
ESP的好处就是可以联网。完全可以当成 Linux 嵌入式的低配平替。最近有个需求就是需要进行远程调试,这放在五六年前,技术方案可能是 电路设计 -> STM32 下位机 -> QT/MFC 上位机 ,然而,随着ESP的出现,现在这套技术方案可以是:电路设计 -> ESP32 下位机 + WebServer 上位机,虽然技术栈可能多了一个 JS/TS,但是,一旦起来那是真的方便。


原项目是 Arduino 项目;笔者习惯使用 PlatformIO 工程框架,修改后的工程框架如下:

|-- data/var/www/html
		|-- oscilloscope.html 			# 这个就是最终的网页,只有这一个文件是必须的
		|-- *.png									  # 省略其他图片 
|-- src
		|-- Esp32_oscilloscope.ino	# 主程序
		|-- dmesg_functions.h				# 日志
		|-- fileSystem.hpp					# 文件系统
		|-- fsString.h							# 支持文件系统的字符串库
		|-- ftpServer.hpp						# FTP 服务器
		|-- httpServer.hpp					# http 服务器
		|-- network.h								# WiFi 库
		|-- oscilloscope.h					# 示波器功能主文件
		|-- time_functions.h				# 时间库
		|-- userManagement.hpp			# 用户
		|-- version_of_servers.h		# Settings.h
|-- platformio.ini							# PlatformIO 配置文件


esp32 获取deviceID esp32 获取网页内容_数据


直奔主题,系统是如何实现 Web 的示波器显示功能的?通过Google浏览器的开发工具(F12),我们看到了示波器是一个画布(Canvas):

<canvas id="oscilloscope" width="809" height="512"></canvas>

然后去 oscilloscope.html 中寻找引用了画布的地方,一共就三处:


function resizeCanvas () {
  if (lastWidth != currentWidth) {
    document.getElementById ('oscilloscope').width = document.getElementById ('vSens').clientWidth;
    lastWidth = currentWidth;


function drawBackgroundAndCalculateParameters () {
  resizeCanvas ();

  /** 一些参数变量 */
  var x;
  var y;
  var i;
  var j;
  var yGridTick;
  var gridTop;

  restartDrawingSignal = true;  // drawing parameter - for later use
  var canvas = document.getElementById ('oscilloscope');
  var ctx = canvas.getContext ('2d');

  /** 绘制底色 */
  ctx.fillStyle = 'hsl(82, 90%, 10%)';
  ctx.beginPath ();
  ctx.moveTo (0, 0);
  ctx.lineTo (canvas.width - 1, 0);
  ctx.lineTo (canvas.width - 1, canvas.height - 1);
  ctx.lineTo (0, canvas.height - 1);
  ctx.fill ();

  /** 设置线条大小和颜色 */
  ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsl(82, 90%, 40%)';
  ctx.lineWidth = 1;
  ctx.font = '16px Verdana';

  xOffset = 50;

  /** 绘制线框(区分模拟和数字) */
  if (document.getElementById ('analog').checked) {
  } else {

  /** 根据采样时间设置数轴的数字 */
  switch (document.getElementById ('frequency').value) {
    case '1': screenWidthTime = 10000; // (ms) horizontal frequency = 0,1 Hz, whole width = 10 s, grid tick width = 1 s
      xGridTick = screenWidthTime / 10;
      xScale = (canvas.width - xOffset) / screenWidthTime;
      xLabel = '1 s';
    case '2': 

  /** 设置具体数字 */
  for (x = 0; x < screenWidthTime; x += xGridTick) {
    i = xOffset + xScale * x;
    ctx.strokeText (xLabel, i + 25, yOffset + 25);
    ctx.beginPath ();
    ctx.moveTo (i, yOffset + 5);
    ctx.lineTo (i, gridTop);
    ctx.stroke ();

