- 近邻法是基本且简单的分类与回归方法。近邻法的基本做法是:对给定的训练实例点和输入实例点,首先确定输入实例点的个最近邻训练实例点,然后利用这个训练实例点的类的多数来预测输入实例点的类。
- 近邻模型对应于基于训练数据集对特征空间的一个划分。近邻法中,当训练集、距离度量、值及分类决策规则确定后,其结果唯一确定。
- 近邻法三要素:距离度量、值的选择和分类决策规则。常用的距离度量是欧氏距离及更一般的pL距离。值小时,近邻模型更复杂;值大时,近邻模型更简单。值的选择反映了对近似误差与估计误差之间的权衡,通常由交叉验证选择最优的。常用的分类决策规则是多数表决,对应于经验风险最小化。
- 近邻法的实现需要考虑如何快速搜索k个最近邻点。kd树是一种便于对k维空间中的数据进行快速检索的数据结构。kd树是二叉树,表示对维空间的一个划分,其每个结点对应于维空间划分中的一个超矩形区域。利用kd树可以省去对大部分数据点的搜索, 从而减少搜索的计算量。
设和为两个向量,求它们之间的距离。这里用Numpy实现,设和为ndarray <numpy.ndarray>
2.1 欧式距离
欧几里得度量(euclidean metric)(也称欧氏距离)是一个通常采用的距离定义,指在维空间中两个点之间的真实距离,或者向量的自然长度(即该点到原点的距离)。在二维和三维空间中的欧氏距离就是两点之间的实际距离。
2.2 曼哈顿距离(Manhattan distance)
想象你在城市道路里,要从一个十字路口开车到另外一个十字路口,驾驶距离是两点间的直线距离吗?显然不是,除非你能穿越大楼。实际驾驶距离就是这个“曼哈顿距离”。而这也是曼哈顿距离名称的来源,曼哈顿距离也称为城市街区距离(City Block distance)。
2.3 切比雪夫距离(Chebyshev distance)
在数学中,切比雪夫距离(Chebyshev distance)或是L∞度量,是向量空间中的一种度量,二个点之间的距离定义是其各坐标数值差绝对值的最大值。以数学的观点来看,切比雪夫距离是由一致范数(uniform norm)(或称为上确界范数)所衍生的度量,也是超凸度量(injective metric space)的一种。
2.4 闵可夫斯基距离(Minkowski distance)
2.5 汉明距离(Hamming distance)
2.6 余弦相似度(Cosine Similarity)
import numpy as np
from math import *
# 欧式距离
def euclidean(x, y):
return np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y) ** 2))
# 曼哈顿距离
def manhattan(x, y):
return np.sum(np.abs(x - y))
# 切比雪夫距离
def chebyshev(x, y):
return np.max(np.abs(x - y))
# 闵可夫斯基距离
def minkowski(x, y, p):
return np.sum(np.abs(x - y) ** p) ** (1 / p)
# 汉明距离
def hamming(x, y):
return np.sum(x != y) / len(x)
# 余弦相似度
def square_rooted(x):
return round(sqrt(sum(a*a for a in x)), 3) # round():返回浮点数x的四舍五入值
def cosine_similarity(x, y):
numerator = sum(a * b for a, b in zip(x, y))
denominator = square_rooted(x) * square_rooted(y)
return round(numerator / float(denominator), 3)
- 近邻法是基本且简单的分类与回归方法。近邻法的基本做法是:对给定的训练实例点和输入实例点,首先确定输入实例点的个最近邻训练实例点,然后利用这个训练实例点的类的多数来预测输入实例点的类。
- 近邻模型对应于基于训练数据集对特征空间的一个划分。近邻法中,当训练集、距离度量、值及分类决策规则确定后,其结果唯一确定。
- 近邻法三要素:距离度量、值的选择和分类决策规则。常用的距离度量是欧氏距离。值小时,近邻模型更复杂;值大时,近邻模型更简单。值的选择反映了对近似误差与估计误差之间的权衡,通常由交叉验证选择最优的。
常用的分类决策规则是多数表决,对应于经验风险最小化。 - 近邻法的实现需要考虑如何快速搜索k个最近邻点。kd树是一种便于对k维空间中的数据进行快速检索的数据结构。kd树是二叉树,表示对维空间的一个划分,其每个结点对应于维空间划分中的一个超矩形区域。利用kd树可以省去对大部分数据点的搜索, 从而减少搜索的计算量。
5.1 小实例
# 实战
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from collections import Counter
# 导入鸢尾花数据集
iris = load_iris()
df = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, columns = iris.feature_names)
df["label"] = iris.target
df.columns = ["sepal length", "sepal width", "petal length", "petal width", "label"]
# 选择长和宽进行可视化
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8))
plt.scatter(df[:50]["sepal length"], df[:50]["sepal width"], label = "0")
plt.scatter(df[50:100]["sepal length"], df[50:100]["sepal width"], label = "1")
plt.xlabel("sepal length", fontsize = 18)
plt.ylabel("sepal width", fontsize = 18)
sepal length sepal width petal length petal width label
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 0
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 0
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 0
