INITIALLY Clause The INITIALLY clause establishes the default checking behavior
for constraints that are DEFERRABLE. The INITIALLY setting can be overridden by a
SET CONSTRAINT(S) statement in a subsequent transaction.
■ Specify INITIALLY IMMEDIATE to indicate that Oracle should check this
constraint at the end of each subsequent SQL statement. If you do not specify
INITIALLY at all, then the default is INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.
See Also:
■ SET CONSTRAINT[S] on page 19-48 for information on setting
constraint checking for a transaction
■ Oracle Database Administrator's Guide and Oracle Database Concepts
for more information about deferred constraints
■ "DEFERRABLE Constraint Examples" on page 8-25
Common SQL DDL Clauses 8-15
If you declare a new constraint INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, then it must be valid at
the time the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement is committed or the
statement will fail.
■ Specify INITIALLY DEFERRED to indicate that Oracle should check this constraint
at the end of subsequent transactions.
This clause is not valid if you have declared the constraint to be NOT DEFERRABLE,
because a NOT DEFERRABLE constraint is automatically INITIALLY IMMEDIATE and
cannot ever be INITIALLY DEFERRED.
spring deferred
1.了解servlet以及spring mvc中的异步?Spring MVC 3.2开始引入了基于Servlet 3的异步请求处理。相比以前,控制器方法已经不一定需要返回一个值,而是可以返回一个java.util.concurrent.Callable的对象,并通过Spring MVC所管理的线程来产生返回值。与此同时,Servlet容器的主线程则可以退出并释放其资源了,同时也允许容器去处理其他的
spring deferred springMvc DeferredResult Callable 服务端 -
oracle 事务处理 数据库连接