


java 微信公众号 自动回复_自动回复功能

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package com.firefly.run.action.weixin;

import com.firefly.run.service.impl.weixin.WeixinchatService;
import com.firefly.run.util.weixin.WeixinUtil;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;

 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class WeixinchatController {
     private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
    private WeixinchatService weixinchatService;
     * 微信接入
     * @param wc
     * @return
     * @throws IOException 
    public void connectWeixin(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException{
        // 将请求、响应的编码均设置为UTF-8(防止中文乱码)  
        request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");  //微信服务器POST消息时用的是UTF-8编码,在接收时也要用同样的编码,否则中文会乱码;
        response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); //在响应消息(回复消息给用户)时,也将编码方式设置为UTF-8,原理同上;
        boolean isGet = request.getMethod().toLowerCase().equals("get"); 
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();        
        try {
            if (isGet) {
                String signature = request.getParameter("signature");// 微信加密签名  
                String timestamp = request.getParameter("timestamp");// 时间戳  
                String nonce = request.getParameter("nonce");// 随机数  
                String echostr = request.getParameter("echostr");//随机字符串  
                // 通过检验signature对请求进行校验,若校验成功则原样返回echostr,表示接入成功,否则接入失败  
                if (WeixinUtil.checkSignature(signature, timestamp, nonce)) {  
                    logger.info("Connect the weixin server is successful.");
                } else {  
                    System.out.println("Failed to verify the signature!"); 
                String respMessage = "异常消息!";             
                try {
                    respMessage = weixinchatService.weixinPost(request);
                    logger.info("The request completed successfully");
                    logger.info("to weixin server "+respMessage);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                     System.out.println("Failed to convert the message from weixin!"); 
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Connect the weixin server is error.");


WeixinchatService 代码:

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package com.firefly.run.service.impl.weixin;

import com.firefly.run.base.weixin.Article;
import com.firefly.run.base.weixin.NewsMessage;
import com.firefly.run.base.weixin.TextMessage;
import com.firefly.run.util.weixin.MessageUtil;
import com.firefly.run.util.weixin.WeixinConfig;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

 * 核心服务类
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class WeixinchatService {
     private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
     * 处理微信发来的请求
     * @param request
     * @return
    public String weixinPost(HttpServletRequest request) {
        String basePath = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort()
			+ request.getContextPath() + "/";
      // xml格式的消息数据
        String respXml = null;
        // 默认返回的文本消息内容
        String respContent = "未知的消息类型";
        try {
            // 调用parseXml方法解析请求消息
            Map requestMap = MessageUtil.parseXml(request);
           // System.out.println("==============="+requestMap.toString());
            // 发送方帐号
            String fromUserName = (String) requestMap.get("FromUserName");
            // 开发者微信号
            String toUserName = (String) requestMap.get("ToUserName");
            // 消息类型
            String msgType = (String) requestMap.get("MsgType");
            String content = (String) requestMap.get("Content");
          // String   funcFlag=(String) requestMap.get("FuncFlag");
            // 文本消息
            if (msgType.equals(MessageUtil.REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT)) {
                TextMessage txtmsg=new TextMessage();
                txtmsg.setCreateTime(new Date().getTime());
                    NewsMessage newmsg=new NewsMessage();
                    newmsg.setCreateTime(new Date().getTime());
                      Article article=new Article();
                      article.setDescription("点击解绑"); //图文消息的描述
                      article.setPicUrl(basePath+"imgs/jiebangt.png"); //图文消息图片地址
                      article.setTitle("微信解绑");  //图文消息标题
                    //  article.setUrl("
                     article.setUrl("https://XXXXX");  //图文url链接
                     List<Article> list=new ArrayList<Article>();
                      list.add(article);     //这里发送的是单图文,如果需要发送多图文则在这里list中加入多个Article即可!
                      return MessageUtil.newsMessageToXml(newmsg);
                txtmsg.setContent("亲,欢迎使用萱子ERP门户公众号!查看一下有没有所需要的功能:\r\n 回复【1】微信跟ERP门户账号解绑 \r\n其他自动回复功能敬请期待!!");
            // 将图文消息对象转换成xml
               respXml = MessageUtil.textMessageToXml(txtmsg);
                return respXml;
            // 图片消息
            else if (msgType.equals(MessageUtil.REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_IMAGE)) {
                  respContent = "您发送的是图片消息!";
            // 语音消息
            else if (msgType.equals(MessageUtil.REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_VOICE)) {
                respContent = "您发送的是语音消息!";
            // 视频消息
            else if (msgType.equals(MessageUtil.REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_VIDEO)) {
                respContent = "您发送的是视频消息!";
            // 地理位置消息
            else if (msgType.equals(MessageUtil.REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_LOCATION)) {
                respContent = "您发送的是地理位置消息!";
            // 链接消息
            else if (msgType.equals(MessageUtil.REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_LINK)) {
                respContent = "您发送的是链接消息!";
            // 事件推送
            else if (msgType.equals(MessageUtil.REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_EVENT)) {
                // 事件类型
                String eventType = (String) requestMap.get("Event");
                // 关注
                if (eventType.equals(MessageUtil.EVENT_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE)) {
                    respContent = "谢谢您的关注!";
                // 取消关注
                else if (eventType.equals(MessageUtil.EVENT_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE)) {
                    // TODO 取消订阅后用户不会再收到公众账号发送的消息,因此不需要回复
                // 扫描带参数二维码
                else if (eventType.equals(MessageUtil.EVENT_TYPE_SCAN)) {
                    // TODO 处理扫描带参数二维码事件
                // 上报地理位置
                else if (eventType.equals(MessageUtil.EVENT_TYPE_LOCATION)) {
                    // TODO 处理上报地理位置事件
                // 自定义菜单
                else if (eventType.equals(MessageUtil.EVENT_TYPE_CLICK)) {
                    // TODO 处理菜单点击事件
            // 设置文本消息的内容
          // textMessage.setContent(respContent);

