Python Seldom: A Powerful & Easy-to-Use Web Testing Framework


In the world of web development, testing plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of web applications. Python, being one of the most popular programming languages, offers a wide range of tools and frameworks for various testing purposes. One such powerful and easy-to-use web testing framework is Seldom.

Seldom is a Python-based web testing framework that simplifies the process of writing and executing automated web tests. It provides a rich set of features and a simple syntax, making it a great tool for both beginners and experienced testers. In this article, we will explore the key features of Seldom and demonstrate how to write and run tests using this framework.

Key Features of Seldom

1. Simple and Intuitive Syntax

Seldom uses a straightforward syntax that is easy to understand and write. It follows a method chaining style, allowing you to chain multiple actions together to form a test case. This makes the code more readable and reduces the need for writing repetitive code. Here's an example:

from seldom import Seldom

class MyTest(Seldom):
    def test_example(self):" \
            .assert_title("Example Domain") \
            .assert_text("This domain is for") \
            .assert_element("logo") \
            .click("link=More information") \

2. Rich Assertion and Verification Methods

Seldom provides a wide range of assertion and verification methods to validate the expected behavior of web pages. These methods include:

  • assert_title: Verifies if the page title matches the expected value.
  • assert_text: Verifies if a given text is present on the page.
  • assert_element: Verifies if a specific element is present on the page.
  • assert_url: Verifies if the current URL matches the expected URL.

These methods can be combined with other actions like clicking on elements, entering text, and more to form powerful test cases.

3. Support for Various Browsers

Seldom allows you to run tests on different browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more. It leverages the power of Selenium WebDriver, a popular browser automation tool, to interact with web browsers and perform actions. This enables you to test your web applications across multiple browsers and ensure compatibility.

4. Parallel Test Execution

Seldom supports parallel test execution, which allows you to run multiple tests simultaneously. This feature significantly reduces the overall test execution time, especially when you have a large number of test cases. It improves the efficiency of your testing process and helps you identify issues quickly.

5. Integration with Test Frameworks

Seldom can be easily integrated with popular test frameworks like unittest. This makes it compatible with existing testing infrastructure and allows you to incorporate web tests seamlessly into your testing workflow. You can use Seldom to write web tests alongside your unit tests and run them together.

Getting Started with Seldom: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we understand the key features of Seldom, let's dive into the practical aspect of using this framework. We will walk through the steps required to write and run web tests using Seldom.

Step 1: Installation

To start using Seldom, you need to install it. You can install it using pip, the Python package installer. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

pip install seldom

Step 2: Writing Test Cases

Once you have installed Seldom, you can start writing your test cases. Create a new Python file and import the necessary modules:

from seldom import Seldom

Next, create a class that inherits from the Seldom class. This class will serve as the container for your test cases. Define your test cases as methods inside this class. Here's an example:

class MyTest(Seldom):
    def test_example(self):" \
            .assert_title("Example Domain") \
            .assert_text("This domain is for") \
            .assert_element("logo") \
            .click("link=More information") \

In this example, we have defined a single test case named test_example. This test case opens the Example Domain website, verifies the page title, checks for a specific text, validates the presence of a logo, clicks on a link, and finally verifies the URL.

Step 3: Running Tests

To run your tests, you can use the python -m unittest command followed by the name of your Python file. For example, if your test file is named, you can run the following command:

python -m unittest

Seldom will automatically discover and execute your test cases. You will see the test results on the console, indicating whether the tests passed or failed.

Step 4: Analyzing Test Results

Seldom provides detailed test reports in HTML format, making it easy to analyze test results. By default, the test reports are stored in the reports folder. You can open