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 0
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 0
5 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 0
6 4.6 3.4 1.4 0.3 0
7 5.0 3.4 1.5 0.2 0
8 4.4 2.9 1.4 0.2 0
9 4.9 3.1 1.5 0.1 0
5.2 Numpy实现KNN
# 完整代码
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from collections import Counter
class KNN:
def __init__(self, X_train, y_train, n_neighbors = 3, p = 2):
parameter:n_neighbors 临近点个数
parameter:p 距离度量
self.n = n_neighbors
self.p = p
self.X_train = X_train
self.y_train = y_train
def predict(self, X):
knn_list = []
for i in range(self.n):
# np.linalg.norm(x,ord=None):对向量的度量,x表示矩阵,ord表示范数类型;
dist = np.linalg.norm(X - self.X_train[i], ord = self.p)
knn_list.append((dist, self.y_train[i]))
for i in range(self.n, len(self.X_train)):
max_index = knn_list.index(max(knn_list, key = lambda x:x[0]))
dist = np.linalg.norm(X - self.X_train[i], ord = self.p)
if knn_list[max_index][0] > dist:
knn_list[max_index] = (dist, self.y_train[i])
# 统计
knn = [k[-1] for k in knn_list]
count_pairs = Counter(knn)
max_count = sorted(count_pairs.items(), key = lambda x:x[1])[-1][0]
return max_count
def score(self, X_test, y_test):
right_count = 0
n = 10
for X, y in zip(X_test, y_test):
label = self.predict(X)
if label == y:
right_count += 1
return right_count / len(X_test)
# 导入鸢尾花数据集
iris = load_iris()
df = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, columns = iris.feature_names)
df["label"] = iris.target
df.columns = ["sepal length", "sepal width", "petal length", "petal width", "label"]
data = np.array(df.iloc[:150, [0, 1, -1]])
X, y = data[:, :-1], data[:, -1]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3)
clf = KNN(X_train, y_train)
print("clf.socre:", clf.score(X_test, y_test))
test_point = [6.0, 3.0]
print("Test Point:{}".format(clf.predict(test_point)))
6.1 sklearn.neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier
- n_neighbors: 临近点个数,即k的个数,默认是5
- p: 距离度量,默认
- algorithm: 近邻算法,可选{‘auto’, ‘ball_tree’, ‘kd_tree’, ‘brute’}
- weights: 确定近邻的权重
- n_neighbors : int,optional(default = 5)
默认情况下kneighbors查询使用的邻居数。就是k-NN的k的值,选取最近的k个点。 - weights : str或callable,可选(默认=‘uniform’)
默认是uniform,参数可以是uniform、distance,也可以是用户自己定义的函数。uniform是均等的权重,就说所有的邻近点的权重都是相等的。distance是不均等的权重,距离近的点比距离远的点的影响大。用户自定义的函数,接收距离的数组,返回一组维数相同的权重。 - algorithm : {‘auto’,‘ball_tree’,‘kd_tree’,‘brute’},可选
快速k近邻搜索算法,默认参数为auto,可以理解为算法自己决定合适的搜索算法。除此之外,用户也可以自己指定搜索算法ball_tree、kd_tree、brute方法进行搜索,brute是蛮力搜索,也就是线性扫描,当训练集很大时,计算非常耗时。kd_tree,构造kd树存储数据以便对其进行快速检索的树形数据结构,kd树也就是数据结构中的二叉树。以中值切分构造的树,每个结点是一个超矩形,在维数小于20时效率高。ball tree是为了克服kd树高纬失效而发明的,其构造过程是以质心C和半径r分割样本空间,每个节点是一个超球体。 - leaf_size : int,optional(默认值= 30)
默认是30,这个是构造的kd树和ball树的大小。这个值的设置会影响树构建的速度和搜索速度,同样也影响着存储树所需的内存大小。需要根据问题的性质选择最优的大小。 - p : 整数,可选(默认= 2)
距离度量公式。在上小结,我们使用欧氏距离公式进行距离度量。除此之外,还有其他的度量方法,例如曼哈顿距离。这个参数默认为2,也就是默认使用欧式距离公式进行距离度量。也可以设置为1,使用曼哈顿距离公式进行距离度量。 - metric : 字符串或可调用,默认为’minkowski’
用于距离度量,默认度量是minkowski,也就是p=2的欧氏距离(欧几里德度量)。 - metric_params : dict,optional(默认=None)
