Docker Output Chain

Docker is an open-source platform that allows you to automate the deployment and scaling of applications inside containers. It provides an isolated environment for running your applications, ensuring consistency across different platforms. In this article, we will delve into the concept of the Docker output chain and explore how it works.

What is the Docker Output Chain?

The Docker output chain is a sequence of events that occur when a container running inside Docker produces output. This output can be in the form of logs, errors, or any other information generated by the application running inside the container.

When a container generates output, Docker captures it and provides different options for managing and redirecting that output. This allows you to monitor and troubleshoot your containers effectively.

Understanding the Docker Logging Drivers

Docker provides different logging drivers that determine how the container output is handled. Some of the commonly used drivers are:

  1. JSON-File: This driver writes log messages as JSON objects to a file on the host machine. It is the default logging driver for Docker.
  2. Syslog: This driver sends log messages to the syslog daemon on the host system.
  3. Journald: This driver forwards log messages to the systemd journal on the host system.
  4. Gelf: This driver sends log messages to a Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF) endpoint.
  5. Fluentd: This driver sends log messages to a Fluentd endpoint, which can then be further processed and sent to various destinations.

Configuring the Docker Logging Driver

To configure the logging driver for a container, you can use the --log-driver flag when starting the container. For example, to use the JSON-File driver, you can run the following command:

docker run --log-driver=json-file my-container

This will start the container and configure it to use the JSON-File logging driver. The logs generated by the container will be stored in a file on the host machine.

Viewing Container Logs

To view the logs generated by a container, you can use the docker logs command followed by the container ID or name. For example:

docker logs my-container

This will display the logs generated by the my-container container.

Redirecting Container Output

In addition to viewing logs, Docker allows you to redirect the output of a container to a file or a different location. This can be useful when you want to save the container output for further analysis or send it to a different system for processing.

To redirect the output of a container to a file, you can use the -a or --log-opt flag with the docker run command. For example:

docker run -a stdout -a stderr --log-opt max-size=10m my-container > output.txt

This will redirect both the standard output and standard error of the container to the output.txt file.


The Docker output chain plays a crucial role in managing and monitoring your containers. By understanding the different logging drivers and configuring the logging options, you can effectively capture and redirect the output of your containers. This allows you to troubleshoot issues, analyze logs, and ensure the smooth operation of your containerized applications.

Remember to explore the Docker documentation for more advanced logging options and drivers, as well as to stay updated with the latest features and improvements in the Docker ecosystem. Happy containerizing!