

create database school;
use school;



create table student(
  Sno char(9) primary key,
  Sname char(20) unique,
  Ssex char(2),
  Sage int,
  Sdept char(20));

create table Course(
  Cno char(4) primary key,
  Cname char(40),
  Cpno char(4),
  Ccredit int

create table SC(
  Sno char(9),
  Cno char(4),
  Grade int,
  primary key(Sno,Cno),
  foreign key (sno) references Student(sno),
  foreign key (Cno) references Course(Cno));

insert into  student values ('95001','李勇','男',20,'CS');
insert into student values ('95002', '刘晨','女',19,'IS');
insert into  student values('95003', '王敏', '女',18, 'MA');
insert into student values('95004', '张立', '男',19, 'IS');

insert into Course values(1,'数据库', 5,4);
insert into Course values(2, '数学', 3 ,2);
insert into Course values(3, '信息系统', 1, 4);
insert into Course values('4', '操作系统', '6', 3);
insert into Course values('5', ' 数据结构', '7', 4);
insert into Course values('6', '数据处理',  '',  2);
insert into Course values('7',  'PASCAL语言', '6', 4);

insert into SC values('95001', '1', 92);
insert into SC values('95001', '2', 85);
insert into SC values('95001', '3', 88);
insert into SC values('95002', '2', 90);
insert into SC values('95002', '3', 80);



1. 投影查询
(1) 查询SC表的sno的不重复记录。 

select distinct * from SC;

(2) 改变查询结果的标题名:sno为学号,sname为姓名,ssex 为性别,sdept 为系名。

select sno as "学号", sname as "姓名", ssex as "性别", sdept as "系名" from student;

(3) 查询STUDENT表的前3条记录。

select * from student limit 3;


2. 选择查询
(1) 查询成绩在60-80之间的姓名、系名和成绩。

select sname,sdept,grade from student, SC where grade > 60 and grade < 90;

(2) 查询信息系和计算机系的姓名和成绩。

select grade, sname from student join sc on student.sno = sc.sno join course on course.cno = sc.cno
where sdept = 'cs' or sdept = 'is';

(3) 查询计算机系或女同学的记录。

select * from student join sc on student.sno = sc.sno join course on course.cno = sc.cno where sdept = 'cs' or ssex = '女';

(4) 查询李姓同学的记录。

select * from student join sc on student.sno = sc.sno join course on course.cno = sc.cno where sname like '%李%';

(5) 查询计算机系女同学的记录。

select * from student join sc on student.sno = sc.sno join course on course.cno = sc.cno where sdept = 'cs' and ssex = '女';

3. 排序查询

select * from student order by sage;


select * from student order by sage desc;

4. 结合统计函数
(1) 查询SC表的最高分。

select max(grade) from sc;

(2) 统计SC表95001学生的平均分。

select avg(sc.grade) from student join sc on student.sno = sc.sno where student.sno='95001';


select min(grade) from sc join course on sc.cno=course.cno where course.cname='数据库';
select min(grade) from sc join course on sc.cno=course.cno where course.cname='数学';
select min(grade) from sc join course on sc.cno=course.cno where course.cname='信息系统';


select sname, sdept from student join sc on student.sno=sc.sno where sc.grade>87;


select sname, sdept, cname from student join sc on student.sno=sc.sno join course on sc.cno=course.cno where sc.grade<87;




select sname,sage from student where sno not in (select sno from student where sdept='is' or sage >=19);

**由于使用mysql,无except语句,于是用not in代替。
(2) 查询其他系中比计算机系所有学生年龄都小的学生姓名和年龄。

select sname,sage from student where sno not in (select sno from student where sdept='cs' or sage>=20);

(3) 查询每一门课的间接先修课(先修课的先修课)。

select cname from course,sc where course.cpno=sc.cno;


***SQL和mysql语法有些是不一样的,如查询前几条数据的 top 和 limit,mysql中也没有except的用法,用 not in 替代。