
android 加速 动画 android 加速度_android 加速 动画


private SensorManager sensorManager;
private Sensor sensor;
sensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
sensor = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);

从概念上讲,加速度传感器通过使用以下关系测量施加到传感器本身的力 (Fs) 来确定施加到设备的加速度 (Ad):


因此,当设备位于桌子上(不加速)时,加速度计的读数为 g = 9.81 m/s2。同样,当设备自由落体并因此以 9.81 m/s2 的速度快速向地面加速时,其加速度计的读数为 g = 0 m/s2。因此,要测量设备的实际加速度,必须从加速度计数据中移除重力的作用。这可以通过应用高通滤波器来实现。相反,您可以使用低通滤波器来隔离重力。以下示例展示如何执行此操作:

public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event){
    // In this example, alpha is calculated as t / (t + dT),
    // where t is the low-pass filter's time-constant and
    // dT is the event delivery rate.

    final float alpha = 0.8;

    // Isolate the force of gravity with the low-pass filter.
    gravity[0] = alpha * gravity[0] + (1 - alpha) * event.values[0];
    gravity[1] = alpha * gravity[1] + (1 - alpha) * event.values[1];
    gravity[2] = alpha * gravity[2] + (1 - alpha) * event.values[2];

    // Remove the gravity contribution with the high-pass filter.
    linear_acceleration[0] = event.values[0] - gravity[0];
    linear_acceleration[1] = event.values[1] - gravity[1];
    linear_acceleration[2] = event.values[2] - gravity[2];

注意:您可以使用许多不同的技术来过滤传感器数据。以上代码示例使用简单的过滤器常数 (alpha) 来创建低通滤波器。此过滤器常数来自于一个时间常数 (t),该常数大致表示过滤器添加到传感器事件的延迟时间,以及传感器的事件传输率 (dt)。该代码示例使用 0.8 的 alpha 值进行演示。如果您使用此过滤方法,则可能需要选择其他 alpha 值。

>如果将设备推向左侧(因此向右移动),则 x 加速度值为正。
>如果将设备推到底部(因此它向远离您的方向移动),则 y 加速度值为正。
>如果您以 A m/s2 的加速度将设备推向天空,则 z 加速度值等于 A + 9.81,该值对应设备的加速度 (+A m/s2) 减去重力 (-9.81 m/s2)。
>固定设备的加速度值为 +9.81,该值对应设备的加速度(0 m/s2 减去重力 -9.81 m/s2)。

通常,如果要监控设备的运动,加速度计是一个很好的传感器。几乎所有运行 Android 的手机和平板电脑都具有加速度计,其功耗比其他运动传感器低约 10 倍。一个缺点是您可能必须实现低通和高通滤波器,以消除重力并降低噪声。

作为对比的英文版 Use the accelerometer


public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event){
    // In this example, alpha is calculated as t / (t + dT),
    // where t is the low-pass filter's time-constant and
    // dT is the event delivery rate.

    final float alpha = 0.8;

    // Isolate the force of gravity with the low-pass filter.
    gravity[0] = alpha * gravity[0] + (1 - alpha) * event.values[0];
    gravity[1] = alpha * gravity[1] + (1 - alpha) * event.values[1];
    gravity[2] = alpha * gravity[2] + (1 - alpha) * event.values[2];

    // Remove the gravity contribution with the high-pass filter.
    linear_acceleration[0] = event.values[0] - gravity[0];
    linear_acceleration[1] = event.values[1] - gravity[1];
    linear_acceleration[2] = event.values[2] - gravity[2];
  • Note: You can use many different techniques to filter sensor data. The code sample above uses a simple filter constant (alpha) to create a low-pass filter. This filter constant is derived from a time constant (t), which is a rough representation of the latency that the filter adds to the sensor events, and the sensor’s event delivery rate (dt). The code sample uses an alpha value of 0.8 for demonstration purposes. If you use this filtering method you may need to choose a different alpha value.
  • Accelerometers use the standard sensor coordinate system. In practice, this means that the following conditions apply when a device is laying flat on a table in its natural orientation:
    If you push the device on the left side (so it moves to the right), the x acceleration value is positive.
    If you push the device on the bottom (so it moves away from you), the y acceleration value is positive.
    If you push the device toward the sky with an acceleration of A m/s2, the z acceleration value is equal to A + 9.81, which corresponds to the acceleration of the device (+A m/s2) minus the force of gravity (-9.81 m/s2).
    The stationary device will have an acceleration value of +9.81, which corresponds to the acceleration of the device (0 m/s2 minus the force of gravity, which is -9.81 m/s2).
  • you might have to implement low-pass and high-pass filters to eliminate gravitational forces and reduce noise.

