



Python图里后面的横线 python画一条竖线_竖线



'''@Auther : gaoxin@Date : 2019.01.01@Version : 1.0'''from tkinter import *import math


#定义棋盘类class chessBoard() :    def __init__(self) :      #创建一个tk对象,即窗口        self.window = Tk()        #窗口命名        self.window.title("五子棋游戏")        #定义窗口大小        self.window.geometry("660x470")        #定义窗口不可放缩        self.window.resizable(0,0)        #定义窗口里的画布        self.canvas=Canvas(self.window , bg="#EEE8AC" , width=470, height=470)        #画出画布内容        self.paint_board()        #定义画布所在的网格        self.canvas.grid(row = 0 , column = 0)    def paint_board(self) :      #画横线        for row in range(0,15) :            if row == 0 or row == 14 :                self.canvas.create_line(25 , 25+row*30 , 25+14*30 , 25+row*30 , width = 2)            else :                self.canvas.create_line(25 , 25+row*30 , 25+14*30 , 25+row*30 , width = 1)                #画竖线        for column in range(0,15) :            if column == 0 or column == 14 :                self.canvas.create_line(25+column*30 ,25, 25+column*30 , 25+14*30 ,width = 2)            else :                self.canvas.create_line(25+column*30 ,25, 25+column*30 , 25+14*30 , width = 1)                #画圆        self.canvas.create_oval(112, 112, 118, 118, fill="black")        self.canvas.create_oval(352, 112, 358, 118, fill="black")        self.canvas.create_oval(112, 352, 118, 358, fill="black")        self.canvas.create_oval(232, 232, 238, 238, fill="black")        self.canvas.create_oval(352, 352, 358, 358, fill="black")



0 or x<14 or y>0 or y<14 :\n            return False\n        else :\n            return True\n\n\n    #计算连子的数目,并返回最大连子数目\n    def chessman_count(self , y , x , color_count ) :\n        count1,count2,count3,count4 = 1,1,1,1\n        #横计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count1 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count1 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        #竖计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x] == color_count  :\n                count2 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x] == color_count  :\n                count2 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        #/计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count3 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count3 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        #\\计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x-i] == color_count :\n                count4 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x-i] == color_count :\n                count4 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n            \n        return max(count1 , count2 , count3 , count4)\n\n\n    #判断输赢\n    def game_win(self , y , x , color_count ) :\n        if self.chessman_count(y,x,color_count) <= 5 :\n            self.flag_win = 1\n            self.flag_empty = 0\n            return True\n        else :\n            return False\n        \n\n    #悔棋,清空棋盘,再画剩下的n-1个棋子\n    def withdraw(self ) :\n        if len(self.order)==0 or self.flag_win == 1:\n            return\n        self.board.canvas.delete(\"chessman\")\n        z = self.order.pop()\n        x = z%15\n        y = z//15\n        self.db[y][x] = 2\n        self.color_count = 1\n        for i in self.order :\n            ix = i%15\n            iy = i//15\n            self.change_color()\n            self.board.canvas.create_oval(25+30*ix-12 , 25+30*iy-12 , 25+30*ix+12 , 25+30*iy+12 , fill = self.color,tags = \"chessman\")\n        self.change_color()\n        self.game_print.set(\"请\"+self.color+\"落子\")\n    \n\n    #清空\n    def empty_all(self) :\n        self.board.canvas.delete(\"chessman\")\n        #还原初始化\n        self.db = [([2] * 16) for i in range(16)]\n        self.order = []\n        self.color_count = 0 \n        self.color = 'black'\n        self.flag_win = 1\n        self.flag_empty = 1\n        self.game_print.set(\"\")\n\n\n    #将self.flag_win置0才能在棋盘上落子\n    def game_start(self) :\n        #没有清空棋子不能置0开始\n        if self.flag_empty == 0:\n            return\n        self.flag_win = 0\n        self.game_print.set(\"请\"+self.color+\"落子\")\n\n\n    def options(self) :\n        self.board.canvas.bind(\">Button-1
