件”应用程序不仅使您可以查看电子邮件,还可以使用Force Touch对其执行操作。 打开邮件应用程序时,点击您要标记,删除,标记为未读或回复的电子邮件。
Once the desired email message is open, press firmly on the watch screen to access the options for dealing with the current email message.
(Clear All Notifications)
This is handy if you get a lot of notifications at once. Rather than dismissing each separate notification, you can quickly and easily clear all notifications. When you get notifications, open the main list of notifications and press firmly on the watch screen. Tap the “Clear All” button to dismiss, or clear, all the notifications.
如果您一次收到很多通知,这将很方便。 无需关闭每个单独的通知,而是可以快速轻松地清除所有通知。 收到通知时,打开通知的主列表,然后在手表屏幕上按稳固。 点击“全部清除”按钮以消除或清除所有通知。
(Create a New Text Message)
One nice feature of the Apple Watch is the ability to create and send a text message using the watch. It still gets delivered through your iPhone, but you don’t have to take out the phone to create it. Simply use Force Touch in the “Messages” app to create a new message.
Apple Watch的一个不错的功能是能够使用该手表创建和发送短信。 它仍然可以通过您的iPhone交付,但是您不必取出电话即可创建它。 只需在“消息”应用程序中使用“强制触摸”即可创建新消息。
Open the “Messages” app and press firmly on the main “Messages” screen.
Tap the “New Message” button that displays and use the “New Message” screen to add a contact and create your message.
When creating your message, you can either choose from the list of default messages, speak your message, or send an emoji.
NOTE: You can create custom messages for use when sending new messages or replying to messages you receive.
(Send Your Location in the Messages App)
If your meeting someone, instead of trying to describe where you are, send them your location in a text message. They can use the location they receive to get directions to where you are. This is easily accomplished using Force Touch in the “Messages” app.
如果您的会议对象是某人,而不是尝试描述您的位置,请通过短信向他们发送您的位置。 他们可以使用收到的位置来获取前往您所在位置的路线。 使用“消息”应用程序中的“强制触摸”可以轻松完成此操作。
We’ve already covered how to quickly share your location using “Messages” on your Apple Watch.
我们已经介绍了如何使用Apple Watch上的“消息”快速共享您的位置。
(Add a New Alarm)
Just like multi-function watches such as Casio, your Apple Watch also has an Alarm function. When you open the “Alarms” app, all alarms you have added display in a list and slider buttons indicate whether they are on (green) or off (gray). Alarms that are off also display in gray text rather than white.
就像卡西欧(Casio)等多功能手表一样,您的Apple Watch也具有闹钟功能。 当您打开“警报”应用程序时,您添加的所有警报都会显示在列表中,并且滑块按钮指示它们是打开(绿色)还是关闭(灰色)。 关闭的警报也会以灰色文本而不是白色显示。
The Force Touch feature is used to create new alarms in the app. Press firmly on the main “Alarms” screen.
强制触摸功能用于在应用程序中创建新警报。 用力按“警报”主屏幕。
Tap the “Add Alarm” button that displays and set the options for the alarm.
(Shuffle, Repeat, and AirPlay Controls and Change Source in the Music App)
Your Apple Watch allows you to control music on your iPhone as well as music directly on watch itself. The Force Touch feature provides access to the different options on the different screens in the app.
Apple Watch可让您控制iPhone上的音乐以及直接在手表本身上的音乐。 强制触摸功能可让您访问应用程序不同屏幕上的不同选项。
Open the “Music” app and press firmly on the main “Music” screen.
Tap the “Source” button to specify whether you want to play music on your iPhone or on the watch.
NOTE: You can transfer up to 2GB of music to your watch and play it directly from there using Bluetooth headphones or speakers. See our article to find out how.
注意:您最多可以将2GB的音乐传输到手表,并使用Bluetooth耳机或扬声器从那里直接播放。 请参阅我们的文章以了解操作方法。
Additional options are available when you go to the “Now Playing” screen and use Force Touch. Press firmly on the “Now Playing” screen.
当您转到“正在播放”屏幕并使用“强制触摸”时,可以使用其他选项。 用力按“正在播放”屏幕。
The “Shuffle”, “Repeat”, and “AirPlay” options display. You can also change the “Source” of the music from this screen.
显示“随机播放”,“重复播放”和“ AirPlay ”选项。 您也可以从此屏幕更改音乐的“来源”。
(Search for Locations in the Apple Maps App)
You can use your Apple Watch to search for locations in the “Maps” app, rather than taking out your phone, using Force Touch. When you open the “Maps” app, your current location displays. Press firmly on the watch screen.
您可以使用Apple Watch使用“强制触摸”功能在“地图”应用中搜索位置,而不必取出手机。 当您打开“地图”应用程序时,将显示您的当前位置。 用力按在手表屏幕上。
Tap the “Search” button to search for a specific location. You can speak the address you want to find using the “Dictation” button or you can select a location from the “Recents” list.
点击“搜索”按钮以搜索特定位置。 您可以使用“听写”按钮说出要查找的地址,也可以从“近期”列表中选择一个位置。
NOTE: You can also get the location of any contact for which you have an address, using the “Contacts” button and get maps for and directions to transit systems using the “Transit” button.
There are other ways to use the Force Touch feature on the Apple Watch, such as changing the stopwatch and timer modes, changing the move goal in the “Activity” app, and even changing the color of the emojis in the “Messages” app. You can also try Force Touch in third-party apps to discover additional options, if any are available.
还有其他方法可以使用Apple Watch上的“强制触摸”功能,例如更改秒表和计时器模式,在“活动”应用程序中更改移动目标,甚至在“消息”应用程序中更改表情符号的颜色。 您也可以尝试在第三方应用中使用“强制触摸”来发现其他选项(如果有)。