


public class Player_move : MonoBehaviour
	public Rigidbody Player;
	private float Camera_speed;
	void Start()
		Camera_speed =2.0f;
		rotation_y = 0f;
        rotation_x = 0f;
	void Update()
        rotation_y += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
        rotation_x_player = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
        rotation_x += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
        Vector3 rotation_player = new Vector3(0, rotation_x_player*Camera_speed, 0);
        Vector3 rotation_camare = new Vector3(-rotation_y * Camera_speed, 0, 0);
        Player.transform.eulerAngles += rotation_player;	//旋转玩家的X轴
        Camera.main.transform.localEulerAngles = rotation_camare;	//旋转相机的Y轴



unity第一人称射击游戏摄像机 unity2019第一人称控制器_封装


public class Player_move : MonoBehaviour
	public Rigidbody Player;
	private float Camera_speed;

	private float y_max;	//*
    private float y_min;	//*
	void Start()
		Camera_speed =2.0f;
		rotation_y = 0f;
        rotation_x = 0f;

        y_max = 25f;	//*
        y_min = -25f;	//*
	void Update()
        rotation_y += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
        rotation_x_player = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
        rotation_x += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
        rotation_y = anger_overflow(y_min, rotation_y, y_max);	//*
        Vector3 rotation_player = new Vector3(0, rotation_x_player*Camera_speed, 0);
        Vector3 rotation_camare = new Vector3(-rotation_y * Camera_speed, 0, 0);
        Player.transform.eulerAngles += rotation_player;	//旋转玩家的X轴
        Camera.main.transform.localEulerAngles = rotation_camare;	//旋转相机的Y轴
	float anger_overflow (float min,float anger,float max)	//* 对角度进行处理
        if (anger < min) return min;
        if (anger > max) return max;
        return anger;



public class Player_move : MonoBehaviour
	public Rigidbody Player;
	private float Camera_speed;

	private float y_max;	//*
    private float y_min;	//*
	void Start()
		Camera_speed =2.0f;
		rotation_y = 0f;
        rotation_x = 0f;

        y_max = 25f;	//*
        y_min = -25f;	//*
	float anger_overflow (float min,float anger,float max)	//* 对角度进行处理
        if (anger < min) return min;
        if (anger > max) return max;
        return anger;
    void rotate_camera()
        rotation_y += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
        rotation_x_player = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
        rotation_x += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
        rotation_y = anger_overflow(y_min, rotation_y, y_max);	//*
        Vector3 rotation_player = new Vector3(0, rotation_x_player*Camera_speed, 0);
        Vector3 rotation_camare = new Vector3(-rotation_y * Camera_speed, 0, 0);
        Player.transform.eulerAngles += rotation_player;	//旋转玩家的X轴
        Camera.main.transform.localEulerAngles = rotation_camare;	//旋转相机的Y轴



public class Player_move : MonoBehaviour
	public float move_speed;	//定义移动速度
	void Start()
    void Update()
    	moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
        moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        Vector3 move = new Vector3(moveVertical , 0, moveHorizontal);
        move = move * Time.deltaTime * move_speed;
        Player.MovePosition(transform.position + move);



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public class Player_move : MonoBehaviour
	public float Forward_speed;	//定义移动速度
    private float Shift_speed;	//侧移的速度
	void Start()
        Shift_speed = 5.0f;
    void Update()
    	rotate_camera();       //之前封装的程序
    	turn_rotation = anger(rotation_x);	//这块要使用上面视角旋转的值
    	moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
        moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        Vector3 move = new Vector3(Acutally_moveVertical, 0, Acutally_moveHorizontal);
        move = move * Time.deltaTime;
        Player.MovePosition(transform.position + move);
float anger(float a)	//换算
        a =a * 2;
        a=a*Mathf.Deg2Rad;	//这里是因为Mathf.sin(cos)是对弧度进行计算,所以要将角度转换成弧度。
        return a;
void Acutal()		//向量分解
        Acutally_moveVertical = moveVertical * Forward_speed * Mathf.Sin(turn_rotation) + moveHorizontal * Shift_speed * Mathf.Cos(turn_rotation);
        Acutally_moveHorizontal = moveVertical * Forward_speed * Mathf.Cos(turn_rotation) - moveHorizontal * Shift_speed * Mathf.Sin(turn_rotation);