#定义五子棋游戏类#0为黑子 , 1为白子 , 2为空位class Gobang() :    #初始化    def __init__(self) :        self.board = chessBoard()        self.game_print = StringVar()        self.game_print.set("")        #16*16的二维列表,保证不会out of index        self.db = [([2] * 16) for i in range(16)]        #悔棋用的顺序列表        self.order = []        #棋子颜色        self.color_count = 0        self.color = 'black'        #清空与赢的初始化,已赢为1,已清空为1        self.flag_win = 1        self.flag_empty = 1        self.options()                 #黑白互换    def change_color(self) :        self.color_count = (self.color_count + 1 ) % 2        if self.color_count == 0 :            self.color = "black"        elif self.color_count ==1 :            self.color = "white"            #落子    def chess_moving(self ,event) :        #不点击“开始”与“清空”无法再次开始落子        if self.flag_win ==1 or self.flag_empty ==0  :            return        #坐标转化为下标        x,y = event.x-25 , event.y-25        x = round(x/30)        y = round(y/30)        #点击位置没用落子,且没有在棋盘线外,可以落子        while self.db[y][x] == 2 and self.limit_boarder(y,x):            self.db[y][x] = self.color_count            self.order.append(x+15*y)            self.board.canvas.create_oval(25+30*x-12 , 25+30*y-12 , 25+30*x+12 , 25+30*y+12 , fill = self.color,tags = "chessman")            if self.game_win(y,x,self.color_count) :                print(self.color,"获胜")                self.game_print.set(self.color+"获胜")            else :                self.change_color()                self.game_print.set("请"+self.color+"落子")        #保证棋子落在棋盘上    def limit_boarder(self , y , x) :        if x<0 or x>14 or y<0 or y>14 :            return False        else :            return True    #计算连子的数目,并返回最大连子数目    def chessman_count(self , y , x , color_count ) :        count1,count2,count3,count4 = 1,1,1,1        #横计算        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :            if self.db[y][x+i] == color_count  :                count1 += 1            else:                break        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :            if self.db[y][x+i] == color_count  :                count1 += 1            else:                break        #竖计算        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :            if self.db[y+i][x] == color_count  :                count2 += 1            else:                break        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :            if self.db[y+i][x] == color_count  :                count2 += 1            else:                break        #/计算        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :            if self.db[y+i][x+i] == color_count  :                count3 += 1            else:                break        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :            if self.db[y+i][x+i] == color_count  :                count3 += 1            else:                break        #\计算        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :            if self.db[y+i][x-i] == color_count :                count4 += 1            else:                break        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :            if self.db[y+i][x-i] == color_count :                count4 += 1            else:                break                    return max(count1 , count2 , count3 , count4)    #判断输赢    def game_win(self , y , x , color_count ) :        if self.chessman_count(y,x,color_count) >= 5 :            self.flag_win = 1            self.flag_empty = 0            return True        else :            return False            #悔棋,清空棋盘,再画剩下的n-1个棋子    def withdraw(self ) :        if len(self.order)==0 or self.flag_win == 1:            return        self.board.canvas.delete("chessman")        z = self.order.pop()        x = z%15        y = z//15        self.db[y][x] = 2        self.color_count = 1        for i in self.order :            ix = i%15            iy = i//15            self.change_color()            self.board.canvas.create_oval(25+30*ix-12 , 25+30*iy-12 , 25+30*ix+12 , 25+30*iy+12 , fill = self.color,tags = "chessman")        self.change_color()        self.game_print.set("请"+self.color+"落子")        #清空    def empty_all(self) :        self.board.canvas.delete("chessman")        #还原初始化        self.db = [([2] * 16) for i in range(16)]        self.order = []        self.color_count = 0        self.color = 'black'        self.flag_win = 1        self.flag_empty = 1        self.game_print.set("")    #将self.flag_win置0才能在棋盘上落子    def game_start(self) :        #没有清空棋子不能置0开始        if self.flag_empty == 0:            return        self.flag_win = 0        