Java .build
In the world of software development, build automation plays a crucial role. It helps streamline the process of compiling, testing, and packaging code, making it easier for developers to build and deploy their applications. Java, being one of the most widely used programming languages, has its own build automation tool called javac
. In this article, we will explore the java .build
command and how it can be used to automate the build process in Java.
What is java .build
java .build
is a command-line tool provided by the Java Development Kit (JDK) to automate the build process for Java applications. It leverages the power of the Java javac
compiler and other build-related tools to compile, test, and package Java code.
Setting up the Project
Before we dive into the java .build
command, let's set up a sample Java project. For this example, let's create a simple calculator application with the following directory structure:
The src/
directory contains the source code of the application, while the tests/
directory contains the test code. The lib/
directory holds any external dependencies required by the project. Finally, the build/
directory will be used to store the compiled code and generated artifacts.
Creating the Build File
To use the java .build
command, we need to create a build file called build.yaml
in the project's root directory. This build file specifies the build targets, dependencies, and other build-related configurations. Let's create a simple build.yaml
file for our calculator project:
- name: compile
description: Compiles the Java source code
- javac -d build src/com/example/
- name: test
description: Runs the unit tests
- javac -classpath lib/junit.jar -d build tests/com/example/
- java -classpath build:lib/junit.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore com.example.CalculatorTest
- name: package
description: Packages the application into a JAR file
- jar cvf build/calculator.jar -C build com
In the above build.yaml
file, we have defined three build targets: compile
, test
, and package
. Each target has a description and a list of commands to execute. The compile
target compiles the Java source code, the test
target runs the unit tests, and the package
target packages the application into a JAR file.
Executing the Build
To execute the build, open a command prompt or terminal and navigate to the project's root directory. Run the following command:
java .build compile
This command will execute the compile
target specified in the build.yaml
file. The Java source code will be compiled, and the compiled classes will be placed in the build/
To execute the other targets, simply replace compile
with test
or package
in the above command.
Automating the Build Process
Manually executing the build targets every time we make a change to the code is not practical. Thankfully, the java .build
command allows us to automate the build process by watching for file changes and automatically executing the build targets when necessary.
To enable automatic builds, add the following configuration to the build.yaml
- src/**/*.java
- tests/**/*.java
The watch
section specifies the files and directories to monitor for changes. In our case, we are monitoring all .java
files in the src/
and tests/
directories. If any of these files change, the corresponding build targets will be executed automatically.
To start the automatic build process, run the following command:
java .build --watch compile
Now, whenever you make a change to the Java source code or unit tests, the build targets will be executed automatically.
Gantt Chart
Below is a Gantt chart representing the build process of our calculator project:
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
title Calculator Build Process
axisFormat %m-%d
section Compilation
Compile source code :done, des1, 2021-10-01, 2021-10-01
Compile unit tests :done, des2, 2021-10-01, 2021-10-01
section Testing
Run unit tests :done, des3, 2021-10-01, 2021-10-01
section Packaging
Package into JAR :done, des4, 2021-10-01, 2021-10-01
The Gantt chart visually represents the different stages of the build process, their durations, and dependencies.
In this article, we have