在sqlmap基础上增加了目录扫描、hash bp等功能
运行环境 linux 在云服务器上还是蛮不错的
usage: sqlmate [-h] [--dork DORK] [--hash HASH] [--list <path>] [--dump 1-184] [--admin URL] [--type PHP,ASP,HTML]
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --dork DORK Supply a dork and let SQLMate do its thing --hash HASH 'Crack' a hash in 5 secs --list <path> Import and crack hashes from a txt file --dump 1-184 Get dorks. Specify dumping level. Level 1 = 20 dorks --admin URL Find admin panel of website --type PHP,ASP,HTML Choose extension to scan (Use with --admin option, Default is all)工具已经更新在码云