MySQL 8 Information Schema

MySQL is one of the most popular relational database management systems in the world. It provides a powerful set of features to store, organize, and retrieve data efficiently. One essential component of MySQL is the information_schema database, which contains metadata about the database itself, such as tables, columns, indexes, and privileges. In this article, we will explore the information_schema database in MySQL 8 and how it can be used to retrieve valuable information about the database structure.

Introduction to information_schema

The information_schema database is a virtual database in MySQL that contains a set of views that provide information about the database server's metadata. This metadata includes information about the tables, columns, indexes, and other objects in the database. It is a read-only database, meaning that you cannot modify the data in the information_schema directly.

The information_schema database is organized into several tables, each containing specific types of metadata. Some of the most commonly used tables in the information_schema database include:

  • SCHEMATA: Contains information about the databases on the server.
  • TABLES: Contains information about the tables in each database.
  • COLUMNS: Contains information about the columns in each table.
  • KEY_COLUMN_USAGE: Contains information about the columns that are part of keys.

Examples of using information_schema

Querying table information

You can use the TABLES table in the information_schema database to retrieve information about the tables in a specific database. For example, to list all the tables in the mydatabase database, you can run the following query:

SELECT table_name
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE table_schema = 'mydatabase';

This query will return a list of table names in the mydatabase database.

Retrieving column information

You can use the COLUMNS table in the information_schema database to retrieve information about the columns in a specific table. For example, to list all the columns in the users table in the mydatabase database, you can run the following query:

SELECT column_name, data_type
FROM information_schema.COLUMNS
WHERE table_schema = 'mydatabase' AND table_name = 'users';

This query will return a list of column names and data types in the users table.

Using information_schema for database maintenance

The information_schema database can be a powerful tool for database administrators to perform various maintenance tasks on the database. For example, you can use the information in the KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table to identify foreign key constraints in the database and ensure data integrity.

FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE
WHERE table_schema = 'mydatabase';

This query will return information about foreign key constraints in the mydatabase database.

Class Diagram

Here is a simple class diagram representing the structure of the information_schema database in MySQL:

    class SCHEMATA {

    class TABLES {

    class COLUMNS {

    class KEY_COLUMN_USAGE {

    SCHEMATA "1" --> "n" TABLES
    TABLES "1" --> "n" COLUMNS


The information_schema database in MySQL 8 is a valuable resource for retrieving metadata about the database structure. By querying the tables in the information_schema database, you can gather information about the databases, tables, columns, and indexes in the database. This information can be used for various purposes, such as database maintenance, performance tuning, and data analysis. Knowing how to leverage the information_schema database can help you better understand and manage your MySQL databases.