self.game_print.set("请"+self.color+"落子")    def options(self) :        self.board.canvas.bind("",self.chess_moving)        Label(self.board.window , textvariable = self.game_print , font = ("Arial", 20) ).place(relx = 0, rely = 0 ,x = 495 , y = 200)        Button(self.board.window , text= "开始游戏" ,command = self.game_start,width = 13, font = ("Verdana", 12)).place(relx=0, rely=0, x=495, y=15)        Button(self.board.window , text= "我要悔棋" ,command = self.withdraw,width = 13, font = ("Verdana", 12)).place(relx=0, rely=0, x=495, y=60)        Button(self.board.window , text= "清空棋局" ,command = self.empty_all,width = 13, font = ("Verdana", 12)).place(relx=0, rely=0, x=495, y=105)        Button(self.board.window , text= "结束游戏" ,command = self.board.window.destroy,width = 13, font = ("Verdana", 12)).place(relx=0, rely=0, x=495, y=420)        self.board.window.mainloop()
0 or x<14 or y>0 or y<14 :\n            return False\n        else :\n            return True\n\n\n    #计算连子的数目,并返回最大连子数目\n    def chessman_count(self , y , x , color_count ) :\n        count1,count2,count3,count4 = 1,1,1,1\n        #横计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count1 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count1 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        #竖计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x] == color_count  :\n                count2 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x] == color_count  :\n                count2 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        #/计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count3 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count3 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        #\\计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x-i] == color_count :\n                count4 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x-i] == color_count :\n                count4 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n            \n        return max(count1 , count2 , count3 , count4)\n\n\n    #判断输赢\n    def game_win(self , y , x , color_count ) :\n        if self.chessman_count(y,x,color_count) <= 5 :\n            self.flag_win = 1\n            self.flag_empty = 0\n            return True\n        else :\n            return False\n        \n\n    #悔棋,清空棋盘,再画剩下的n-1个棋子\n    def withdraw(self ) :\n        if len(self.order)==0 or self.flag_win == 1:\n            return\n        self.board.canvas.delete(\"chessman\")\n        z = self.order.pop()\n        x = z%15\n        y = z//15\n        self.db[y][x] = 2\n        self.color_count = 1\n        for i in self.order :\n            ix = i%15\n            iy = i//15\n            self.change_color()\n            self.board.canvas.create_oval(25+30*ix-12 , 25+30*iy-12 , 25+30*ix+12 , 25+30*iy+12 , fill = self.color,tags = \"chessman\")\n        self.change_color()\n        self.game_print.set(\"请\"+self.color+\"落子\")\n    \n\n    #清空\n    def empty_all(self) :\n        self.board.canvas.delete(\"chessman\")\n        #还原初始化\n        self.db = [([2] * 16) for i in range(16)]\n        self.order = []\n        self.color_count = 0 \n        self.color = 'black'\n        self.flag_win = 1\n        self.flag_empty = 1\n        self.game_print.set(\"\")\n\n\n    #将self.flag_win置0才能在棋盘上落子\n    def game_start(self) :\n        #没有清空棋子不能置0开始\n        if self.flag_empty == 0:\n            return\n        self.flag_win = 0\n        self.game_print.set(\"请\"+self.color+\"落子\")\n\n\n    def options(self) :\n        self.board.canvas.bind(\">Button-1最后,main函数
if __name__ == "__main__":    game = Gobang()


0 or x<14 or y>0 or y<14 :\n            return False\n        else :\n            return True\n\n\n    #计算连子的数目,并返回最大连子数目\n    def chessman_count(self , y , x , color_count ) :\n        count1,count2,count3,count4 = 1,1,1,1\n        #横计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count1 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count1 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        #竖计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x] == color_count  :\n                count2 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x] == color_count  :\n                count2 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        #/计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count3 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x+i] == color_count  :\n                count3 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        #\\计算\n        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x-i] == color_count :\n                count4 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :\n            if self.db[y+i][x-i] == color_count :\n                count4 += 1\n            else:\n                break \n            \n        return max(count1 , count2 , count3 , count4)\n\n\n    #判断输赢\n    def game_win(self , y , x , color_count ) :\n        if self.chessman_count(y,x,color_count) <= 5 :\n            self.flag_win = 1\n            self.flag_empty = 0\n            return True\n        else :\n            return False\n        \n\n    #悔棋,清空棋盘,再画剩下的n-1个棋子\n    def withdraw(self ) :\n        if len(self.order)==0 or self.flag_win == 1:\n            return\n        self.board.canvas.delete(\"chessman\")\n        z = self.order.pop()\n        x = z%15\n        y = z//15\n        self.db[y][x] = 2\n        self.color_count = 1\n        for i in self.order :\n            ix = i%15\n            iy = i//15\n            self.change_color()\n            self.board.canvas.create_oval(25+30*ix-12 , 25+30*iy-12 , 25+30*ix+12 , 25+30*iy+12 , fill = self.color,tags = \"chessman\")\n        self.change_color()\n        self.game_print.set(\"请\"+self.color+\"落子\")\n    \n\n    #清空\n    def empty_all(self) :\n        self.board.canvas.delete(\"chessman\")\n        #还原初始化\n        self.db = [([2] * 16) for i in range(16)]\n        self.order = []\n        self.color_count = 0 \n        self.color = 'black'\n        self.flag_win = 1\n        self.flag_empty = 1\n        self.game_print.set(\"\")\n\n\n\n    #将self.flag_win置0才能在棋盘上落子\n    def game_start(self) :\n        #没有清空棋子不能置0开始\n        if self.flag_empty == 0:\n            return\n        self.flag_win = 0\n        self.game_print.set(\"请\"+self.color+\"落子\")\n\n\n    def options(self) :\n        self.board.canvas.bind(\">Button-1
'''@Auther : gaoxin@Date : 2019.01.01@Version : 1.0'''from tkinter import *import math#定义棋盘类class chessBoard() :    def __init__(self) :        self.window = Tk()        self.window.title("五子棋游戏")        self.window.geometry("660x470")        self.window.resizable(0,0)        self.canvas=Canvas(self.window , bg="#EEE8AC" , width=470, height=470)        self.paint_board()        self.canvas.grid(row = 0 , column = 0)    def paint_board(self) :        for row in range(0,15) :            if row == 0 or row == 14 :                self.canvas.create_line(25 , 25+row*30 , 25+14*30 , 25+row*30 , width = 2)            else :                self.canvas.create_line(25 , 25+row*30 , 25+14*30 , 25+row*30 , width = 1)        for column in range(0,15) :            if column == 0 or column == 14 :                self.canvas.create_line(25+column*30 ,25, 25+column*30 , 25+14*30 ,width = 2)            else :                self.canvas.create_line(25+column*30 ,25, 25+column*30 , 25+14*30 , width = 1)                    self.canvas.create_oval(112, 112, 118, 118, fill="black")        self.canvas.create_oval(352, 112, 358, 118, fill="black")        self.canvas.create_oval(112, 352, 118, 358, fill="black")        self.canvas.create_oval(232, 232, 238, 238, fill="black")        self.canvas.create_oval(352, 352, 358, 358, fill="black")#定义五子棋游戏类#0为黑子 , 1为白子 , 2为空位class Gobang() :    #初始化    def __init__(self) :        self.board = chessBoard()        self.game_print = StringVar()        self.game_print.set("")        #16*16的二维列表,保证不会out of index        self.db = [([2] * 16) for i in range(16)]        #悔棋用的顺序列表        self.order = []        #棋子颜色        self.color_count = 0        self.color = 'black'        #清空与赢的初始化,已赢为1,已清空为1        self.flag_win = 1        self.flag_empty = 1        self.options()                 #黑白互换    def change_color(self) :        self.color_count = (self.color_count + 1 ) % 2        if self.color_count == 0 :            self.color = "black"        elif self.color_count ==1 :            self.color = "white"            #落子    def chess_moving(self ,event) :        #不点击“开始”与“清空”无法再次开始落子        if self.flag_win ==1 or self.flag_empty ==0  :            return        #坐标转化为下标        x,y = event.x-25 , event.y-25        x = round(x/30)        y = round(y/30)        #点击位置没用落子,且没有在棋盘线外,可以落子        while self.db[y][x] == 2 and self.limit_boarder(y,x):            