java实现无人机编队飞行 无人机编队的应用_ci

本文为法国贝尔福-蒙贝利亚尔技术大学(作者:Rana ABDALLAH)的博士论文,共139页。


Unmanned aerial vehicles, used anddeveloped initially in the military field, have experienced profound changes inrecent years and are increasingly used in the civilian field. Recognized asdrones, they are most often used in the civil and military domains. They areused for firefighting, rescue as well as in specific applications such assurveillance and attack. The formation flight is the most used because itallows a judicious distribution of the tasks and greatly improves theefficiency of the drones (principle of the attack in pack, carnivorousanimals). This will raise the issue of coordination and strategy, as well asthe type of operation (master /slave, …). The type and quality of optimalinformation also remain to be defined. The increased use of these cooperativesystems in hazardous environments makes their reliability essential to preventany catastrophic event. Overall performance of the drone fleet should beensured, despite possible degradation of components or any changes that occur tothe network and the environment. It is necessary to detect the anomalousbehaviors that might contribute to collisions and thus affect the mission.Taking into consideration performance and cost, the fault-tolerant system andredundant systems are not always the most efficient solution for the formationfleet flight. Different methods like the fault tree analysis (FTA), FailureModes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) have been used in the helicopter field. Inthe first part, we propose a static method based on FTA, to ensure a successfulcommunication between the drones from one side, and between the drones and theground station from the other side by emphasizing on the exchange ofinformation flows. It uses various fault trees to represent the different errorconditions of this complex system. In the second part, we analyze the differentfault states and their probabilities. As this process is stochastic, anabsorbing Markov chain approach is developed. The proposed approach can be usedto find the most risky scenarios and considerations for improving reliability. Finally,in the third part, we put the emphasis on the message receipt problem in adrone’s communication network by proposing a protocol based on number ofretransmissions. The reception of a message is provided with a certainprobability of reliability depending on several attributes such as modulationand bit error rate (BER) characterizing the UAVs.

  1. 引言
  2. 可靠性与无人机网络
  3. 基于故障树分析的无人机通信可靠性研究
  4. 基于吸收马尔可夫链的无人机通信可靠性研究
  5. 无人机网络信息传输的可靠性
  6. 结论与未来工作展望