            return "";
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return "";

MessageUtil 代码工具:

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 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.util.weixin;

import com.firefly.run.base.weixin.Article;
import com.firefly.run.base.weixin.ImageMessage;
import com.firefly.run.base.weixin.MusicMessage;
import com.firefly.run.base.weixin.NewsMessage;
import com.firefly.run.base.weixin.TextMessage;
import com.firefly.run.base.weixin.VideoMessage;
import com.firefly.run.base.weixin.VoiceMessage;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.QuickWriter;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.HierarchicalStreamWriter;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.xml.PrettyPrintWriter;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.xml.XppDriver;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;

 * @Description: 消息工具类
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class MessageUtil {
     * 返回消息类型:文本
    public static final String RESP_MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT = "text";
     * 返回消息类型:音乐
    public static final String RESP_MESSAGE_TYPE_MUSIC = "music";
     * 返回消息类型:图文
    public static final String RESP_MESSAGE_TYPE_NEWS = "news";
     * 返回消息类型:图片
    public static final String RESP_MESSAGE_TYPE_Image = "image";
     * 返回消息类型:语音
    public static final String RESP_MESSAGE_TYPE_Voice = "voice";
     * 返回消息类型:视频
    public static final String RESP_MESSAGE_TYPE_Video = "video";
     * 请求消息类型:文本
    public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT = "text";
     * 请求消息类型:图片
    public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_IMAGE = "image";
     * 请求消息类型:链接
    public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_LINK = "link";
     * 请求消息类型:地理位置
    public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_LOCATION = "location";
     * 请求消息类型:音频
    public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_VOICE = "voice";
     * 请求消息类型:视频
    public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_VIDEO = "video";
     * 请求消息类型:推送
    public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_EVENT = "event";
     * 事件类型:subscribe(订阅)
    public static final String EVENT_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE = "subscribe";
     * 事件类型:unsubscribe(取消订阅)
    public static final String EVENT_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE = "unsubscribe";
     * 事件类型:CLICK(自定义菜单点击事件)
    public static final String EVENT_TYPE_CLICK = "CLICK";
     * 事件类型:VIEW(自定义菜单URl视图)
    public static final String EVENT_TYPE_VIEW = "VIEW";
     * 事件类型:LOCATION(上报地理位置事件)
    public static final String EVENT_TYPE_LOCATION = "LOCATION";
     * 事件类型:LOCATION(上报地理位置事件)
    public static final String EVENT_TYPE_SCAN = "SCAN";
     * 扩展xstream,使其支持CDATA块 
     * 由于xstream框架本身并不支持CDATA块的生成,下面代码是对xtream做了扩展,
     * 使其支持在生成xml各元素值时添加CDATA块。
     * @date 2013-05-19 
     * 对象到xml的处理
    private static XStream xstream = new XStream(new XppDriver() {
        public HierarchicalStreamWriter createWriter(Writer out) {
            return new PrettyPrintWriter(out) {
                // 对所有xml节点的转换都增加CDATA标记
                boolean cdata = true;
                public void startNode(String name, Class clazz) {
                    super.startNode(name, clazz);
                protected void writeText(QuickWriter writer, String text) {
                    if (cdata) {
                    } else {
     * 解析微信发来的请求(xml)
     * @param request
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    public static Map parseXml(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
        // 将解析结果存储在HashMap中
        Map map = new HashMap();