google Demo

 * This is an example of using the accelerometer to integrate the device's
 * acceleration to a position using the Verlet method. This is illustrated with
 * a very simple particle system comprised of a few iron balls freely moving on
 * an inclined wooden table. The inclination of the virtual table is controlled
 * by the device's accelerometer.
 * @see SensorManager
 * @see SensorEvent
 * @see Sensor

public class AccelerometerPlayActivity extends Activity {

    private SimulationView mSimulationView;
    private SensorManager mSensorManager;
    private PowerManager mPowerManager;
    private WindowManager mWindowManager;
    private Display mDisplay;
    private WakeLock mWakeLock;

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Get an instance of the SensorManager
        mSensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE);

        // Get an instance of the PowerManager
        mPowerManager = (PowerManager) getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE);

        // Get an instance of the WindowManager
        mWindowManager = (WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE);
        mDisplay = mWindowManager.getDefaultDisplay();

        // Create a bright wake lock
        mWakeLock = mPowerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK, getClass()

        // instantiate our simulation view and set it as the activity's content
        mSimulationView = new SimulationView(this);

    protected void onResume() {
         * when the activity is resumed, we acquire a wake-lock so that the
         * screen stays on, since the user will likely not be fiddling with the
         * screen or buttons.

        // Start the simulation

    protected void onPause() {
         * When the activity is paused, we make sure to stop the simulation,
         * release our sensor resources and wake locks

        // Stop the simulation

        // and release our wake-lock

    class SimulationView extends FrameLayout implements SensorEventListener {
        // diameter of the balls in meters
        private static final float sBallDiameter = 0.004f;
        private static final float sBallDiameter2 = sBallDiameter * sBallDiameter;

        private final int mDstWidth;
        private final int mDstHeight;

        private Sensor mAccelerometer;
        private long mLastT;

        private float mXDpi;
        private float mYDpi;
        private float mMetersToPixelsX;
        private float mMetersToPixelsY;
        private float mXOrigin;
        private float mYOrigin;
        private float mSensorX;
        private float mSensorY;
        private float mHorizontalBound;
        private float mVerticalBound;
        private final ParticleSystem mParticleSystem;
         * Each of our particle holds its previous and current position, its
         * acceleration. for added realism each particle has its own friction
         * coefficient.
        class Particle extends View {
            private float mPosX = (float) Math.random();
            private float mPosY = (float) Math.random();
            private float mVelX;
            private float mVelY;

            public Particle(Context context) {

            public Particle(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
                super(context, attrs);

            public Particle(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
                super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

            public Particle(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr,
                            int defStyleRes) {
                super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

            public void computePhysics(float sx, float sy, float dT) {

                final float ax = -sx/5;
                final float ay = -sy/5;

                mPosX += mVelX * dT + ax * dT * dT / 2;
                mPosY += mVelY * dT + ay * dT * dT / 2;

                mVelX += ax * dT;
                mVelY += ay * dT;

             * Resolving constraints and collisions with the Verlet integrator
             * can be very simple, we simply need to move a colliding or
             * constrained particle in such way that the constraint is
             * satisfied.
            public void resolveCollisionWithBounds() {
                final float xmax = mHorizontalBound;
                final float ymax = mVerticalBound;
                final float x = mPosX;
                final float y = mPosY;
                if (x > xmax) {
                    mPosX = xmax;
                    mVelX = 0;
                } else if (x < -xmax) {
                    mPosX = -xmax;
                    mVelX = 0;
                if (y > ymax) {
                    mPosY = ymax;
                    mVelY = 0;
                } else if (y < -ymax) {
                    mPosY = -ymax;
                    mVelY = 0;

         * A particle system is just a collection of particles
        class ParticleSystem {
            static final int NUM_PARTICLES = 5;
            private Particle mBalls[] = new Particle[NUM_PARTICLES];

            ParticleSystem() {
                 * Initially our particles have no speed or acceleration
                for (int i = 0; i < mBalls.length; i++) {
                    mBalls[i] = new Particle(getContext());
                    mBalls[i].setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null);
                    addView(mBalls[i], new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(mDstWidth, mDstHeight));

             * Update the position of each particle in the system using the
             * Verlet integrator.
            private void updatePositions(float sx, float sy, long timestamp) {
                final long t = timestamp;
                if (mLastT != 0) {
                    final float dT = (float) (t - mLastT) / 1000.f /** (1.0f / 1000000000.0f)*/;
                        final int count = mBalls.length;
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                            Particle ball = mBalls[i];
                            ball.computePhysics(sx, sy, dT);
                mLastT = t;

             * Performs one iteration of the simulation. First updating the
             * position of all the particles and resolving the constraints and
             * collisions.
            public void update(float sx, float sy, long now) {
                // update the system's positions
                updatePositions(sx, sy, now);

