Android BP Gradle

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In the world of Android development, Gradle is the build system of choice. It provides a flexible and powerful way to build, test, and deploy Android applications. One of its key features is the ability to use build variants, allowing developers to build different versions of their app with different configurations. This is where Android BP Gradle comes into play.

What is Android BP Gradle?

Android BP Gradle, short for Android Build Product Gradle, is a plugin for Gradle that adds support for build product flavors and dimensions in Android projects. It simplifies the creation and management of different product flavors, making it easy to build and package variants of an app.

Why use Android BP Gradle?

Android BP Gradle provides several benefits for Android developers:

  1. Simplified Configuration: Android BP Gradle makes it easy to define and manage different product flavors and dimensions in your project. Instead of manually configuring each flavor, you can define them in a single configuration file.

  2. Consistent Build Process: With Android BP Gradle, you can ensure that all product flavors are built using the same set of build configurations. This helps maintain a consistent build process across different variants of your app.

  3. Improved Efficiency: Android BP Gradle automates common tasks such as resource merging and code generation for each product flavor. This saves time and effort, allowing developers to focus on writing code and adding features.

  4. Easy Deployment: Android BP Gradle simplifies the process of deploying different versions of your app. With a single command, you can build and package all product flavors, ready for distribution.

Getting Started with Android BP Gradle

To get started with Android BP Gradle, you need to add the plugin to your Gradle configuration. Open your project's build.gradle file and add the following lines:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        // Add the Android BP Gradle plugin
        classpath ''

apply plugin: ''

Once the plugin is added, you can define your product flavors and dimensions in the build.bp file. This file should be placed in the root directory of your project. Here's an example of how to define product flavors using Android BP Gradle:

productFlavors {
    free {
        dimension 'pricing'
        applicationIdSuffix '.free'
    premium {
        dimension 'pricing'
        applicationIdSuffix '.premium'

android {
    // ...

In this example, we have defined two product flavors: free and premium. They both belong to the pricing dimension and have different application ID suffixes. This means that when you build the free variant of your app, the application ID will be modified to end with .free.

Building and Packaging Product Flavors

Once you have defined your product flavors, you can build and package them using Gradle commands. Here are some examples:

  • To build all product flavors: ./gradlew assemble
  • To build a specific product flavor: ./gradlew assembleFree
  • To build and install a specific product flavor on a connected device: ./gradlew installFreeDebug

Android BP Gradle also provides a convenient way to visualize the build process using mermaid syntax. Here's an example of how to represent the build journey for our product flavors:

  title Build Process
  section Free
    action Build Free Variant
    action Merge Resources
    action Generate Code
    action Package APK
  section Premium
    action Build Premium Variant
    action Merge Resources
    action Generate Code
    action Package APK


Android BP Gradle is a powerful plugin that simplifies the management of build product flavors and dimensions in Android projects. It provides a streamlined workflow, consistent build process, and easy deployment options. By using Android BP Gradle, developers can save time and effort while building and packaging different variants of their app.