Python Pytest Mock: A Comprehensive Guide


Pytest is a popular testing framework for Python that makes it easy to write simple and scalable tests. One of the key features of Pytest is its ability to mock objects, which allows you to simulate the behavior of dependencies in your code. In this article, we will explore how to use Pytest's built-in mock library to mock objects in your tests.

What is Mocking?

Mocking is a technique used in software testing to replace objects with simulated implementations. This allows you to isolate the code you are testing from its dependencies, making it easier to write focused and reliable tests. In Python, the mock library provides tools for creating and configuring mock objects.

Getting Started with Pytest Mock

To get started with Pytest Mock, you need to have Pytest installed in your Python environment. You can install Pytest using pip:

pip install pytest

Pytest Mock is included in the Pytest library, so there is no need to install it separately. Once you have Pytest installed, you can start writing tests using Pytest Mock.

Using Pytest Mock

Let's consider a simple example where we have a Calculator class that depends on a Math class for performing calculations. We want to test the Calculator class without actually calling the Math class. We can use Pytest Mock to mock the Math class in our tests.

First, let's define our classes:

class Math:
    def add(self, a, b):
        return a + b

class Calculator:
    def __init__(self, math):
        self.math = math

    def add_numbers(self, a, b):
        return self.math.add(a, b)

Now, let's write a test using Pytest Mock to mock the Math class:

import pytest
from unittest.mock import Mock
from calculator import Calculator

def test_add_numbers():
    math_mock = Mock()
    math_mock.add.return_value = 10
    calculator = Calculator(math=math_mock)
    result = calculator.add_numbers(5, 5)
    assert result == 10
    math_mock.add.assert_called_once_with(5, 5)

In this test, we create a mock object for the Math class using Mock() and set the return value for the add method to 10. We then create an instance of the Calculator class with the mocked Math object and call the add_numbers method. Finally, we use assertions to verify that the method was called with the correct arguments.

Class Diagram

    class Math {
        + add(a, b)
    class Calculator {
        - math
        + __init__(math)
        + add_numbers(a, b)


In this article, we have explored how to use Pytest Mock to mock objects in your tests. Mocking allows you to isolate your code from its dependencies, making it easier to write focused and reliable tests. By using Pytest Mock, you can simulate the behavior of dependencies and test your code in a controlled environment. Happy testing!