public class Player_move : MonoBehaviour
	public Rigidbody Player;
	private float Camera_speed;

	private float y_max;	//*
    private float y_min;	//*
	void Start()
		Camera_speed =2.0f;
		rotation_y = 0f;
        rotation_x = 0f;

        y_max = 25f;	//*
        y_min = -25f;	//*
	void Update()
		turn_rotation = anger(rotation_x);	//这块要使用上面视角旋转的值
	float anger_overflow (float min,float anger,float max)	//* 对角度进行处理
        if (anger < min) return min;
        if (anger > max) return max;
        return anger;
    void Acutal()		//向量分解
        Acutally_moveVertical = moveVertical * Forward_speed * Mathf.Sin(turn_rotation) + moveHorizontal * Shift_speed * Mathf.Cos(turn_rotation);
        Acutally_moveHorizontal = moveVertical * Forward_speed * Mathf.Cos(turn_rotation) - moveHorizontal * Shift_speed * Mathf.Sin(turn_rotation);
    void player_movement()
    	moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
        moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        Vector3 move = new Vector3(Acutally_moveVertical, 0, Acutally_moveHorizontal);
        move = move * Time.deltaTime;
        Player.MovePosition(transform.position + move);



public class Player_move : MonoBehaviour
    public LayerMask floorLayer;
    public float Forward_speed;
    private float Shift_speed;
    private float Camera_speed;
    private float jump_power;
    public Rigidbody Player;

    private float rotation_x_player;
    private float rotation_x;
    private float rotation_y;
    private float turn_rotation;

    private float moveVertical;
    private float moveHorizontal;
    private float Acutally_moveVertical;
    private float Acutally_moveHorizontal;

    private float y_max;
    private float y_min;

    private bool Whether_jump;	//是否可以跳
    private bool jump;		//是否跳起
    private bool shift;
    private bool OnGound;	//是否在地板上
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Shift_speed = 5.0f;
        Camera_speed =2.0f;
        jump_power = 300f;

        rotation_y = 0f;
        rotation_x = 0f;

        y_max = 25f;
        y_min = -25f;

        jump = false;
        shift = false;
        OnGound = true;
        Whether_jump = true;
    void Update()
    	isGound();			//判断是否在地板并返回OnGound
        if (OnGound == true)
            Whether_jump = true;
            jump = false;
        else Whether_jump = false;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && Whether_jump == true)
            jump = true;
            Player.AddForce(0, jump_power, 0);
        rotate_camera(); //之前封装的代码块
        turn_rotation = anger(rotation_x);	//这块要使用上面视角旋转的值
            player_movement();	//之前封装的代码块+1
    void isGound()
        Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, Vector3.down);
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray,out hit,0.1f,floorLayer))
            OnGound = true;
            OnGound = false;


public class Player_move : MonoBehaviour
    public LayerMask floorLayer;
    public float Forward_speed;
    private float Shift_speed;
    private float Camera_speed;
    private float jump_power;
    public Rigidbody Player;

    private float rotation_x_player;
    private float rotation_x;
    private float rotation_y;
    private float turn_rotation;

    private float moveVertical;
    private float moveHorizontal;
    private float Acutally_moveVertical;
    private float Acutally_moveHorizontal;

    private float y_max;
    private float y_min;

    private bool Whether_jump;	//是否可以跳
    private bool jump;		//是否跳起
    private bool shift;
    private bool OnGound;	//是否在地板上

    private Vector3 Player_v;
    private Vector3 recent_position;	//记录角色的上一个位置
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Shift_speed = 5.0f;
        Camera_speed =2.0f;
        jump_power = 300f;

        rotation_y = 0f;
        rotation_x = 0f;

        y_max = 25f;
        y_min = -25f;