是的,上面省略了很多,不过基本上是绘制一个白板示波器面板。第三处是具体的波形绘制函数 drawSignal

function drawSignal (myInt16Array, startInd, endInd) {}

ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
  // 错误处理
  if (typeof (evt.data) === 'string' || evt.data instanceof String) {
    alert ('Error message from server: ' + evt.data); // oscilloscope code reporting error (synatx error, ...)
    enableDisableControls (false);
  // 解析二进制数据
  if (evt.data instanceof Blob) {
    var myInt16Array = null;
    var myArrayBuffer = null;
    var myFileReader = new FileReader ();
    myFileReader.onload = function (event) {
      myArrayBuffer = event.target.result;
      myInt16Array = new Int16Array (myArrayBuffer);
      drawSignal (myInt16Array, 0, myInt16Array.length - 1); 
    myFileReader.readAsArrayBuffer (evt.data);

drawSignal 函数,只在 websocket 的消息处理函数中有调用。而 websocket 消息处理也只是接收了数据而已。现在我们不知道数据格式具体是什么,我们得回到 Arduino 去找答案。

ESP 示波器服务器实现

从Web中找到了 websocket 绑定的 URL:

var ws = new WebSocket ('ws://' + self.location.host + '/runOscilloscope');

然后我们回到 Arduino 找到了相应 Websocket 的函数:

void wsRequestHandler (char *wsRequest, WebSocket *webSocket) {
    #define wsRequestStartsWith(X) (strstr(wsRequest,X)==wsRequest)
    if (wsRequestStartsWith ("GET /runOscilloscope")) runOscilloscope (webSocket);

runOscilloscope 函数有一大堆。我们也不用关心,从上面 Web 端的接收函数知道了 Web 接收的是二进制数据,所以我们在 Arduino 代码里找二进制发送的部分,只有一个地方是发送二进制的:

void runOscilloscope (WebSocket *webSocket) {
  oscSender ((void *) &sharedMemory);

void oscSender (void *sharedMemory) {
  unsigned char gpio1 				= (unsigned char) ((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->gpio1;
  unsigned char gpio2 				= (unsigned char) ((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->gpio2;
  unsigned char noOfSignals 	= 1; if (gpio2 <= 39) noOfSignals = 2;  // monitor 1 or 2 signals
  oscSamples *sendBuffer 			= &((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->sendBuffer;
  sendBuffer->samplesAreReady = false;
  bool clientIsBigEndian 			= ((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->clientIsBigEndian;
  WebSocket *webSocket 				= ((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->webSocket;

  unsigned long lastMillis = millis ();
  /** 主循环 */
  while (true) {
    delay (1);
    if (sendBuffer->samplesAreReady && sendBuffer->sampleCount) {
      oscSamples sendSamples = *sendBuffer;
      sendBuffer->samplesAreReady = false; 

      /** 计算具体数据大小,并调整字节序 */
      int sendBytes;
      if (noOfSignals == 1)
        if (sendSamples.samplesI2sSignal [0].signal1 < -3)
          sendBytes = sendSamples.sampleCount * sizeof (oscI2sSample);
        sendBytes = sendSamples.sampleCount * sizeof (osc1SignalSample);
        sendBytes = sendSamples.sampleCount * sizeof (osc2SignalsSample);
      int sendWords = sendBytes >> 1;                                 

      if (clientIsBigEndian) {
        uint16_t *w = (uint16_t *) &sendSamples;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < sendWords; i ++) w [i] = htons (w [i]);
		  /** 一直发送二进制数据,如果遇到错误如连接断开,就会退出循环 */  
      if (!webSocket->sendBinary ((byte *) &sendSamples,  sendBytes)) return;

    if (webSocket->available () != WebSocket::NOT_AVAILABLE) return; // this also covers ERROR and TIME_OUT
    if (webSocket->getSocket () == -1) return; // if the socket has been closed by oscReader

从上面代码可以看到,只要 Arduino 收到了 Websocket,响应函数 runOscilloscope 就会调用 oscSender 一直循环,向网页发送数据。其中,发送的数据来自于 &((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->sendBuffer; ,同时发送条件为 sendBuffer->samplesAreReady

