GRPC 重试机制




  • Retry policy - 重试策略。重试策略包含以下几点功能
  • 最大重试次数
  • 重试状态码 状态码定义请参考 Grpc 高级特性之 重试机制 &状态码定义
  • Exponential Backoff - 重试时间点
  • Hedging policy - 限流策略 限制时间范围内的并发次数. 该策略包含以下功能
  • 最大限制次数
  • Delay between hedged requests - 限制延迟
  • Set of non-fatal status codes - 设置状态码

此外,当接口调用失败/成功比率阈值时,gRPC提供一种机制限制重试。请看 限制重试

Retry Policy - 重试策略


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"retryPolicy": {
  "maxAttempts": 4,
  "initialBackoff": "0.1s",
  "maxBackoff": "1s",
  "backoffMultiplier": 2,
  "retryableStatusCodes": [



需要注意的是,当grpc调用期限 跟重试次数同时存在时,以调用期限位置。例如,如果RPC的指定截止日期为7月23日,即PDT晚上9:00:00,则无论配置或尝试了多少次尝试,该操作都将在该时间之后失败。

Exponential Backoff

个人把他翻译成重试时机,即在客户端发生重试时,在什么时间点触发重试。initialBackoff, maxBackoff, backoffMultiplier 这三个参数确定了重试操作前随机延迟。即重试机制发生的时间点并不固定,而是利用这三个参数通过算法随机产生。


  • random(0, initialBackoff)
  • random(0, min(initialBackoff*backoffMultiplier**(n-1), maxBackoff))


当gRPC客户端收到服务端返回的异常状态时,并不是所有的非正常状态码都会触发重试,而是通过 retryableStatusCodes 参数指定对应的状态码,从而重发重试操作。


  • maxAttempts 必须大于1,当数值大于5时系统系统默认为5(不会报错),潜规则就是: gRPC最大重试次数为5.
  • initialBackoff 、 maxBackoff 这两个参数必须指定,且值大于0.
  • backoffMultiplier 必须指定, 且值大于0
  • retryableStatusCodes 必须指定,可以同时指定多个状态码。不区分大小写 [“UNAVAILABLE”] or [“unavailable”],都正确。

Hedging Policy - 并行重试策略



"hedgingPolicy": {
  "maxAttempts": 4,
  "hedgingDelay": "0.5s",
  "nonFatalStatusCodes": [


  • 最大重试次数为4 包含第一次调用
  • 并发延迟时间 0.5S 即500毫秒


以上面的配置为例,假设在1ms的时候触发第一次rpc调用 并没有得到正常返回

  1. 第二次调用在501ms触发
  2. 第三次调用在1001ms触发
  3. 第四次调用在1501ms触发


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Validation of hedgingPolicy

  • maxAttempts 必须大于1,当数值大于5时系统系统默认为5(不会报错),潜规则就是: gRPC最大重试次数为5.
  • hedgingDelay 可选参数,数值必须满足 proto3 Duration 类型.
  • nonFatalStatusCodes必须指定,可以同时指定多个状态码。不区分大小写 [“UNAVAILABLE”] or [“unavailable”],都正确。

Throttling Retry - 限制重试


Throttling Configuration

"retryThrottling": {
  "maxTokens": 10,
  "tokenRatio": 0.1

对每个服务名,gRPC客户端都维护一个token_count变量,该变量最初设置maxToken,范围在 0 - maxToken之间,token_count的计算规则如下:

  • RPC调用失败 token_count - 1
  • RPC调用成功 token_count 按照 tokenRatio 递增


该策略同样适用于 Hedging Policy, 在Hedging 策略中 第一次RPC请求无论如何都会触发,但是后续的RPC请求只有token_count大于阈值才会被发送。


  • maxTokens 必须指定 且数值范围在 (0,1000]
  • tokenRatio 必须指定 数值大于0,保留3位小数,超过三位小数自动截取 (eg. 0.5466 当成 0.546.)