        // 从request中取得输入流
        InputStream inputStream = request.getInputStream();
        // 读取输入流
        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
        Document document = reader.read(inputStream);
        // 得到xml根元素
        Element root = document.getRootElement();
        // 得到根元素的所有子节点
        List<Element> elementList = root.elements();
        // 遍历所有子节点
        for (Element e : elementList)
            map.put(e.getName(), e.getText());

        // 释放资源
        inputStream = null;
        return map;
//    /** 
//     * Bean转xml 
//     * @param t 
//     * @param <T> 
//     * @return 
//     */  
//    public static <T> String BeanToXml(T t){  
//        try {  
//            XStream xstream = new XStream();  
//            xstream.alias("xml", t.getClass());  
//            String xml = xstream.toXML(t);  
//            return xml;  
//        }catch (Exception e){  
//             System.out.println(e.getMessage()+e);  
//            return null;  
//        }  
//    }  
     * 文本消息对象转换成xml 
     * @param textMessage 文本消息对象 
     * @return xml 
    public static String textMessageToXml(TextMessage textMessage){
        XStream xstream = new XStream();
        xstream.alias("xml", textMessage.getClass());
        return xstream.toXML(textMessage);
     * 音乐消息对象转换成xml
     * @param musicMessage
     *            音乐消息对象
     * @return xml
    public static String musicMessageToXml(MusicMessage musicMessage) {
        xstream.alias("xml", musicMessage.getClass());
        return xstream.toXML(musicMessage);
     * 图文消息对象转换成xml
     * @param newsMessage
     *            图文消息对象
     * @return xml
    public static String newsMessageToXml(NewsMessage newsMessage) {
        xstream.alias("xml", newsMessage.getClass());
        xstream.alias("item", new Article().getClass());
        return xstream.toXML(newsMessage);
     * @Description: 图片消息对象转换成xml
     * @param imageMessage
    public static String imageMessageToXml(ImageMessage imageMessage) {
        xstream.alias("xml", imageMessage.getClass());
        return xstream.toXML(imageMessage);
     * @Description: 语音消息对象转换成xml
     * @param voiceMessage
     * @param 
    public static String voiceMessageToXml(VoiceMessage voiceMessage) {
        xstream.alias("xml", voiceMessage.getClass());
        return xstream.toXML(voiceMessage);
     * @Description: 视频消息对象转换成xml
     * @param videoMessage
    public static String videoMessageToXml(VideoMessage videoMessage) {
        xstream.alias("xml", videoMessage.getClass());
        return xstream.toXML(videoMessage);



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 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias;

 * MsgId           消息id,64位整型
 * @Description: 返回消息体-基本消息
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class BaseMessage {
 // 接收方帐号(收到的OpenID)   
    private String ToUserName;  
    // 开发者微信号   
    private String FromUserName;  
    // 消息创建时间 (整型)   
    private long CreateTime;  
    // 消息类型(text/music/news)   
    private String MsgType;  

    public String getToUserName() {
        return ToUserName;

    public void setToUserName(String ToUserName) {
        this.ToUserName = ToUserName;

    public String getFromUserName() {
        return FromUserName;

    public void setFromUserName(String FromUserName) {
        this.FromUserName = FromUserName;

    public long getCreateTime() {
        return CreateTime;

    public void setCreateTime(long CreateTime) {
        this.CreateTime = CreateTime;

    public String getMsgType() {
        return MsgType;

    public void setMsgType(String MsgType) {
        this.MsgType = MsgType;

Article 代码

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 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias;

* @Description: 图文消息体
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class Article extends BaseMessage{
 // 图文消息名称   
    private String Title;  
    // 图文消息描述   
    private String Description;  
    // 图片链接,支持JPG、PNG格式,较好的效果为大图640*320,小图80*80,
    private String PicUrl;  
    // 点击图文消息跳转链接   
    private String Url;  

public String getTitle() {  
        return Title;  
    public void setTitle(String title) {  
        Title = title;  
    public String getDescription() {  
        return null == Description ? "" : Description;  
    public void setDescription(String description) {  
        Description = description;  
    public String getPicUrl() {  
        return null == PicUrl ? "" : PicUrl;  
    public void setPicUrl(String picUrl) {  
        PicUrl = picUrl;  
    public String getUrl() {  
        return null == Url ? "" : Url;  
    public void setUrl(String url) {  
        Url = url;  

