- 第一段:概要描述,通常用一句或者一段话简要描述该类的作用,以英文句号作为结束
- 第二段:详细描述,通常用一段或者多段话来详细描述该类的作用,一般每段话都以英文句号作为结束
- 第三段:文档标注,用于标注作者、创建时间、参阅类等信息
package org.springframework.util;
* Miscellaneous {@link String} utility methods.
public abstract class StringUtils {
package java.lang;
* Class {@code Object} is the root of the class hierarchy.
* Every class has {@code Object} as a superclass. All objects,
* including arrays, implement the methods of this class.
public class Object {}
1. @link:{@link 包名.类名#方法名(参数类型)} 用于快速链接到相关代码
@link的使用语法其中当包名在当前类中已经导入了包名可以省略,可以只是一个类名,也可以是仅仅是一个方法名,也可以是类名.方法名,使用此文档标记的类或者方法,可用通过按住Ctrl键+单击 可以快速跳到相应的类或者方法上,解析成html其实就是使用< code> 包名.类名#方法名(参数类型)< /code>
// 完全限定的类名
{@link java.lang.Character}
// 省略包名
{@link String}
// 省略类名,表示指向当前的某个方法
{@link #length()}
// 包名.类名.方法名(参数类型)
{@link java.lang.String#charAt(int)}
2. @code: {@code text} 将文本标记为code
{@code text} 会被解析成将文本标记为代码样式的文本,在code内部可以使用 < 、> 等不会被解释成html标签, code标签有自己的样式
详细描述一般用一段或者几个锻炼来详细描述类的作用,详细描述中可以使用html标签,如等标签, 通常详细描述都以段落p标签开始。
package org.springframework.util;
* Miscellaneous {@link String} utility methods.
* <p>Mainly for internal use within the framework; consider
* <a href="http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/">Apache's Commons Lang</a>
* for a more comprehensive suite of {@code String} utilities.
* <p>This class delivers some simple functionality that should really be
* provided by the core Java {@link String} and {@link StringBuilder}
* classes. It also provides easy-to-use methods to convert between
* delimited strings, such as CSV strings, and collections and arrays.
public abstract class StringUtils {
3. @param
* @param <E> the type of elements in this list
public interface List<E> extends Collection<E> {}
4. @author
详细描述后面一般使用@author来标记作者,如果一个文件有多个作者来维护就标记多个@author,@author 后面可以跟作者姓名(也可以附带邮箱地址)、组织名称(也可以附带组织官网地址)
// 纯文本作者
@author Rod Johnson
// 纯文本作者,邮件
@author Igor Hersht, igorh@ca.ibm.com
// 超链接邮件 纯文本作者
@author <a href="mailto:ovidiu@cup.hp.com">Ovidiu Predescu</a>
// 纯文本邮件
@author shane_curcuru@us.ibm.com
// 纯文本 组织
@author Apache Software Foundation
// 超链接组织地址 纯文本组织
@author <a href="https://jakarta.apache.org/turbine"> Apache Jakarta Turbine</a>
5. @see 另请参阅
@see 一般用于标记该类相关联的类,@see即可以用在类上,也可以用在方法上。
* @see IntStream
* @see LongStream
* @see DoubleStream
* @see <a href="package-summary.html">java.util.stream</a>
* /
public interface Stream<T> extends BaseStream<T, Stream<T>> {}
6. @since 从以下版本开始
@since 一般用于标记文件创建时项目当时对应的版本,一般后面跟版本号,也可以跟是一个时间,表示文件当前创建的时间
package java.util.stream;
* @since 1.8
public interface Stream<T> extends BaseStream<T, Stream<T>> {}
package org.springframework.util;
* @since 16 April 2001
public abstract class StringUtils {}
7. @version 版本
@version 用于标记当前版本,默认为1.0
package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.resolver;
* @version 1.0
public class Resolver extends Catalog {}
- 第一段:概要描述,通常用一句或者一段话简要描述该方法的作用,以英文句号作为结束
- 第二段:详细描述,通常用一段或者多段话来详细描述该方法的作用,一般每段话都以英文句号作为结束
- 第三段:文档标注,用于标注参数、返回值、异常、参阅等
方法详细描述上经常使用html标签来,通常都以p标签开始,而且p标签通常都是单标签,不使用结束标签,其中使用最多的就是p标签和pre标签,ul标签, i标签。
注意:pre>标签中如果有小于号、大于号、例如泛型 在生产javadoc时会报错
* Check whether the given {@code CharSequence} contains actual <em>text</em>.
* <p>More specifically, this method returns {@code true} if the
* {@code CharSequence} is not {@code null}, its length is greater than
* 0, and it contains at least one non-whitespace character.
