Docker Run ARM Nginx


[Docker]( is an open source platform that allows you to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of applications using containerization. With Docker, you can package an application and all its dependencies into a standardized unit called a container. These containers can then be deployed on any system that supports Docker, ensuring that the application runs consistently across different environments.

One of the benefits of Docker is its ability to run applications on different architectures, such as ARM-based systems. In this article, we will explore how to run an ARM-based Nginx container using the docker run command.


To follow along with this tutorial, you will need:

  • A machine with Docker installed, preferably an ARM-based system.
  • Basic knowledge of Docker and containerization concepts.

Steps to Run ARM Nginx Container

  1. Pull the ARM Nginx Image

    The first step is to pull the ARM-based Nginx image from the Docker Hub. This image contains the Nginx web server specifically built for ARM architectures.

    docker pull arm32v7/nginx

    Note: By default, Docker pulls the image for the architecture of the system it is running on. In this case, we specify arm32v7/nginx to ensure that we pull the ARM-based image.

  2. Run the ARM Nginx Container

    Now that we have the ARM Nginx image, we can run a container from it using the docker run command.

    docker run -d -p 80:80 arm32v7/nginx

    This command starts a new container from the ARM Nginx image in detached mode (-d flag) and maps port 80 of the container to port 80 of the host machine (-p 80:80 flag). This allows us to access the Nginx web server running inside the container through the host machine's IP address.

  3. Access the Nginx Web Server

    Once the container is running, you can access the Nginx web server by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost. If you are running Docker on a remote machine, replace localhost with the IP address of that machine.

    You should see the default Nginx welcome page, indicating that the ARM Nginx container is successfully running.

State Diagram

Here is a state diagram illustrating the steps involved in running an ARM Nginx container using Docker:

    [*] --> Pull_ARM_Nginx_Image
    Pull_ARM_Nginx_Image --> Run_ARM_Nginx_Container
    Run_ARM_Nginx_Container --> Access_Nginx_Web_Server
    Access_Nginx_Web_Server --> [*]


In this tutorial, we explored how to run an ARM Nginx container using the docker run command. We first pulled the ARM-based Nginx image from the Docker Hub and then ran a container from it. Finally, we accessed the Nginx web server running inside the container.

Docker provides a powerful and flexible platform for running applications in containers, making it easier to deploy and manage applications across different architectures. Whether you are running Docker on an ARM-based system or any other architecture, Docker allows you to create portable and consistent environments for your applications.