距离公式的其他关键参数,这个可以不管,使用默认的None即可。 - n_jobs : int或None,可选(默认=None)
6.2 代码实现
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
iris = load_iris()
df = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, columns = iris.feature_names)
df["label"] = iris.target
df.columns = ["sepal length", "sepal width", "petal length", "petal width", "label"]
data = np.array(df.iloc[:150, [0, 1, -1]])
X, y = data[:, :-1], data[:, -1]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3)
clf_sk3 = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = 3)
clf_sk3.fit(X_train, y_train)
print("clf_sk3.score:", clf_sk3.score(X_test, y_test))
clf_sk4 = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = 4)
clf_sk4.fit(X_train, y_train)
print("clf_sk4.score:", clf_sk4.score(X_test, y_test))
clf_sk5 = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = 5)
clf_sk5.fit(X_train, y_train)
print("clf_sk5.score:", clf_sk5.score(X_test, y_test))
# 自动调参
best_score = 0.0
best_k = -1
for k in range(1, 11):
knn_clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = k)
knn_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
score = knn_clf.score(X_test, y_test)
if score > best_score:
best_k = k
best_score = score
print("Best k = ", str(best_k))
print("Best score = ", str(best_score))
7.1 KD树
KD树(K-Dimension Tree),,也可称之为维树,可以用更高的效率来对空间进行划分,并且其结构非常适合寻找最近邻居和碰撞检测。KD树是一种便于对维空间中的数据进行快速检索的数据结构。KD树是二叉树,表示对维空间的一个划分,其每个结点对应于维空间划分中的一个超矩形区域。利用KD树可以省去对大部分数据点的搜索,从而减少搜索的计算量。
7.2 构造KD树的方法
- 选择切分维度
根据数据点在各维度上的分布情况,方差越大,分布越分散从方差大的维度开始切分,有较好的切分效果和平衡性。 - 确定中值点
7.3 构造KD树代码
from collections import namedtuple
from pprint import pformat
from math import sqrt
from time import process_time
from random import random
class Node(namedtuple("Node", "location left_child right_child")):
def __repr__(self):
return pformat(tuple(self))
# KD-Tree每个结点的数据结构
class KdNode(object):
def __init__(self, dom_elt, split, left, right):
parameter:dom_elt k维向量节点
parameter:split 整数,进行分割维度的序号
parameter:left 该结点分割超平面左子空间构成的kd-tree
parameter:right 该结点分割超平面右子空间构成的kd-tree
self.dom_elt = dom_elt
self.split = split
self.left = left
self.right = right
class KdTreeCreate(object):
def __init__(self, data):
k = len(data[0]) # 数据维度
def CreateNode(split, data_set):
if not data_set: # 如果数据集为空
return None
data_set.sort(key = lambda x:x[split])
split_pos = len(data_set) // 2
median = data_set[split_pos]
split_next = (split + 1) % k
# 递归创建kd树
return KdNode(median,
CreateNode(split_next, data_set[:split_pos]), # 创建左子树
CreateNode(split_next, data_set[split_pos + 1:])) # 创建右子树
self.root = CreateNode(0, data)
# KD-Tree前序遍历
def preorder(root):
if root.left:
if root.right:
# 对构建好的KD树进行搜索,寻找与目标点最近的样本点
# nearest_point:最近坐标点;nearest_dist:最近距离;nodes_visted:访问过的节点数;
result = namedtuple("Result_tuple", "nearest_point nearest_dist nodes_visited")
def find_nearest(tree, point):
k = len(point)
def travel(kd_node, target, max_dist):
if kd_node is None:
return result([0] * k, float("inf"), 0)
nodes_visited = 1
s = kd_node.split
pivot = kd_node.dom_elt # 进行分割的轴