                // We do no more than a limited number of iterations
                final int NUM_MAX_ITERATIONS = 10;

                 * Resolve collisions, each particle is tested against every
                 * other particle for collision. If a collision is detected the
                 * particle is moved away using a virtual spring of infinite
                 * stiffness.
                boolean more = true;
                final int count = mBalls.length;
                for (int k = 0; k < NUM_MAX_ITERATIONS && more; k++) {
                    more = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                        Particle curr = mBalls[i];
                        for (int j = i + 1; j < count; j++) {
                            Particle ball = mBalls[j];
                            float dx = ball.mPosX - curr.mPosX;
                            float dy = ball.mPosY - curr.mPosY;
                            float dd = dx * dx + dy * dy;
                            // Check for collisions
                            if (dd <= sBallDiameter2) {
                                 * add a little bit of entropy, after nothing is
                                 * perfect in the universe.
                                dx += ((float) Math.random() - 0.5f) * 0.0001f;
                                dy += ((float) Math.random() - 0.5f) * 0.0001f;
                                dd = dx * dx + dy * dy;
                                // simulate the spring
                                final float d = (float) Math.sqrt(dd);
                                final float c = (0.5f * (sBallDiameter - d)) / d;
                                final float effectX = dx * c;
                                final float effectY = dy * c;
                                curr.mPosX -= effectX;
                                curr.mPosY -= effectY;
                                ball.mPosX += effectX;
                                ball.mPosY += effectY;
                                more = true;

            public int getParticleCount() {
                return mBalls.length;

            public float getPosX(int i) {
                return mBalls[i].mPosX;

            public float getPosY(int i) {
                return mBalls[i].mPosY;

        public void startSimulation() {
             * It is not necessary to get accelerometer events at a very high
             * rate, by using a slower rate (SENSOR_DELAY_UI), we get an
             * automatic low-pass filter, which "extracts" the gravity component
             * of the acceleration. As an added benefit, we use less power and
             * CPU resources.
            mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mAccelerometer, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME);

        public void stopSimulation() {

        public SimulationView(Context context) {
            mAccelerometer = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);

            DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
            mXDpi = metrics.xdpi;
            mYDpi = metrics.ydpi;
            mMetersToPixelsX = mXDpi / 0.0254f;
            mMetersToPixelsY = mYDpi / 0.0254f;

            // rescale the ball so it's about 0.5 cm on screen
            mDstWidth = (int) (sBallDiameter * mMetersToPixelsX + 0.5f);
            mDstHeight = (int) (sBallDiameter * mMetersToPixelsY + 0.5f);
            mParticleSystem = new ParticleSystem();

            Options opts = new Options();
            opts.inDither = true;
            opts.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;

        protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
            // compute the origin of the screen relative to the origin of
            // the bitmap
            mXOrigin = (w - mDstWidth) * 0.5f;
            mYOrigin = (h - mDstHeight) * 0.5f;
            mHorizontalBound = ((w / mMetersToPixelsX - sBallDiameter) * 0.5f);
            mVerticalBound = ((h / mMetersToPixelsY - sBallDiameter) * 0.5f);

        public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
            if (event.sensor.getType() != Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)
             * record the accelerometer data, the event's timestamp as well as
             * the current time. The latter is needed so we can calculate the
             * "present" time during rendering. In this application, we need to
             * take into account how the screen is rotated with respect to the
             * sensors (which always return data in a coordinate space aligned
             * to with the screen in its native orientation).

            switch (mDisplay.getRotation()) {
                case Surface.ROTATION_0:
                    mSensorX = event.values[0];
                    mSensorY = event.values[1];
                case Surface.ROTATION_90:
                    mSensorX = -event.values[1];
                    mSensorY = event.values[0];
                case Surface.ROTATION_180:
                    mSensorX = -event.values[0];
                    mSensorY = -event.values[1];
                case Surface.ROTATION_270:
                    mSensorX = event.values[1];
                    mSensorY = -event.values[0];

        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
             * Compute the new position of our object, based on accelerometer
             * data and present time.
            final ParticleSystem particleSystem = mParticleSystem;
            final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            final float sx = mSensorX;
            final float sy = mSensorY;

            particleSystem.update(sx, sy, now);

            final float xc = mXOrigin;
            final float yc = mYOrigin;
            final float xs = mMetersToPixelsX;
            final float ys = mMetersToPixelsY;
            final int count = particleSystem.getParticleCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                 * We transform the canvas so that the coordinate system matches
                 * the sensors coordinate system with the origin in the center
                 * of the screen and the unit is the meter.
                final float x = xc + particleSystem.getPosX(i) * xs;
                final float y = yc - particleSystem.getPosY(i) * ys;

            // and make sure to redraw asap

        public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {