Flink SQL on YARN
Apache Flink is a powerful open-source stream processing framework that enables the design and execution of real-time streaming applications. Flink SQL is a component of Apache Flink that allows users to write SQL queries to process streaming and batch data. In this article, we will explore how to run Flink SQL queries on YARN, a popular cluster management system.
Introduction to YARN
YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is a core component of Apache Hadoop that provides cluster management capabilities. It allows users to run various types of applications on a Hadoop cluster by effectively allocating and managing resources. YARN consists of two main components: a ResourceManager and a NodeManager. The ResourceManager is responsible for resource allocation and scheduling, while the NodeManager manages the execution of tasks on individual cluster nodes.
Running Flink SQL on YARN
To run Flink SQL queries on YARN, we need to follow these steps:
Set up a YARN cluster: First, we need to set up a YARN cluster by installing and configuring Hadoop. This involves installing Hadoop on each cluster node and configuring the ResourceManager and NodeManager.
Install Apache Flink: Next, we need to install Apache Flink on the cluster. This can be done by downloading the Flink distribution and extracting it on each cluster node. We also need to configure Flink to use YARN as the cluster execution environment.
Write a Flink SQL query: Once the cluster is set up, we can start writing Flink SQL queries. Flink SQL supports a wide range of SQL operations such as filtering, aggregating, and joining data. Let's consider a simple example where we want to calculate the average temperature for each city from a stream of temperature readings:
CREATE TABLE readings ( city STRING, temperature DOUBLE, eventTime TIMESTAMP(3), WATERMARK FOR eventTime AS eventTime - INTERVAL '5' SECOND ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kafka', 'topic' = 'temperature_readings', 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092', 'properties.group.id' = 'flink-consumer', 'format' = 'json' ); CREATE TABLE average_temperatures ( city STRING, avg_temperature DOUBLE ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'print' ); INSERT INTO average_temperatures SELECT city, AVG(temperature) as avg_temperature FROM readings GROUP BY city;
Submit the Flink job: Once the query is written, we can submit it to the Flink cluster running on YARN. This can be done using the
flink run
command, specifying the Flink SQL file as the job to run:./bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -yn 2 -yjm 1024 -ytm 1024 -ys 2m -c org.apache.flink.table.api.bridge.java.StreamTableEnvironment sql_job.sql
In this example, we are running the job on a YARN cluster with 2 task managers (
-yn 2
), 1GB of job manager memory (-yjm 1024
), 1GB of task manager memory (-ytm 1024
), and 2MB of YARN container overhead (-ys 2m
). -
Monitor the job: Once the job is submitted, we can monitor its progress using the Flink Web UI or the YARN ResourceManager UI. These interfaces provide information about job status, resource utilization, and task metrics.
Running Flink SQL on YARN allows us to leverage the benefits of both frameworks. YARN provides robust cluster management capabilities, while Flink SQL enables us to write complex data processing queries using familiar SQL syntax. By combining these two technologies, we can build scalable and efficient stream processing applications.
title Running Flink SQL on YARN
section Set up a YARN cluster
section Install Apache Flink
section Write a Flink SQL query
section Submit the Flink job
section Monitor the job
class ResourceManager
class NodeManager
class FlinkSQL
class YARNCluster
ResourceManager <|-- YARNCluster
NodeManager <|-- YARNCluster
FlinkSQL <-- YARNCluster
In this article, we explored how to run Flink SQL queries on a YARN cluster. We learned about the components of YARN and the steps involved in running Flink SQL on YARN. We also saw a simple example of a Flink SQL query and how to submit it to the cluster. By leveraging the power of both Flink and YARN, we can build scalable and efficient stream processing applications.