bind( ) - 与端口、地址等绑定

 listen( ) - 监听模式

 accept( ) - 允许对方的连接

 connect( ) - 主动与远端连接
+ 只有名词:

 socket( ) - 打开套接字

 signal( ) - 指定信号的入口函数



 add / remove begin / end create / destroy  
 insert / delete first / last get / release  
 increment / decrement put / get  
 add / delete lock / unlock open / close  
 min / max old / new start / stop  
 next / previous source / target show / hide  
 send / receive source / destination  
 cut / paste up / down

 array arr 数组、集合  
 list lst 列表  
 Sequence seq   
 Segment(s) seg   
 stack stk 栈  
 dictionary dict 字典  
 character char 字符  
 string str 字符串  
 text txt 文本  
 float flt 浮动、浮点  
 number num 数量、编号  
 image img 图像  
 bitmap bmp 位图  
 table tbl 表  
 link lnk 链接  
 lable lbl 标签  
 flag flg 标志  
 container cntr 容器  
 time stamp ts 时间戳  
 length len 长度  
 positive pos   
 negative neg
  1. 一般一个模块是一个文件,在文件的开头是对这个模块的介绍和修改历史(每一个正式发行版之间的修改历史)。
/*模块名.c    简要模块介绍

description:  详细模块介绍
This library provides the interface to the VxWorks task management facilities.
Task control services are provided by the VxWorks kernel, which is comprised
of kernelLib, taskLib, semLib, tickLib, msgQLib, and `wdLib'.  Programmatic
access to task information and debugging features is provided by `taskInfo'.
Higher-level task information display routines are provided by `taskShow'.

modification history:
时间  修改内容
时间  修改内容

  1. 模块中每个函数的介绍,包括函数的功能,输入输出参数等。

函数名  简要函数介绍

description:   详细函数介绍
* This routine creates and activates a new task with a specified priority
* and options and returns a system-assigned ID.  See taskInit() and
* taskActivate() for the building blocks of this routine.

returns:      函数返回值

note:        其他使用注意事项放在这


int taskSpawn
    (							/* 函数输入参数介绍 */
    char          *name,        /* name of new task (stored at pStackBase) */
    int           priority,     /* priority of new task */
    int           options,      /* task option word */
    int           stackSize,    /* size (bytes) of stack needed plus name */
    FUNCPTR       entryPt,      /* entry point of new task */
    int           arg1,         /* 1st of 10 req'd task args to pass to func */
    int           arg2,
    int           arg3,
    int           arg4,
    int           arg5,
    int           arg6,
    int           arg7,
    int           arg8,
    int           arg9,
    int           arg10 
    int tid = taskCreat (name, priority, options, stackSize, entryPt, arg1,
                         arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10);
	/* 代码块注释 */
    if (tid == (int)NULL)			
	return (ERROR);

    taskActivate (tid);				/* 单句注释 */

    return (tid);				