Spark SQL AST Builder

Apache Spark is a powerful open-source big data processing framework that provides various libraries and APIs for distributed data processing. One of the key components of Spark is Spark SQL, which allows users to execute SQL queries and perform data analysis on structured and semi-structured data. In this article, we will explore the Spark SQL AST Builder, which is a crucial component for parsing and processing SQL queries in Spark.

What is AST?

AST stands for Abstract Syntax Tree, which is a hierarchical representation of the source code of a program. It captures the structure and relationships between different elements of the code. AST is widely used in programming languages and compilers to parse, analyze, and manipulate code. In the context of Spark SQL, the AST represents the logical plan of a SQL query.

Spark SQL AST Builder

The Spark SQL AST Builder is responsible for parsing SQL queries and generating the corresponding AST. It takes a SQL query as input and returns a logical plan, represented as an AST, which can be further optimized and executed by Spark. The AST builder is implemented in the SparkSqlAstBuilder class, which is part of the Apache Spark codebase.

Using SparkSqlAstBuilder

To use the SparkSqlAstBuilder, we need to create an instance of the class and invoke its parseExpression or parsePlan method, depending on the type of query we want to parse. Let's see some examples:

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.{SparkSqlParser, AbstractSqlParser}

val sqlQuery = "SELECT name, age FROM users WHERE age > 30"
val parser: AbstractSqlParser = new SparkSqlParser()

val astBuilder = new SparkSqlAstBuilder(parser)
val logicalPlan = astBuilder.parsePlan(sqlQuery)


In the above example, we create an instance of SparkSqlAstBuilder by passing an instance of the SparkSqlParser class, which is responsible for tokenizing and parsing SQL queries. We then call the parsePlan method and pass the SQL query as input. The parsePlan method returns the logical plan, which can be further analyzed or executed.

Optimizing the AST

Once we have the logical plan in the form of an AST, we can apply various optimization techniques to improve the performance of query execution. Spark provides an optimizer, called Catalyst, that optimizes the logical plan by applying rule-based transformations and generating an optimized physical plan.

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.Optimizer
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan

val optimizer = new Optimizer()
val optimizedPlan = optimizer.execute(logicalPlan)


In the above example, we create an instance of the Optimizer class and invoke its execute method, passing the logical plan as input. The execute method applies a set of optimization rules to the logical plan and returns an optimized plan. We can then further analyze or execute the optimized plan.


The Spark SQL AST Builder is a crucial component of the Spark SQL engine that parses SQL queries and generates the corresponding AST. It provides a way to represent the logical plan of a SQL query, which can be further optimized and executed by Spark. By understanding the AST builder and how to use it, we can gain more control over the execution of SQL queries in Spark and optimize their performance.

In this article, we explored the Spark SQL AST Builder and its usage in parsing and processing SQL queries. We also saw how to optimize the logical plan generated by the AST builder using the Catalyst optimizer. By leveraging the power of the Spark SQL AST Builder and its associated components, we can perform advanced data analysis and processing on big data using Spark.