
1. 介绍


2. 增值税普通发票


  • 发票代码和发票号码
  • 销售方纳税人识别号和名称
  • 购买方纳税人识别号和名称
  • 发票开具日期和销售日期
  • 商品或服务名称、数量、单价和金额
  • 发票金额、税率和税额
  • 发票金额合计


def generate_invoice():
    invoice_code = '20190101'
    invoice_number = '00001'
    seller_tax_id = '1234567890'
    seller_name = 'ABC Company'
    buyer_tax_id = '0987654321'
    buyer_name = 'XYZ Corporation'
    issue_date = '2019-01-01'
    sale_date = '2019-01-01'
    item_name = 'Cloud Server'
    quantity = 1
    unit_price = 100
    amount = quantity * unit_price
    tax_rate = 0.06
    tax_amount = amount * tax_rate
    total_amount = amount + tax_amount
    invoice = {
        'invoice_code': invoice_code,
        'invoice_number': invoice_number,
        'seller_tax_id': seller_tax_id,
        'seller_name': seller_name,
        'buyer_tax_id': buyer_tax_id,
        'buyer_name': buyer_name,
        'issue_date': issue_date,
        'sale_date': sale_date,
        'item_name': item_name,
        'quantity': quantity,
        'unit_price': unit_price,
        'amount': amount,
        'tax_rate': tax_rate,
        'tax_amount': tax_amount,
        'total_amount': total_amount
    return invoice

3. 增值税专用发票


  • 购买方地址和电话
  • 开户行和账号
  • 备注
  • 收款人和复核人
  • 销售方地址和电话
  • 销售方开户行和账号


def generate_special_invoice():
    invoice_code = '20190101'
    invoice_number = '00001'
    seller_tax_id = '1234567890'
    seller_name = 'ABC Company'
    seller_address = '123 Main Street, City'
    seller_phone = '123-456-7890'
    seller_bank = 'Bank of ABC'
    seller_account = '1234567890123456'
    buyer_tax_id = '0987654321'
    buyer_name = 'XYZ Corporation'
    buyer_address = '456 Market Street, City'
    buyer_phone = '987-654-3210'
    buyer_bank = 'Bank of XYZ'
    buyer_account = '9876543210987654'
    issue_date = '2019-01-01'
    sale_date = '2019-01-01'
    item_name = 'Cloud Server'
    quantity = 1
    unit_price = 100
    amount = quantity * unit_price
    tax_rate = 0.06
    tax_amount = amount * tax_rate
    total_amount = amount + tax_amount
    remark = 'Thank you for your business!'
    payee = 'John Doe'
    reviewer = 'Jane Smith'
    invoice = {
        'invoice_code': invoice_code,
        'invoice_number': invoice_number,
        'seller_tax_id': seller_tax_id,
        'seller_name': seller_name,
        'seller_address': seller_address,
        'seller_phone': seller_phone,