那么 sendBuffer 中的数据又是在哪里读取的呢?根据搜索, sendBuffer 只会在三个函数内进行修改:

void oscReader_digital (void *sharedMemory);
void oscReader_millis (void *sharedMemory);
void oscReader_analog (void *sharedMemory);

void runOscilloscope (WebSocket *webSocket) {

  /** 函数指针,用来选择具体的读取函数 */
  void (*oscReader) (void *sharedMemory);
  if (strcmp (sharedMemory.readType, "analog")) {
    oscReader = oscReader_digital;
  } else {
    oscReader = oscReader_analog;
    #ifdef USE_I2S_INTERFACE
    if (sharedMemory.gpio2 > 39)
      oscReader = oscReader_analog_1_signal_i2s;
  if (!strcmp (sharedMemory.samplingTimeUnit, "ms")) {
    oscReader = oscReader_millis; 

  sharedMemory.oscReaderState = INITIAL;

  /** RTOS 创建任务 */
  BaseType_t taskCreated = xTaskCreatePinnedToCore (oscReader, "oscReader", 4 * 1024, (void *) &sharedMemory, OSCILLOSCOPE_READER_PRIORITY, NULL, OSCILLOSCOPE_READER_CORE);
  BaseType_t taskCreated = xTaskCreate (oscReader, "oscReader", 4 * 1024, (void *) &sharedMemory, OSCILLOSCOPE_READER_PRIORITY, NULL);
  /** RTOS 任务创建完毕后,由"主进程"发送开始指令启动任务。 */
  if (pdPASS != taskCreated) {
  } else {
    sharedMemory.oscReaderState = START;
    while (sharedMemory.oscReaderState == START) delay (1);

    oscSender ((void *) &sharedMemory);
    sharedMemory.oscReaderState = STOP;
    while (sharedMemory.oscReaderState != STOPPED) delay (1);


RTOS xTaskCreate 函数原型如下:

typedef void (* TaskFunction_t)( void * );

static inline IRAM_ATTR BaseType_t xTaskCreate(
  TaskFunction_t pvTaskCode, 					// 具体任务函数,只有一个入参
  const char * const pcName,					// 进程名称
  const uint32_t usStackDepth,				// 栈空间
  void * const pvParameters,					// 入参
  UBaseType_t uxPriority,							// 优先级
  TaskHandle_t * const pxCreatedTask  // 任务句柄(handler)
); åå

简单一点,我们只关心 oscReader_digital 函数实现,有很多都可以省略,我们只看最基础的部分:

void oscReader_digital (void *sharedMemory) {
  // 主任务会发启动信号,此任务接收到信号后,向主任务发送 STARTED 信号。
  while (((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->oscReaderState != START) delay (1);
  ((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->oscReaderState = STARTED;
  while (((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->oscReaderState == STARTED) {
    unsigned long screenTime = 0;
    unsigned long deltaTime = 0;
    unsigned long lastSampleMicroseconds = micros ();
    unsigned long newSampleMicroseconds = lastSampleMicroseconds;

    // 特殊处理:这里设置了虚假的数据,用来告诉浏览器有几个数据、从何处刷新
    if (noOfSignals == 1) readBuffer->samples1Signal [0] = {-2, -2};
    else                  readBuffer->samples2Signals [0] = {-3, -3, -3};
    readBuffer->sampleCount = 1;

    // 开始读取数据
    while (((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->oscReaderState == STARTED) {
      // 满负载处理:当数据正好可以填充满所有数据时,直接记录所有数据,然后让主进程发送。不然会出现一些比较奇怪的显示问题
      if (screenTime >= screenWidthTime || 
          (noOfSignals == 1 && readBuffer->sampleCount >= OSCILLOSCOPE_1SIGNAL_BUFFER_SIZE) || 
          (noOfSignals == 2 && readBuffer->sampleCount >= OSCILLOSCOPE_2SIGNALS_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
				// 等待主任务(发送任务)发送数据。
        // samplesAreReady 再重新设置为 true
        if (!sendBuffer->samplesAreReady)
          *sendBuffer = *readBuffer; 