MusicMessage 代码:

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 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias;

 * @Description: 音乐消息
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class MusicMessage extends BaseMessage{
  // 音乐   
    private Music Music;  
    public Music getMusic() {  
        return Music;  
    public void setMusic(Music music) {  
        Music = music;  

NewsMessage 代码:

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 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

import java.util.List;

 *@Description: 多图文消息
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class NewsMessage extends BaseMessage{
  // 图文消息个数,限制为10条以内   
    private int ArticleCount;  
    // 多条图文消息信息,默认第一个item为大图   
    private List<Article> Articles;  
    public int getArticleCount() {  
        return ArticleCount;  
    public void setArticleCount(int articleCount) {  
        ArticleCount = articleCount;  
    public List<Article> getArticles() {  
        return Articles;  
    public void setArticles(List<Article> articles) {  
        Articles = articles;  

TextMessage 代码:

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 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias;

 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class TextMessage extends BaseMessage{
  // 回复的消息内容   
    private String Content;  

    public String getContent() {
        return Content;

    public void setContent(String Content) {
        this.Content = Content;


Image 代码:

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 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

 * @Description: 图片回复消息体
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class Image {
    private String MediaId;
    public String getMediaId() {
        return MediaId;
    public void setMediaId(String mediaId) {
        MediaId = mediaId;

ImageMessage 代码:

 * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

 * @Description: 图片消息
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class ImageMessage  extends BaseMessage{
 private Image Image;
    public Image getImage() {
        return Image;
    public void setImage(Image image) {
        Image = image;

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 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

 * @Description: 音乐消息消息体
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class Music {
  // 音乐名称   
    private String Title;  
    // 音乐描述   
    private String Description;  
    // 音乐链接   
    private String MusicUrl;  
    // 高质量音乐链接,WIFI环境优先使用该链接播放音乐   
    private String HQMusicUrl;
    private String ThumbMediaId; //缩略图的媒体id
    public String getThumbMediaId() {
        return ThumbMediaId;
    public void setThumbMediaId(String thumbMediaId) {
        ThumbMediaId = thumbMediaId;
    public String getTitle() {  
        return Title;  
    public void setTitle(String title) {  
        Title = title;  
    public String getDescription() {  
        return Description;  
    public void setDescription(String description) {  
        Description = description;  
    public String getMusicUrl() {  
        return MusicUrl;  
    public void setMusicUrl(String musicUrl) {  
        MusicUrl = musicUrl;  
    public String getHQMusicUrl() {  
        return HQMusicUrl;  
    public void setHQMusicUrl(String musicUrl) {  
        HQMusicUrl = musicUrl;  

MusicMessage 代码:

 * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias;

 * @Description: 音乐消息
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class MusicMessage extends BaseMessage{
  // 音乐   
    private Music Music;  
    public Music getMusic() {  
        return Music;  
    public void setMusic(Music music) {  
        Music = music;  

Video 代码:

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 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

* @Description: 视频消息体
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class Video {
   private String MediaId;
    private String Title;
    private String Description;
    public String getTitle() {
        return Title;
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        Title = title;
    public String getDescription() {
        return Description;
    public void setDescription(String description) {
        Description = description;
    public String getMediaId() {
        return MediaId;
    public void setMediaId(String mediaId) {
        MediaId = mediaId;

VideoMessage 代码:

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 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

  * @Description: 视频消息
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class VideoMessage {
   private Video Video;
    public Video getVideo() {
        return Video;
    public void setVideo(Video video) {
        Video = video;

Voice 代码:

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 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

 * @Description: 语音消息体
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class Voice {
    private String MediaId;
    public String getMediaId() {
        return MediaId;
    public void setMediaId(String mediaId) {
        MediaId = mediaId;


VoiceMessage 代码:


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 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.firefly.run.base.weixin;

 * @Description: 语音消息
 * @author xxb-zhaomx
public class VoiceMessage {
     private Voice Voice;
    public Voice getVoice() {
        return Voice;
    public void setVoice(Voice voice) {
        Voice = voice;