if target[s] <= pivot[s]: # 如果目标点第s维小于分割轴的对应值,即目标离左子树更近
nearer_node = kd_node.left # 下一个访问节点为左子树根节点
further_node = kd_node.right # 同时记录右子树
nearer_node = kd_node.right
further_node = kd_node.left
temp1 = travel(nearer_node, target, max_dist) # 遍历找到包含目标点的区域
nearest = temp1.nearest_point
dist = temp1.nearest_dist # 更新最近距离
nodes_visited += temp1.nodes_visited
if dist < max_dist:
max_dist = dist
temp_dist = abs(pivot[s] - target[s])
if max_dist < temp_dist:
return result(nearest, dist, nodes_visited)
# 计算目标点与分割点的欧式距离
temp_dist = sqrt(sum((p1 - p2) ** 2 for p1, p2 in zip(pivot, target)))
if temp_dist < dist:
nearest = pivot # 更新最近点
dist = temp_dist # 更新最近距离
max_dist = dist # 更新超球体半径
# 检查另一个子结点对应的区域是否有更近的点
temp2 = travel(further_node, target, max_dist)
nodes_visited += temp2.nodes_visited
if temp2.nearest_dist < dist:
nearest = temp2.nearest_point
dist = temp2.nearest_dist
return result(nearest, dist, nodes_visited)
return travel(tree.root, point, float("inf"))
# 产生一个k维随机向量
def random_point(k):
return [random() for _ in range(k)]
# 产生n个k维随机向量
def random_points(k, n):
return [random_point(k) for _ in range(n)]
N = 400000
t0 = process_time()
kd2 = KdTreeCreate(random_points(3, N))
ret2 = find_nearest(kd2, [0.1, 0.5, 0.8])
t1 = process_time()
print("Process Time:", t1 - t0, "s")
7.4 KD树可视化代码
from operator import itemgetter
from graphviz import Digraph
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def kdtree(point_list, depth = 0):
if len(point_list) == 0:
return None
axis = depth % 2
point_list.sort(key = itemgetter(axis))
median = len(point_list) // 2
# 创建节点并构造子树
return Node(
location = point_list[median],
left_child = kdtree(point_list[:median], depth + 1),
right_child = kdtree(point_list[median + 1:], depth + 1)
line_width = [4., 3.5, 3., 2.5, 2., 1.5, 1., .5, 0.3]
def plot_tree(tree, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, prev_node, branch, depth = 0):
plot KD Tree
:param tree input tree to be plotted
:param min_x
:param max_x
:param min_y
:param max_y
:param prev_node parent's node
:param branch True if left,False if right
:param depth tree's depth
:return tree node
cur_node = tree.location # 当前树节点
left_branch = tree.left_child
right_branch = tree.right_child
if depth > len(line_width) - 1:
ln_width = line_width[len(line_width) - 1]
ln_width = line_width[depth]
k = len(cur_node)
axis = depth % k
# 画垂直分割线
if axis == 0:
if branch is not None and prev_node is not None:
if branch:
max_y = prev_node[1]
min_y = prev_node[1]
plt.plot([cur_node[0],cur_node[0]],[min_y, max_y], linestyle = "-", color = "red", linewidth = ln_width)
# 画水平分割线
elif axis == 1:
if branch is not None and prev_node is not None:
if branch:
max_x = prev_node[0]
min_x = prev_node[0]
plt.plot([min_x, max_x], [cur_node[1], cur_node[1]], linestyle = "-", color = "blue", linewidth = ln_width)
# 绘制当前节点
plt.plot(cur_node[0], cur_node[1], "ko")
# 绘制当前节点的左右分支
if left_branch is not None:
plot_tree(left_branch, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, cur_node, True, depth + 1)