      // 区分数据,读取并设置
      union {
        osc1SignalSample new1SignalSample;
        osc2SignalsSample new2SignalsSample;

      if (noOfSignals == 1) { new1SignalSample = {(int16_t) digitalRead (gpio1), (int16_t) deltaTime};
                             readBuffer->samples1Signal [readBuffer->sampleCount ++] = new1SignalSample;
                            } else                { new2SignalsSample = {(int16_t) digitalRead (gpio1), (int16_t) digitalRead (gpio2), (int16_t) deltaTime};
                                                   readBuffer->samples2Signals [readBuffer->sampleCount ++] = new2SignalsSample;

      screenTime += deltaTime;

      delayMicrosecondsUntil (&newSampleMicroseconds, samplingTime);
      deltaTime = newSampleMicroseconds - lastSampleMicroseconds;
      lastSampleMicroseconds = newSampleMicroseconds;


    vTaskDelayUntil (&lastScreenRefreshTicks, pdMS_TO_TICKS (screenRefreshMilliseconds));

  } // while sampling

  // wait for the STOP signal
  while (((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->oscReaderState != STOP) delay (1);
  ((oscSharedMemory *) sharedMemory)->oscReaderState = STOPPED;

  vTaskDelete (NULL);

这个代码有个地方容易忽略,就是 *sendBuffer = *readBuffer; sendBuffer 内的 samplesAreReady 也会被设置为 true


struct osc1SignalSample {                        // one sample
  int16_t signal1;                       // signal value of 1st GPIO read by analogRead or digialRead
  int16_t deltaTime;                     // sample time - offset from previous sample in ms or us
}; // = 4 bytes per sample

struct osc2SignalsSample {                        // one sample
  int16_t signal1;                       // signal value of 1st GPIO read by analogRead or digialRead
  int16_t signal2;                       // signal value of 2nd GPIO if requested
  int16_t deltaTime;                     // sample time - offset from previous sample in ms or us
}; // = 6 bytes per sample

还有一点要注意的是,除了 oscReader_millis 以外,都是满了才发的。


for (var ind = startInd; ind <= endInd; ind += wordsPerSample) {
  // 明确有多少通道;重新设置时间戳
  if (myInt16Array [ind] < 0) {
    switch (myInt16Array [ind]) {
      case -2:  wordsPerSample = 2;
        continuousSamplingTime = 0;
      case -3:  wordsPerSample = 3;
        continuousSamplingTime = 0;
        wordsPerSample = 1;
        continuousSamplingTime = -myInt16Array [ind];
        screenTimeOffset = -continuousSamplingTime;

    // 重绘页面
    drawSignal (myInt16Array, startInd, ind - wordsPerSample);
    drawBackgroundAndCalculateParameters ();
    drawSignal (myInt16Array, ind + wordsPerSample, endInd);


for (var ind = startInd; ind <= endInd; ind += wordsPerSample) {
  // 计算采样点横轴位置
  if (continuousSamplingTime == 0) {
    screenTimeOffset += myInt16Array [ind + wordsPerSample - 1];
  } else {
    screenTimeOffset += continuousSamplingTime;

  i = xOffset + xScale * screenTimeOffset;
  j1 = yOffset + yScale * myInt16Array [ind];
  j2 = wordsPerSample >= 3 ? yOffset + yScale * myInt16Array [ind + 1] : -1;

  // 绘制具体的线
  if (lines) {
    if (restartDrawingSignal) {
      restartDrawingSignal = false;
    } else {
      if (analog) { // analog
      } else { // digital
        // signal 2
        if (j2 >= 0) {
          ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff8000';
          ctx.beginPath ();
          ctx.moveTo (lastI, lastJ2);
          ctx.lineTo (i, lastJ2);
          ctx.lineTo (i, j2);
          ctx.stroke ();
        // signal 1
        ctx.strokeStyle = '#ffbf80';
        ctx.beginPath ();
        ctx.moveTo (lastI, lastJ1);
        ctx.lineTo (i, lastJ1);
        ctx.lineTo (i, j1);
        ctx.stroke ();


肉眼可见,工程量规模扩大,像 Arduino 这样的单文件工程就有点力不从心了。

代码中第一个门槛其实是 *sendBuffer = *readBuffer; 这边的隐参数赋值。另外还是大量的代码没能很好的封装复用。

不过作为一个开源项目,这个工程确实也有很多值得学习的地方,示波器的一般实现方式,画布的绘制等。而且还有很多内容都没有细看,包括 NTP 时间服务器功能,FileSystem 文件系统,FTP 服务器实现等,好像还能通过 telnet 直接作为 Shell 访问。总之,此项目作为开源项目,还是非常值得学习的。