The Java™ Tutorials — Generics :Type Inference 类型推断


  • 理解编译器是如何利用目标类型来推算泛型变量的值
  • 注意下面的代码:在Java7中无法编译通过,而在Java8中却可以。Java8的编译器可以通过方法形参类型对泛型变量进行推断

static <T> List<T> emptyList();
void processStringList(List<String> stringList) {
// process stringList


Type inference is a Java compiler’s ability to look at each method invocation and corresponding declaration to determine the type argument (or arguments) that make the invocation applicable. The inference algorithm determines the types of the arguments and, if available, the type that the result is being assigned, or returned. Finally, the inference algorithm tries to find the most specific type that works with all of the arguments.


To illustrate this last point, in the following example, inference determines that the second argument being passed to the pick method is of type Serializable:


static <T> T pick(T a1, T a2) { return a2; }
Serializable s = pick("d", new ArrayList<String>());

Type Inference and Generic Methods 类型推断和泛型方法

Generic Methods introduced you to type inference, which enables you to invoke a generic method as you would an ordinary method, without specifying a type between angle brackets. Consider the following example, BoxDemo, which requires the Box class:


public class BoxDemo {

public static <U> void addBox(U u, 
      java.util.List<Box<U>> boxes) {
    Box<U> box = new Box<>();

public static <U> void outputBoxes(java.util.List<Box<U>> boxes) {
int counter = 0;
for (Box<U> box: boxes) {
      U boxContents = box.get();
      System.out.println("Box #" + counter + " contains [" +
             boxContents.toString() + "]");

public static void main(String[] args) {
    java.util.ArrayList<Box<Integer>> listOfIntegerBoxes =
new java.util.ArrayList<>();
    BoxDemo.<Integer>addBox(Integer.valueOf(10), listOfIntegerBoxes);
    BoxDemo.addBox(Integer.valueOf(20), listOfIntegerBoxes);
    BoxDemo.addBox(Integer.valueOf(30), listOfIntegerBoxes);

The following is the output from this example:


Box #0 contains [10]
Box #1 contains [20]
Box #2 contains [30]

The generic method addBox defines one type parameter named U. Generally, a Java compiler can infer the type parameters of a generic method call. Consequently, in most cases, you do not have to specify them. For example, to invoke the generic method addBox, you can specify the type parameter with a type witness as follows:


BoxDemo.<Integer>addBox(Integer.valueOf(10), listOfIntegerBoxes);

Alternatively, if you omit the type witness,a Java compiler automatically infers (from the method’s arguments) that the type parameter is Integer:


BoxDemo.addBox(Integer.valueOf(20), listOfIntegerBoxes);

Type Inference and Instantiation of Generic Classes 类型推断和泛型类的实例化

You can replace the type arguments required to invoke the constructor of a generic class with an empty set of type parameters (<>) as long as the compiler can infer the type arguments from the context. This pair of angle brackets is informally called the diamond.


For example, consider the following variable declaration:


Map<String, List<String>> myMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

You can substitute the parameterized type of the constructor with an empty set of type parameters (<>):


Map<String, List<String>> myMap = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, List<String>>

Map<String, List<String>>类型:

Map<String, List<String>> myMap = new HashMap(); // unchecked conversion warning

Type Inference and Generic Constructors of Generic and Non-Generic Classes 类型推断、泛型的泛型构造器以及非泛型类

Note that constructors can be generic (in other words, declare their own formal type parameters) in both generic and non-generic classes. Consider the following example:


class MyClass<X> {
  <T> MyClass(T t) {
// ...

Consider the following instantiation of the class MyClass:


new MyClass<Integer>("")

MyClass<Integer>; the statement explicitly specifies the type Integer for the formal type parameter, X, of the generic class MyClass<X>. Note that the constructor for this generic class contains a formal type parameter, T. The compiler infers the type String for the formal type parameter, T, of the constructor of this generic class (because the actual parameter of this constructor is a String object).


Compilers from releases prior to Java SE 7 are able to infer the actual type parameters of generic constructors, similar to generic methods. However, compilers in Java SE 7 and later can infer the actual type parameters of the generic class being instantiated if you use the diamond (<>). Consider the following example:

java SE 7 之前发布的编译器可以从泛型构造器中推断出实际类型参数,这与泛型方法类似。然而,如果你使用了钻石运算符,Java SE 7 和以后的编译器就可以从正在实例化的泛型类中推断出实际类型参数。看看下面的例子:

MyClass<Integer> myObject = new MyClass<>("");

MyClass<X>. It infers the type String for the formal type parameter, T, of the constructor of this generic class.


Note: It is important to note that the inference algorithm uses only invocation arguments, target types, and possibly an obvious expected return type to infer types. The inference algorithm does not use results from later in the program.


Target Types 目标类型

The Java compiler takes advantage of target typing to infer the type parameters of a generic method invocation. The target type of an expression is the data type that the Java compiler expects depending on where the expression appears. Consider the method Collections.emptyList, which is declared as follows:

Java 编译器利用输入的目标类型,推测调用的泛型方法中的类型参数。所谓的一个表达式的目标类型就是一个数据类型。编译器希望能够在表达式出现的地方利用这个数据类型。看看这个Collections.emptyList方法,它的声明方式如下:

static <T> List<T> emptyList();

Consider the following assignment statement:


List<String> listOne = Collections.emptyList();

List<String>; this data type is the target type. Because the method emptyList returns a value of type List<T>, the compiler infers that the type argument T must be the value String. This works in both Java SE 7 and 8. Alternatively, you could use a type witness and specify the value of T as follows:

List<String>的实例;这个数据类型就是目标类型。由于emptyList方法返回了一个List<T>类型的值,编译器推断这个类型变量T的值一定是String。这个算法可在Java SE 7 和 8 中同时工作。不过,你也可以使用一个类型见证来像下面这样明确地指定T的值:

List<String> listOne = Collections.<String>emptyList();

However, this is not necessary in this context. It was necessary in other contexts, though. Consider the following method:


void processStringList(List<String> stringList) {
// process stringList

Suppose you want to invoke the method processStringList with an empty list. In Java SE 7, the following statement does not compile:

假设你想要通过一个空List来调用processStringList方法。在Java SE 7 中,下面的语句是无法编译过的:


The Java SE 7 compiler generates an error message similar to the following:

Java SE 7 的编译器会生成与下面类似的错误信息:

List<Object> cannot be converted to List<String>

List<Object>, which is incompatible with the method processStringList. Thus, in Java SE 7, you must specify the value of the value of the type argument as follows:

List<Object>类型,而这个类型与方法processStringList()并不兼容。因此,在Java SE 7 中,你必须像下面这样明确指明类型变量的值:


List<String>. The method Collections.emptyList returns a value of List<T>, so using the target type of List<String>, the compiler infers that the type argument T has a value of String. Thus, in Java SE 8, the following statement compiles:

List<String>类型的参数。方法Collections.emptyList返回了一个List<T>类型的值,所以根据目标类型List<String>,编译器推断出类型变量T具有一个String的值。因此,在JavaSE 8 中,下面的语句是可以编译通过的:


See Target Typing in Lambda Expressions for more information.
