HBase KeyValue Version


HBase is a distributed, scalable, and highly available NoSQL database built on top of Apache Hadoop. It is widely used for storing and managing large amounts of structured data. In HBase, data is stored in the form of key-value pairs. The key-value pairs are sorted by their keys, which allows for efficient data retrieval based on key ranges.

One of the important components of HBase is the KeyValue class, which represents a key-value pair in HBase. Each KeyValue object consists of a row key, column family, column qualifier, timestamp, and value. The row key identifies the row in the table, the column family and qualifier identify the column, and the timestamp is used to version the data.

KeyValue Versioning

HBase supports versioning of data, which means that multiple versions of a cell can be stored and retrieved. This allows for maintaining a history of changes made to a particular cell over time. Each time a cell is updated, a new version is created with a new timestamp.

To illustrate how versioning works in HBase, let's consider an example. Suppose we have a table called employees with the following schema:

Row Key Column Family Column Qualifier Value
0001 personal name John
0001 personal age 30
0001 professional department Engineering
0001 professional position Manager

If we update the name column of the personal column family for the row with key 0001, a new version of the cell will be created with a new timestamp. The updated table will look like this:

Row Key Column Family Column Qualifier Value
0001 personal name John
0001 personal age 30
0001 professional department Engineering
0001 professional position Manager
0001 personal name Mark

In this example, the cell with the name John has two versions: one with an older timestamp and one with a newer timestamp.

Code Example

To demonstrate how to work with KeyValue versioning in HBase, let's consider a simple Java code example. The code will create a new KeyValue object, add it to an ArrayList, and then retrieve the versions of the cell.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;

public class KeyValueVersionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a new KeyValue object with row key, column family, qualifier, timestamp, and value
        KeyValue keyValue = new KeyValue("0001".getBytes(), "personal".getBytes(), "name".getBytes(), 123456789L, "John".getBytes());

        // Create an ArrayList to store the KeyValue objects
        ArrayList<KeyValue> keyValues = new ArrayList<>();

        // Add the KeyValue object to the ArrayList

        // Retrieve the versions of the cell
        KeyValue[] versions = keyValues.toArray(new KeyValue[0]);

        // Print the versions of the cell
        for (KeyValue version : versions) {
            System.out.println("Row Key: " + new String(version.getRow()));
            System.out.println("Column Family: " + new String(version.getFamily()));
            System.out.println("Column Qualifier: " + new String(version.getQualifier()));
            System.out.println("Timestamp: " + version.getTimestamp());
            System.out.println("Value: " + new String(version.getValue()));

In this code example, we create a new KeyValue object with the row key 0001, column family personal, column qualifier name, timestamp 123456789L, and value John. We then add this KeyValue object to an ArrayList called keyValues. Finally, we retrieve the versions of the cell using the toArray() method and print the details of each version.


The flowchart below illustrates the steps involved in working with KeyValue versioning in HBase.

flowchart TD
    A[Create KeyValue object] --> B[Add KeyValue to ArrayList]
    B --> C[Retrieve versions of cell]
    C --> D[Print details of each version]

Class Diagram

The class diagram below shows the structure of the KeyValue class in HBase.

    class KeyValue {
        -rowKey: byte[]
        -family: byte[]
        -qualifier: byte[]
        -timestamp: long
        -value: byte[]
        +getRow(): byte[]
        +getFamily(): byte[]
        +getQualifier(): byte[]
        +getTimestamp(): long
        +getValue(): byte[]


In this article, we have explored the concept of KeyValue versioning in HBase.