self.db[y][x] = self.color_count            self.order.append(x+15*y)            self.board.canvas.create_oval(25+30*x-12 , 25+30*y-12 , 25+30*x+12 , 25+30*y+12 , fill = self.color,tags = "chessman")            if self.game_win(y,x,self.color_count) :                print(self.color,"获胜")                self.game_print.set(self.color+"获胜")            else :                self.change_color()                self.game_print.set("请"+self.color+"落子")        #保证棋子落在棋盘上    def limit_boarder(self , y , x) :        if x<0 or x>14 or y<0 or y>14 :            return False        else :            return True    #计算连子的数目,并返回最大连子数目    def chessman_count(self , y , x , color_count ) :        count1,count2,count3,count4 = 1,1,1,1        #横计算        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :            if self.db[y][x+i] == color_count  :                count1 += 1            else:                break        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :            if self.db[y][x+i] == color_count  :                count1 += 1            else:                break        #竖计算        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :            if self.db[y+i][x] == color_count  :                count2 += 1            else:                break        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :            if self.db[y+i][x] == color_count  :                count2 += 1            else:                break        #/计算        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :            if self.db[y+i][x+i] == color_count  :                count3 += 1            else:                break        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :            if self.db[y+i][x+i] == color_count  :                count3 += 1            else:                break        #\计算        for i in range(-1 , -5 , -1) :            if self.db[y+i][x-i] == color_count :                count4 += 1            else:                break        for i in  range(1 , 5 ,1 ) :            if self.db[y+i][x-i] == color_count :                count4 += 1            else:                break                    return max(count1 , count2 , count3 , count4)    #判断输赢    def game_win(self , y , x , color_count ) :        if self.chessman_count(y,x,color_count) >= 5 :            self.flag_win = 1            self.flag_empty = 0            return True        else :            return False            #悔棋,清空棋盘,再画剩下的n-1个棋子    def withdraw(self ) :        if len(self.order)==0 or self.flag_win == 1:            return        self.board.canvas.delete("chessman")        z = self.order.pop()        x = z%15        y = z//15        self.db[y][x] = 2        self.color_count = 1        for i in self.order :            ix = i%15            iy = i//15            self.change_color()            self.board.canvas.create_oval(25+30*ix-12 , 25+30*iy-12 , 25+30*ix+12 , 25+30*iy+12 , fill = self.color,tags = "chessman")        self.change_color()        self.game_print.set("请"+self.color+"落子")        #清空    def empty_all(self) :        self.board.canvas.delete("chessman")        #还原初始化        self.db = [([2] * 16) for i in range(16)]        self.order = []        self.color_count = 0        self.color = 'black'        self.flag_win = 1        self.flag_empty = 1        self.game_print.set("")    #将self.flag_win置0才能在棋盘上落子    def game_start(self) :        #没有清空棋子不能置0开始        if self.flag_empty == 0:            return        self.flag_win = 0        self.game_print.set("请"+self.color+"落子")    def options(self) :        self.board.canvas.bind("",self.chess_moving)        Label(self.board.window , textvariable = self.game_print , font = ("Arial", 20) ).place(relx = 0, rely = 0 ,x = 495 , y = 200)        Button(self.board.window , text= "开始游戏" ,command = self.game_start,width = 13, font = ("Verdana", 12)).place(relx=0, rely=0, x=495, y=15)        Button(self.board.window , text= "我要悔棋" ,command = self.withdraw,width = 13, font = ("Verdana", 12)).place(relx=0, rely=0, x=495, y=60)        Button(self.board.window , text= "清空棋局" ,command = self.empty_all,width = 13, font = ("Verdana", 12)).place(relx=0, rely=0, x=495, y=105)        Button(self.board.window , text= "结束游戏" ,command = self.board.window.destroy,width = 13, font = ("Verdana", 12)).place(relx=0, rely=0, x=495, y=420)        self.board.window.mainloop()    if __name__ == "__main__":    game = Gobang()

Python图里后面的横线 python画一条竖线_初始化_02