if right_branch is not None:
plot_tree(right_branch, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, cur_node, False, depth + 1)
def create_diagram(tree, width, height, min_val, max_val, delta):
plt.figure("Kd Tree", figsize = (width, height))
plt.axis([min_val - delta, max_val + delta, min_val - delta, max_val + delta])
plt.grid(b = True, which = "major", color = "0.75", linestyle = "--")
plt.xticks([i for i in range(min_val - delta, max_val + delta, 1)])
plt.yticks([i for i in range(min_val - delta, max_val + delta, 1)])
plot_tree(tree, min_val - delta, max_val + delta, min_val - delta, max_val + delta, None, None)
plt.title("KD Tree")
def label_nodes(node, i):
loc = node.location
plt.text(loc[0] + 0.15, loc[1] + 0.15, str(i), fontsize = 10)
if node.left_child:
i = label_nodes(node.left_child, i + 1)
if node.right_child:
i = label_nodes(node.right_child, i + 1)
return i
def draw_target(point, radius):
plt.plot(point[0], point[1], marker = "o", color = "#ff007f")
circle = plt.Circle(point,
facecolor = "#ff007f",
edgecolor = "#ff007f",
alpha = 0.5
# 围绕目标点绘制超球体
circle = plt.Circle(point,
facecolor = "#ffd83d",
edgecolor = "#ffd83d",
alpha = 0.5
def draw_neighbors(point_list):
for point in point_list:
plt.plot(point[0], point[1], "go")
circle = plt.Circle(point,
facecolor = "#33cc00",
edgecolor = "#33cc00",
alpha = 0.5
def add_node(dot, node, parent_id = None, i = 0, edge_label = ""):
loc = node.location
node_id = str(i)
dot.node(node_id, f"{i}\n({loc[0]}, {loc[1]})")
if parent_id:
dot.edge(parent_id, node_id, label = edge_label)
if node.left_child:
i = add_node(dot, node.left_child, node_id, i + 1, "l")
if node.right_child:
i = add_node(dot, node.right_child, node_id, i + 1, "r")
return i
def create_graph(tree):
dot = Digraph(comment = "Kd-tree")
fontsize = "20",
shape = "circle",
width = "1",
fixedsize = "true"
dot.attr("edge", arrowsize = "0.7")
add_node(dot, tree)
return dot
point_list1 = [(2, 3), (5, 7), (9, 6), (4, 5), (6, 4), (7, 2)]
tree = kdtree(point_list1)
max_int = 10000000
min_int = -max_int - 1
max_float = float("inf")
def get_val_range(point_list):
min_val = max_int
max_val = -max_int - 1
for point in point_list:
min_v = min(point)
if min_v < min_val:
min_val = min_v
max_v = max(point)
if max_v > max_val:
max_val = max_v
return (min_val, max_val)
min_val, max_val = get_val_range(point_list1)
create_diagram(tree, 8., 8., min_val, max_val, 1)
label_nodes(tree, 0)
7.5 KD树构造完整代码
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import sqrt
from random import random
from pprint import pformat
from graphviz import Digraph
from time import process_time
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import namedtuple
class Node(namedtuple("Node", "location left_child right_child")):
def __repr__(self):
return pformat(tuple(self))
# KD-Tree每个结点的数据结构
class KdNode(object):
def __init__(self, dom_elt, split, left, right):
parameter:dom_elt k维向量节点
parameter:split 整数,进行分割维度的序号
parameter:left 该结点分割超平面左子空间构成的kd-tree