  • OK
  • Retry policy : 成功返回给客户端
  • Hedging policy :成功返回 取消之前、队列中的请求
  • Fatal Status Code
  • Retry policy : 不触发重试 返回失败信息给客户端
  • Hedging policy :取消之前、队列中的请求
  • Retryable/Non-Fatal Status Code without Server Pushback
  • Retry policy : 根据策略触发重试
  • Hedging policy :立即发送下一个请求,并根据延迟时间唤醒后续请求(如有必要)
  • Pushback: Don’t Retry
  • Retry policy : 不触发重试 返回失败信息给客户端
  • Hedging policy :不会发送任何hedging 请求
  • Pushback: Retry in n ms
  • Retry policy : N毫秒后重试,如果重试也失败,则根据延迟时间、次数继续进行重试操作
  • Hedging policy :N毫秒内,发送下一个hedged 请求,后续的请求在 n + hedgingDelay 唤起

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  "loadBalancingPolicy": string,

  "methodConfig": [
      "name": [
          "service": string,
          "method": string,

      // Only one of retryPolicy or hedgingPolicy may be set. If neither is set,
      // RPCs will not be retried or hedged.

      "retryPolicy": {
        // The maximum number of RPC attempts, including the original RPC.
        // This field is required and must be two or greater.
        "maxAttempts": number,

        // Exponential backoff parameters. The initial retry attempt will occur at
        // random(0, initialBackoff). In general, the nth attempt since the last
        // server pushback response (if any), will occur at random(0,
        //   min(initialBackoff*backoffMultiplier**(n-1), maxBackoff)).
        // The following two fields take their form from:
        // They are representations of the proto3 Duration type. Note that the
        // numeric portion of the string must be a valid JSON number.
        // They both must be greater than zero.
        "initialBackoff": string,  // Required. Long decimal with "s" appended
        "maxBackoff": string,  // Required. Long decimal with "s" appended
        "backoffMultiplier": number  // Required. Must be greater than zero.

        // The set of status codes which may be retried.
        // Status codes are specified in the integer form or the case-insensitive
        // string form (eg. [14], ["UNAVAILABLE"] or ["unavailable"])
        // This field is required and must be non-empty.
        "retryableStatusCodes": []

      "hedgingPolicy": {
        // The hedging policy will send up to maxAttempts RPCs.
        // This number represents the all RPC attempts, including the
        // original and all the hedged RPCs.
        // This field is required and must be two or greater.
        "maxAttempts": number,

        // The original RPC will be sent immediately, but the maxAttempts-1
        // subsequent hedged RPCs will be sent at intervals of every hedgingDelay.
        // Set this to "0s", or leave unset, to immediately send all maxAttempts RPCs.
        // hedgingDelay takes its form from:
        // It is a representation of the proto3 Duration type. Note that the
        // numeric portion of the string must be a valid JSON number.
        "hedgingDelay": string,

        // The set of status codes which indicate other hedged RPCs may still
        // succeed. If a non-fatal status code is returned by the server, hedged
        // RPCs will continue. Otherwise, outstanding requests will be canceled and
        // the error returned to the client application layer.
        // Status codes are specified in the integer form or the case-insensitive
        // string form (eg. [14], ["UNAVAILABLE"] or ["unavailable"])
        // This field is optional.
        "nonFatalStatusCodes": []

      "waitForReady": bool,
      "timeout": string,
      "maxRequestMessageBytes": number,
      "maxResponseMessageBytes": number

