1. - (void)loadView
2. {
3. [superloadView];
5. defaultCenter] addObserverForName:@"testKey"
6. object:nil
7. queue:nil
8. usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) {
9. self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
10. }];
11. }
12. - (void)dealloc
13. {
14. defaultCenter] removeObserver:_observer];
15. }
在上面代码中,我们添加向通知中心注册了一个观察者,然后在 dealloc 时解除该注册,一切看起来正常。但这里有两个问题:
这段代码中涉及到的对象包括:notificationcenter, _observer, block, self.
a) 在消息通知 block 中引用到了 self,所以这里 self 对象被 block retain;而 _observer 又对该 block 进行retain,通知中心 notificationcentre 又持有 _observer。因此只要 _observer 对象还没有被解除注册,block 就会一直被持有,从而 self 就不会被释放,那么 dealloc 就不会被调用。而我们却又期望在 dealloc 中通过 removeObserver 来解除注册以消除通知中心 notificationcenter 对 _observer 的 retain。
小结:notificationcenter --> _observer --> block --> self 只有在 self 释放,dealloc 调用的时候,notificationcenter 才会释放 _observer,显然其中存在循环引用。
b) 同时,_observer 是在 self 所在类中定义赋值,因此是被 self retain 的,这样就形成了循环引用。
小结: self --> _observer --> block --> self 显然这也是一个循环引用。
二、Weak-Strong Dance
对于在block中的retain cycle,在2011 WWDC Session #322 (Objective-C Advancements in Depth)有一个解决方案weak-strong dance,很漂亮的名字。其实现如下:
1. - (void)dealloc
2. {
3. defaultCenter] removeObserver:_observer];
4. }
6. - (void)loadView
7. {
8. [superloadView];
10. TestViewController *wself = self;
11. defaultCenter] addObserverForName:@"testKey"
12. object:nil
13. queue:nil
14. usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) {
15. TestViewController *sself = wself;
16. dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
17. }];
18. }
在 block 使用 self 之前先用 __weak 修饰 self 创建一个 self 弱引用变量 ,然后在 block 中使用 self 之前先用 __strong 修饰创建一个 对该弱引用 self 的强引用,防止 self 被提前释放。
当然,__weak 和 __strong 只在 ARC 情形下有效;对于非 ARC ,就需要用到 __block 了,效果相同,如下:
1. - (void)dealloc
2. {
3. defaultCenter] removeObserver:_observer];
4. release];
6. [superdealloc];
7. }
9. - (void)loadView
10. {
11. [superloadView];
13. TestViewController *bself = self;
14. defaultCenter] addObserverForName:@"testKey"
15. object:nil
16. queue:nil
17. ngBlock:^(NSNotification *note) {
18. retain];
19. dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
20. release];
21. }];
22. }
三、ReactiveCocoa中的Weak-Strong Dance
1. @weakify(self);
2. [RACObserve(self,photosArray) subscribeNext:^(id x){
3. @strongify(self);
4. self.collectionView reloadData];
5. }];
RACObserver is a C macro that takes two parameters: an object and a key path on that object. It returns a signal whose values are sent whenever the key path’s value changes. A completion value is sent when the object, in this case self, is deallocated. --> ? We subscribe to this signal in order to reload our collection view whenever our photosArray property is changed.
译注:RACObserver 是一个宏定义,有两个参数:an object and a key path on that object。当 object key path value 变化时,就会返回一个 signal。
我们对这个 signal 进行订阅,一旦 photoArray 属性发送变化,返回signal,就可以 reload collection view。
The weakify/strongify dance is all too common in Objective-C under ARC.Weakify creates a new, weak variable assigned to self. Strongify then creates a new, strong variable in its scope assigned to the weak self. When strongify does this, it’s using what’s called a “shadow variable” – so named because the new, strong variable is called self, replacing the former strong reference to self.
Basically, the subscribeNext: block is going to capture self in its lexical scope, causing a reference cycle between self and the block. The block is strongly referenced by the return value of subscribeNext:, a RACSubscriber instance. This is then captured by the RACObserver macro, which will be automatically deallocated once its first parameter, self is deallocated. Without the weakify/strongify invocations, self would never be deallocated.
译注:分析一下其中可能存在的 block 循环引用问题。
self --> RACObserver macro --> RACSubscriber instance --> block --> self. 假如不使用 weakify/strongify 那么现实其中的循环引用导致 self 始终无法释放。