* <p><pre class="code">
* StringUtils.hasText(null) = false
* StringUtils.hasText("") = false
* StringUtils.hasText(" ") = false
* StringUtils.hasText("12345") = true
* StringUtils.hasText(" 12345 ") = true
* </pre>
* @param str the {@code CharSequence} to check (may be {@code null})
* @return {@code true} if the {@code CharSequence} is not {@code null},
* its length is greater than 0, and it does not contain whitespace only
* @see Character#isWhitespace
public static boolean hasText(@Nullable CharSequence str) {
return (str != null && str.length() > 0 && containsText(str));
Person[] men = people.stream()
.filter(p -> p.getGender() == MALE)
8. @param
@param 后面跟参数名,再跟参数描述
* @param str the {@code CharSequence} to check (may be {@code null})
public static boolean containsWhitespace(@Nullable CharSequence str) {}
9. @return
@return 跟返回值的描述
* @return {@code true} if the {@code String} is not {@code null}, its
public static boolean hasText(@Nullable String str){}
10. @throws
@throws 跟异常类型 异常描述 , 用于描述方法内部可能抛出的异常
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the given source contains invalid encoded sequences
public static String uriDecode(String source, Charset charset){}
11. @exception
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>key</code> is null.
public static Object get(String key) throws IllegalArgumentException {}
12. @see
* @see java.net.URLDecoder#decode(String, String)
public static String uriDecode(String source, Charset charset){}
13. @value
用于标注在常量上,{@value} 用于表示常量的值
/** 默认数量 {@value} */
private static final Integer QUANTITY = 1;
14. @inheritDoc
- 基类的文档注释被继承到了子类
- 子类可以再加入自己的注释(特殊化扩展)
- @return @param @throws 也会被继承
spring-core中的StringUtils 示例
package org.springframework.util;
* Miscellaneous {@link String} utility methods.
* <p>Mainly for internal use within the framework; consider
* <a href="http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/">Apache's Commons Lang</a>
* for a more comprehensive suite of {@code String} utilities.
* <p>This class delivers some simple functionality that should really be
* provided by the core Java {@link String} and {@link StringBuilder}
* classes. It also provides easy-to-use methods to convert between
* delimited strings, such as CSV strings, and collections and arrays.
* @author Rod Johnson
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @author Keith Donald
* @author Rob Harrop
* @author Rick Evans
* @author Arjen Poutsma
* @author Sam Brannen
* @author Brian Clozel
* @since 16 April 2001
public abstract class StringUtils {
* Decode the given encoded URI component value. Based on the following rules:
* <ul>
* <li>Alphanumeric characters {@code "a"} through {@code "z"}, {@code "A"} through {@code "Z"},
* and {@code "0"} through {@code "9"} stay the same.</li>
* <li>Special characters {@code "-"}, {@code "_"}, {@code "."}, and {@code "*"} stay the same.</li>
* <li>A sequence "{@code %<i>xy</i>}" is interpreted as a hexadecimal representation of the character.</li>
* </ul>
* @param source the encoded String
* @param charset the character set
* @return the decoded value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the given source contains invalid encoded sequences
* @since 5.0
* @see java.net.URLDecoder#decode(String, String)
public static String uriDecode(String source, Charset charset) {}
package com.example.demo;
* 类 {@code OrderService} 订单服务层.
* <p> 主要包括 创建订单、取消订单、查询订单等功能更
* @see Order
* @author <a href="mailto:mengday.zhang@gmail.com">Mengday Zhang</a>
* @since 2018/5/12
public class OrderService {
/** 默认数量 {@value} */
private static final Integer QUANTITY = 1;
* 创建订单.
* <p> 创建订单需要传用户id和商品列表(商品id和商品数量).
* <p><pre>{@code
* 演示如何使用该方法
* List<Goods> items = new ArrayList<>();
* Goods goods = new Goods(1L, BigDecimal.ONE);
* Goods goods2 = new Goods(2L, BigDecimal.TEN);
* items.add(goods);
* items.add(goods2);
* Order order1 = new Order();
* order.setUserId("1");
* order.setItems(items);
* OrderService#createOrder(order);
* }
* </pre>
* @param order 订单信息
* @throws NullPointerException 参数信息为空
* @exception IllegalArgumentException 数量不合法
* @return 是否创建成功
* @version 1.0
* @see {@link Order}
public boolean createOrder(Order order) throws IllegalArgumentException{
List<Goods> items = order.getItems();
items.forEach(goods -> {
BigDecimal quantity = goods.getQuantity();
if (quantity == null || BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(quantity) == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
System.out.println("create order...");
return true;
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