  // If a RetryThrottlingPolicy is provided, gRPC will automatically throttle
  // retry attempts and hedged RPCs when the client’s ratio of failures to
  // successes exceeds a threshold.
  // For each server name, the gRPC client will maintain a token_count which is
  // initially set to maxTokens, and can take values between 0 and maxTokens.
  // Every outgoing RPC (regardless of service or method invoked) will change
  // token_count as follows:
  //   - Every failed RPC will decrement the token_count by 1.
  //   - Every successful RPC will increment the token_count by tokenRatio.
  // If token_count is less than or equal to maxTokens / 2, then RPCs will not
  // be retried and hedged RPCs will not be sent.
  "retryThrottling": {
    // The number of tokens starts at maxTokens. The token_count will always be
    // between 0 and maxTokens.
    // This field is required and must be in the range (0, 1000].  Up to 3
    // decimal places are supported
    "maxTokens": number,

    // The amount of tokens to add on each successful RPC. Typically this will
    // be some number between 0 and 1, e.g., 0.1.
    // This field is required and must be greater than zero. Up to 3 decimal
    // places are supported.
    "tokenRatio": number



// 结构体定义
type failingServer struct {
	mu sync.Mutex
	// 请求计数器 累加
	reqCounter uint
	// 指定请求成功需要调用的次数
	reqModulo uint

// this method will fail reqModulo - 1 times RPCs and return status code Unavailable,
// and succeeded RPC on reqModulo times.
func (s *failingServer) maybeFailRequest() error {
	if (s.reqModulo > 0) && (s.reqCounter%s.reqModulo == 0) {
		return nil
	// 系统自动报错,抛出异常状态码,供客户端进行重试
	return status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "maybeFailRequest: failing it")

func (s *failingServer) UnaryEcho(ctx context.Context, req *pb.EchoRequest) (*pb.EchoResponse, error) {
	//执行业务逻辑之前根据请求次数、进行判断 模拟服务器内部异常
	if err := s.maybeFailRequest(); err != nil {
		log.Println("request failed count:", s.reqCounter)
		return nil, err

	log.Println("request succeeded count:", s.reqCounter)
	return &pb.EchoResponse{Message: req.Message}, nil

func main() {

	address := fmt.Sprintf(":%v", *port)
	lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", address)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err)
	fmt.Println("listen on address", address)

	s := grpc.NewServer()

	// 初始化请求次数、rpc调用成功次数
	failingservice := &failingServer{
		reqCounter: 0,
		reqModulo:  4,

	pb.RegisterEchoServer(s, failingservice)
	if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err)


var (
  // 定义端口占用
	addr = flag.String("addr", "localhost:50052", "the address to connect to")
	// 定义重试策略
	retryPolicy = `{
		"methodConfig": [{
		  "name": [{"service": "grpc.examples.echo.Echo"}],
		  "waitForReady": true,
		  "retryPolicy": {
			  "MaxAttempts": 4,
			  "InitialBackoff": ".01s",
			  "MaxBackoff": ".01s",
			  "BackoffMultiplier": 1.0,
			  "RetryableStatusCodes": [ "UNAVAILABLE" ]

// 根据配置文件初始化重试策略
func retryDial() (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
	return grpc.Dial(*addr, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()), grpc.WithDefaultServiceConfig(retryPolicy))

func main() {

  // 连接服务器 (同时 初始化重试配置)
	conn, err := retryDial()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("did not connect: %v", err)
	defer func() {
		if e := conn.Close(); e != nil {
			log.Printf("failed to close connection: %s", e)

	c := pb.NewEchoClient(conn)

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second)
	defer cancel()

	reply, err := c.UnaryEcho(ctx, &pb.EchoRequest{Message: "Try and Success"})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("UnaryEcho error: %v", err)
	log.Printf("UnaryEcho reply: %v", reply)


// 1. 拉取代码 
git clone 

// 2. 进入代码模块
cd grpc-go/examples/features/retry


  1. 先启动服务器
  2. 在启动客户端


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HTTP Header 之重试协议


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  • 正常第一次调用 HTTP header 里面不携带任何跟重试相关信息
  • 第一次重试,使用 grpc-previous-rpc-attempts 消息头携带重试次数 发送到服务端