在ios上app都是使用自带的的浏览器进行页面的渲染,video播放器的效果是同意的,只要考虑不同版本是否有不一致的地方,在ios上 播放视频会弹出全屏效果。播放器上下有的系统默认的控制栏,可以控制视频的播放进度、音量以及暂停或继续播放,播放视频时,视频会 “浮” 在页面上,页面上的所有元素都只能是在视频下面,设置z-index也是没有任何的效果的。ios上微信浏览器也是调用的系统的。
好的一点是在IOS 10 Safari 中video新增了playsinline属性,可以使视频内联播放。
On iPhone, <video playsinline> elements will now be allowed to play inline, and will not automatically enter fullscreen mode when playback begins.
<video> elements without playsinline attributes will continue to require fullscreen mode for playback on iPhone.
When exiting fullscreen with a pinch gesture, <video> elements without playsinline will continue to play inline.
A note about the playsinline attribute: this attribute has recently been added to the HTML specification, and WebKit has adopted this new attribute by unprefixing its legacy webkit-playsinline attribute. This legacy attribute has been supported since iPhoneOS 4.0, and accordance with our updated unprefixing policy, we’re pleased to have been able to unprefix webkit-playsinline. Unfortunately, this change did not make the cut-off for iOS 10 Developer Seed 2. If you would like to experiment with this new policy with iOS Developer Seed 2, the prefixed attribute will work, but we would encourage you to transition to the unprefixed attribute when support for it is available in a future seed.
在查资料的同时有网友说会出现这样的问题:iOS 10 之前的版本支持 webkit-playsinline,但是加了这个属性后,在 iOS 9 的上出现只能听到声音不能看到画面的问题。我还没遇到,不过先记下来,以备不时只需,网友的解决方案是这样的:
<video id="video" class="video" preload="auto" playsinline src="http://wqs.jd.com/promote/superfestival/superfestival.mp4" width="1" height="1" type="video/mp4"></video>