Java Vector Integer

Java Vector Integer is a class in the Java programming language that provides a dynamic array-like data structure to store integer values. It is a part of the Java Collection Framework and is similar to the ArrayList class. In this article, we will explore the features and usage of Java Vector Integer with code examples.

Features of Java Vector Integer

  1. Dynamic Size: The Vector Integer class allows the storage of an unlimited number of integer elements and automatically adjusts its size as elements are added or removed.

  2. Thread-Safe: Unlike ArrayList, Vector Integer is synchronized, which means it is designed to be used in multi-threaded environments. This feature ensures that multiple threads can safely access and modify a Vector Integer object concurrently.

  3. Random Access: Similar to ArrayList, elements in a Vector Integer can be accessed using their index. This allows for efficient and constant-time retrieval of elements.

  4. Legacy Support: Java Vector Integer class is a legacy class introduced in the early versions of Java. It provides compatibility with older Java code and libraries that may still rely on this class.

Creating a Vector Integer

To create a Vector Integer object, we need to import the java.util.Vector package.

import java.util.Vector;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an empty Vector Integer
        Vector<Integer> vector = new Vector<>();

        // Add elements to the Vector Integer

        // Print the Vector Integer

The above code creates an empty Vector Integer and adds five integer elements to it. Finally, it prints the contents of the Vector Integer.

Accessing Elements in a Vector Integer

Elements in a Vector Integer can be accessed using their index. The get() method is used to retrieve an element at a specific position.

// Accessing elements in a Vector Integer
int element = vector.get(2);
System.out.println("Element at index 2: " + element);

The code above retrieves the element at index 2 and prints its value.

Modifying Elements in a Vector Integer

To modify an element at a specific index, we can use the set() method.

// Modifying elements in a Vector Integer
vector.set(3, 99);
System.out.println("Modified Vector Integer: " + vector);

The code above modifies the element at index 3 with the value 99.

Removing Elements from a Vector Integer

There are multiple ways to remove elements from a Vector Integer. The remove() method is used to remove an element at a specific index.

// Removing elements from a Vector Integer
System.out.println("Vector Integer after removal: " + vector);

The above code removes the element at index 1 from the Vector Integer.

Iterating over a Vector Integer

We can use the enhanced for loop or the Iterator to iterate over the elements of a Vector Integer.

// Iterating over a Vector Integer
for (Integer element : vector) {
    System.out.println("Element: " + element);

The above code iterates over each element in the Vector Integer and prints its value.


In this article, we explored the features and usage of Java Vector Integer. We learned how to create a Vector Integer, access and modify its elements, remove elements, and iterate over its contents. The Vector Integer class is a powerful tool for handling dynamic integer collections, especially in multi-threaded environments. By understanding the capabilities of this class, Java developers can make the most efficient use of it in their applications.

Note: The Java Vector Integer class is considered a legacy class, and it is recommended to use the ArrayList class or other modern alternatives for better performance in most scenarios.
