Yarn Workspace: Not enough positional arguments


Yarn is a popular package manager for JavaScript, widely used in the Node.js ecosystem. It allows developers to efficiently manage dependencies and easily work with multiple packages in a single codebase. Yarn workspaces, introduced in Yarn 1.0, enable monorepo-style development by allowing multiple packages to share the same node_modules folder. However, sometimes when running the yarn workspace list command, you may encounter an error message stating "Not enough positional arguments". In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and provide solutions to resolve it.

Understanding Yarn Workspaces

Before diving into the error message, let's briefly explain the concept of Yarn workspaces. Yarn workspaces allow you to manage multiple packages within the same repository. Instead of each package having its own node_modules folder, all dependencies are stored in a single top-level node_modules directory. This reduces duplication and improves build times. Workspaces are defined in the package.json file using the "workspaces" field, which specifies the directories containing the packages.

For example, consider the following directory structure:

  ├── package.json
  ├── packages/
  │   ├── package1/
  │   │   └── package.json
  │   └── package2/
  │       └── package.json
  └── node_modules/

In this scenario, my-workspace is the root directory containing the package.json file. The packages directory contains two separate packages, package1 and package2, each with their own package.json file. When you run yarn install in the my-workspace directory, Yarn will create a single node_modules directory at the root level and install all the dependencies for package1 and package2 there.

The "Not enough positional arguments" Error

Now let's discuss the error message you may encounter when running the yarn workspace list command: "Not enough positional arguments". This error occurs when you fail to provide the necessary arguments to the yarn workspace list command. The command expects at least one positional argument, which is the name of the workspace you want to list. Here is the syntax for the command:

yarn workspace <workspace_name> list

In this command, <workspace_name> should be replaced with the actual name of the workspace you want to list. If you omit this argument, you will receive the "Not enough positional arguments" error.

Resolving the Error

To resolve the "Not enough positional arguments" error, you need to provide the required workspace name as an argument to the yarn workspace list command. Let's consider an example to illustrate this.

Suppose we have a workspace named my-workspace with two packages, package1 and package2. To list the dependencies of package1, you would run the following command:

yarn workspace package1 list

This command specifies the workspace name (package1) as a positional argument after the yarn workspace command. In response, Yarn will list the dependencies of package1.

If you want to list the dependencies of package2, you would run the same command but replace package1 with package2:

yarn workspace package2 list

By providing the correct workspace name as a positional argument, you can avoid the "Not enough positional arguments" error.


In this article, we explored the error message "Not enough positional arguments" that can occur when running the yarn workspace list command. We learned that this error is caused by omitting the required workspace name as a positional argument. To resolve the error, simply provide the correct workspace name when running the command. Yarn workspaces are a powerful feature that allows for efficient management of multiple packages within a single codebase. By understanding how to properly use Yarn workspaces and handle any potential errors, you can optimize your development workflow and improve productivity.

Remember, when using the yarn workspace list command, always include the workspace name as a positional argument:

yarn workspace <workspace_name> list

With this knowledge, you can confidently work with Yarn workspaces and effectively manage your JavaScript projects. Happy coding!

State Diagram

The following state diagram illustrates the process of resolving the "Not enough positional arguments" error when using the yarn workspace list command.

  [*] --> NotEnoughArguments
  NotEnoughArguments --> ProvideArguments
  ProvideArguments --> Done

In this diagram, the initial state is NotEnoughArguments, representing the error state. The ProvideArguments state signifies the action of providing the required positional argument to the command. Finally, the Done state indicates the successful resolution of the error.


  • [Yarn Documentation](
  • [Yarn Workspaces Guide](