

2、JVM远程调试使用的协议是JDWP(Java Debug Wire Protocol)。


1):在远端启动应用时需要在jvm参数中指定开启JDWP功能。 示例: java -jar -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005 debug_xx.jar


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For example, to launch the JVM with debug options to listen on an address, we use the following option with the java executable:

java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000  ... MainClass
The -agentlib:jdwp with the comma-separated key-value suboptions instruct the JVM to load the JDWP agent and wait for a socket connection on port 8000. Here’s what each suboption does:

transport=dt_socket tells the JDWP agent to use socket transport.
server=y means that the JVM will listen for a debugger to attach to it.
suspend=y means the JVM will wait for the debugger to attach before executing the main class. This is also the default value. If set to n, the JVM will immediately execute the main class, while listening for the debugger connection.
address=8000 specifies the address at which the debug socket will listen. In this case, the JVM will listen at port 8000 for incoming connections only from the local host (starting JDK 9).

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2):使用idea连接远端JVM并调试。 从idea的Run->Edit Configurations菜单中,新建一个Remote类型的启动配置,启动该配置即可调试应用。配置信息图示如下:


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