        jump = false;
        shift = false;
        OnGound = true;
        Whether_jump = true;
    void Update()
    	isGound();			//判断是否在地板并返回OnGound
        if (OnGound == true)
            Whether_jump = true;
            jump = false;
        else Whether_jump = false;
        Velocity();		//计算物体当前速度
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && Whether_jump == true)
            jump = true;
            Player.AddForce(0, jump_power, 0);
            Player.velocity = Player_v;
        rotate_camera(); //之前封装的代码块
        turn_rotation = anger(rotation_x);	//这块要使用上面视角旋转的值
        	recent_position = Player.transform.position;
            player_movement();	//之前封装的代码块+1
    void isGound()
        Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, Vector3.down);
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray,out hit,0.1f,floorLayer))
            OnGound = true;
            OnGound = false;
    void Velocity()
        Player_v = (Player.transform.position - recent_position);
        Player_v.x = Player_v.x / 0.032f;
        Player_v.z = Player_v.z / 0.032f;
        Player_v.y = 0f;


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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Player_move : MonoBehaviour
    public LayerMask floorLayer;
    public float Forward_speed;
    private float Shift_speed;
    private float Camera_speed;
    private float jump_power;
    public Rigidbody Player;

    private float rotation_x_player;
    private float rotation_x;
    private float rotation_y;
    private float turn_rotation;

    private float moveVertical;
    private float moveHorizontal;
    private float Acutally_moveVertical;
    private float Acutally_moveHorizontal;

    private float y_max;
    private float y_min;

    private bool Whether_jump;
    private bool jump;
    private bool shift;
    private bool OnGound;

    private Vector3 Player_v;
    private Vector3 recent_position;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Shift_speed = 5.0f;
        Camera_speed =2.0f;
        jump_power = 300f;

        rotation_y = 0f;
        rotation_x = 0f;

        y_max = 25f;
        y_min = -25f;

        jump = false;
        shift = false;
        OnGound = true;
        Whether_jump = true;

    // Update is called once per frame
    private void FixedUpdate()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F7))
            Player.transform.position=new Vector3(-24.0f,1.1f,-30.8f);
    void Update()
        if (OnGound == true)
            Whether_jump = true;
            jump = false;
        else Whether_jump = false;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && Whether_jump == true)
            jump = true;
            Player.AddForce(0, jump_power, 0);
            Player.velocity = Player_v;

        rotation_y += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
        rotation_x_player = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
        rotation_x += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
        rotation_y = anger_overflow(y_min, rotation_y, y_max);
        Vector3 rotation_player = new Vector3(0, rotation_x_player*Camera_speed, 0);
        Vector3 rotation_camare = new Vector3(-rotation_y * Camera_speed, 0, 0);//rotation_x * Camera_speed
        Player.transform.eulerAngles += rotation_player;
        Camera.main.transform.localEulerAngles = rotation_camare;
        turn_rotation = anger(rotation_x);

            recent_position = Player.transform.position;
            moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
            moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
            Vector3 move = new Vector3(Acutally_moveVertical, 0, Acutally_moveHorizontal);
            move = move * Time.deltaTime;
            Player.MovePosition(transform.position + move);
    float anger_overflow (float min,float anger,float max)
        if (anger < min) return min;
        if (anger > max) return max;
        return anger;
    float anger(float a)
        a =a * 2;
        return a;
    void Acutal()
        Acutally_moveVertical = moveVertical * Forward_speed * Mathf.Sin(turn_rotation) + moveHorizontal * Shift_speed * Mathf.Cos(turn_rotation);
        Acutally_moveHorizontal = moveVertical * Forward_speed * Mathf.Cos(turn_rotation) - moveHorizontal * Shift_speed * Mathf.Sin(turn_rotation);
    void isGound()
        Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, Vector3.down);
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray,out hit,0.1f,floorLayer))
            OnGound = true;
            OnGound = false;
    void Velocity()
        Player_v = (Player.transform.position - recent_position);
        Player_v.x = Player_v.x / 0.032f;
        Player_v.z = Player_v.z / 0.032f;
        Player_v.y = 0f;