parameter:right 该结点分割超平面右子空间构成的kd-tree
self.dom_elt = dom_elt
self.split = split
self.left = left
self.right = right
class KdTreeCreate(object):
def __init__(self, data):
k = len(data[0]) # 数据维度
def CreateNode(split, data_set):
if not data_set: # 如果数据集为空
return None
data_set.sort(key = lambda x:x[split])
split_pos = len(data_set) // 2
median = data_set[split_pos]
split_next = (split + 1) % k
# 递归创建kd树
return KdNode(median,
CreateNode(split_next, data_set[:split_pos]), # 创建左子树
CreateNode(split_next, data_set[split_pos + 1:])) # 创建右子树
self.root = CreateNode(0, data)
# KD-Tree前序遍历
def preorder(root):
if root.left:
if root.right:
# 对构建好的KD树进行搜索,寻找与目标点最近的样本点
# nearest_point:最近坐标点;nearest_dist:最近距离;nodes_visted:访问过的节点数;
result = namedtuple("Result_tuple", "nearest_point nearest_dist nodes_visited")
def find_nearest(tree, point):
k = len(point)
def travel(kd_node, target, max_dist):
if kd_node is None:
return result([0] * k, float("inf"), 0)
nodes_visited = 1
s = kd_node.split
pivot = kd_node.dom_elt # 进行分割的轴
if target[s] <= pivot[s]: # 如果目标点第s维小于分割轴的对应值,即目标离左子树更近
nearer_node = kd_node.left # 下一个访问节点为左子树根节点
further_node = kd_node.right # 同时记录右子树
nearer_node = kd_node.right
further_node = kd_node.left
temp1 = travel(nearer_node, target, max_dist) # 遍历找到包含目标点的区域
nearest = temp1.nearest_point
dist = temp1.nearest_dist # 更新最近距离
nodes_visited += temp1.nodes_visited
if dist < max_dist:
max_dist = dist
temp_dist = abs(pivot[s] - target[s])
if max_dist < temp_dist:
return result(nearest, dist, nodes_visited)
# 计算目标点与分割点的欧式距离
temp_dist = sqrt(sum((p1 - p2) ** 2 for p1, p2 in zip(pivot, target)))
if temp_dist < dist:
nearest = pivot # 更新最近点
dist = temp_dist # 更新最近距离
max_dist = dist # 更新超球体半径
# 检查另一个子结点对应的区域是否有更近的点
temp2 = travel(further_node, target, max_dist)
nodes_visited += temp2.nodes_visited
if temp2.nearest_dist < dist:
nearest = temp2.nearest_point
dist = temp2.nearest_dist
return result(nearest, dist, nodes_visited)
return travel(tree.root, point, float("inf"))
def kdtree(point_list, depth = 0):
if len(point_list) == 0:
return None
axis = depth % 2
point_list.sort(key = itemgetter(axis))
median = len(point_list) // 2
# 创建节点并构造子树
return Node(
location = point_list[median],
left_child = kdtree(point_list[:median], depth + 1),
right_child = kdtree(point_list[median + 1:], depth + 1)
line_width = [4., 3.5, 3., 2.5, 2., 1.5, 1., .5, 0.3]
def plot_tree(tree, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, prev_node, branch, depth = 0):
plot KD Tree
:param tree input tree to be plotted
:param min_x
:param max_x
:param min_y
:param max_y
:param prev_node parent's node
:param branch True if left,False if right
:param depth tree's depth
:return tree node
cur_node = tree.location # 当前树节点
left_branch = tree.left_child
right_branch = tree.right_child
if depth > len(line_width) - 1:
ln_width = line_width[len(line_width) - 1]
ln_width = line_width[depth]
k = len(cur_node)
axis = depth % k
# 画垂直分割线
if axis == 0:
if branch is not None and prev_node is not None:
if branch:
max_y = prev_node[1]
min_y = prev_node[1]
plt.plot([cur_node[0],cur_node[0]],[min_y, max_y], linestyle = "-", color = "red", linewidth = ln_width)
# 画水平分割线
elif axis == 1:
if branch is not None and prev_node is not None:
if branch:
max_x = prev_node[0]
min_x = prev_node[0]
plt.plot([min_x, max_x], [cur_node[1], cur_node[1]], linestyle = "-", color = "blue", linewidth = ln_width)
# 绘制当前节点
plt.plot(cur_node[0], cur_node[1], "ko")
# 绘制当前节点的左右分支
if left_branch is not None:
plot_tree(left_branch, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, cur_node, True, depth + 1)
if right_branch is not None:
plot_tree(right_branch, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, cur_node, False, depth + 1)
def create_diagram(tree, width, height, min_val, max_val, delta):
plt.figure("Kd Tree", figsize = (width, height))
plt.axis([min_val - delta, max_val + delta, min_val - delta, max_val + delta])
plt.grid(b = True, which = "major", color = "0.75", linestyle = "--")
plt.xticks([i for i in range(min_val - delta, max_val + delta, 1)])
plt.yticks([i for i in range(min_val - delta, max_val + delta, 1)])
plot_tree(tree, min_val - delta, max_val + delta, min_val - delta, max_val + delta, None, None)
plt.title("KD Tree")
def label_nodes(node, i):
loc = node.location
plt.text(loc[0] + 0.15, loc[1] + 0.15, str(i), fontsize = 10)
if node.left_child:
i = label_nodes(node.left_child, i + 1)
if node.right_child:
i = label_nodes(node.right_child, i + 1)
return i
def draw_target(point, radius):
plt.plot(point[0], point[1], marker = "o", color = "#ff007f")
circle = plt.Circle(point,
facecolor = "#ff007f",
edgecolor = "#ff007f",
alpha = 0.5
# 围绕目标点绘制超球体
circle = plt.Circle(point,
facecolor = "#ffd83d",
edgecolor = "#ffd83d",
alpha = 0.5
def draw_neighbors(point_list):
for point in point_list:
plt.plot(point[0], point[1], "go")
circle = plt.Circle(point,
facecolor = "#33cc00",
edgecolor = "#33cc00",
alpha = 0.5
def add_node(dot, node, parent_id = None, i = 0, edge_label = ""):
loc = node.location
node_id = str(i)
dot.node(node_id, f"{i}\n({loc[0]}, {loc[1]})")
if parent_id:
dot.edge(parent_id, node_id, label = edge_label)
if node.left_child:
i = add_node(dot, node.left_child, node_id, i + 1, "l")
if node.right_child:
i = add_node(dot, node.right_child, node_id, i + 1, "r")
return i
def create_graph(tree):
dot = Digraph(comment = "Kd-tree")
fontsize = "20",
shape = "circle",
width = "1",
fixedsize = "true"
dot.attr("edge", arrowsize = "0.7")
add_node(dot, tree)
return dot
point_list1 = [(2, 3), (5, 7), (9, 6), (4, 5), (6, 4), (7, 2)]
tree = kdtree(point_list1)
max_int = 10000000
min_int = -max_int - 1
max_float = float("inf")
def get_val_range(point_list):
min_val = max_int
max_val = -max_int - 1
for point in point_list:
min_v = min(point)
if min_v < min_val:
min_val = min_v
max_v = max(point)
if max_v > max_val:
max_val = max_v
return (min_val, max_val)
min_val, max_val = get_val_range(point_list1)
create_diagram(tree, 8., 8., min_val, max_val, 1)
label_nodes(tree, 0)