
I remember back in 2008, when my family bought our first mac (a base model iMac), how having the dock full of icons was a must. I remember showcasing the entire Adobe Suite (even though I could barely use only a couple of their apps) together with any imaginable browser, the full iWork suite and so on. I wish I had a screengrab of my desktop at the time.

我记得在2008年,当我的家人购买了我们的第一台Mac(基本型号iMac)时,必须要装满带有图标的底座。 我记得展示了整个Adobe Suite(即使我几乎只能使用其中的几个应用程序)以及任何可以想象的浏览器,完整的iWork套件等。 我希望当时我的桌面屏幕截图。

Fast forward 12 years, I have grown out of my 16-year old self and I am rocking a 2015 MacBook Pro. The difference between these two machines? Well, specs aside, I have completely reworked the way I use my mac and, as you can see from the featured imagine, I have an empty (and hidden) dock containing only the Finder icon, the Downloads folder and the Trashcan. How is this setup more efficient than my previous one? As most things, a combination of different tweaks makes this setup extremely fast. So, let’s start from the beginning.

快进12年,我从16岁的自我中成长出来,并且正在摇摆2015年的MacBook Pro。 这两台机器的区别? 好吧,除了规格之外,我已经完全重新设计了使用Mac的方式,并且正如您从功能想象中看到的那样,我有一个空的(隐藏的)扩展坞,仅包含Finder图标,Downloads文件夹和Trashcan。 这种设置比我以前的设置效率如何? 大多数情况下,不同调整的组合使此设置非常快。 因此,让我们从头开始。

(Launch at Start-up)

This might seem obvious to many of you, but it all starts here. Setting up properly the number of apps that automatically launch at start-up is a huge timesaver and something we should all spend some time tweaking. My start-up sequence is pretty simple, I try to always have an updated list of apps that I will always need open, no matter the task I am about to perform.

这对你们中的许多人来说似乎很明显,但这一切都从这里开始。 正确设置启动时自动启动的应用程序的数量非常节省时间,我们都应该花一些时间进行调整。 我的启动过程非常简单,无论我要执行的任务是什么,我都会始终拥有一个始终需要打开的应用程序的更新列表。

(Basic Productivity)

(from left to right) Things, Fantastical, OneDrive and Backup and Sync from Google. (从左到右)Google提供的事物,奇妙功能,OneDrive和备份与同步。

  • Things — Stunning task manager that recently replaced TickTick in my daily workflow. Well designed, stable, reliable… a must have! I use this for any task whether work related or not, so I need it to be always ready to be summoned.
    事情 -令人惊叹的任务管理器,最近在我的日常工作流程中替换了TickTick。 设计精良,稳定,可靠……必不可少! 无论是否与工作相关,我都会将其用于任何任务,因此我需要随时准备将其召唤。
  • Fantastical 2 — Calendar replacement app. Not a big fan due to the current shift to a subscription-based model, but my previous app purchase grants me a subscription-free licence with limited features. Again, essential tool in my every-day routine.
    神奇2-日历替换应用程序。 由于当前转向基于订阅的模型,这并不是一个大粉丝,但是我以前购买的应用授予了我有限功能的免费订阅许可证。 同样,这是我日常工作中必不可少的工具。
  • Backup and sync from Google & OneDrive — Two sides of the same coin. In order to handle both my personal cloud space and my university storage, I need to run both these apps. They are quite light, and don’t bother me that much, but they always need to be running in order to provide seamless sync.
    从GoogleOneDrive 备份和同步 -同一枚硬币的两个侧面。 为了同时处理我的个人云空间和大学存储,我需要同时运行这两个应用程序。 它们非常轻巧,不会打扰我很多,但是它们始终需要运行才能提供无缝同步。

(MacOS Enhancements)

hb 运行ios基座 hbuilderios基座_hb 运行ios基座

  • f.lux — Alternative to macOS’s native Night Shift. It’s free, it’s more featured, and I’ve been using it for at least the past 5 years. A must.
    f.lux —替代macOS的本机Night Shift。 它是免费的,功能更强大,而且至少在过去五年中我一直在使用它。 必须的。
  • Amphetamine — Useful menu bar app that prevents the mac from going to sleep in one click.
    安非他命 -有用的菜单栏应用程序,可防止Mac一键进入睡眠状态。
  • Paste — Clipboard manager that makes your life so much easier. In order to be useful, it needs to be always running in the background. Manage previously copied elements, sequence pasting and organise your clips in pinboards. Again, the app recently switched to a subscription-based model but my previous purchase grants me a subscription-free use of the app until 2022. We’ll see how things pan out.
    粘贴 -剪贴板管理器,让您的生活变得更轻松。 为了有用,它必须始终在后台运行。 管理先前复制的元素,序列粘贴并在固定板上组织剪辑。 同样,该应用程序最近又切换到基于订阅的模型,但是我之前的购买使我可以免费订阅该应用程序,直到2022年。我们将看看情况如何。
  • Magnet — Window organiser that goes hand-in-hand with macOS’s native window tiling. Once you learn a few essential shortcuts you’ll be multitasking like a pro.
    磁铁 -与macOS的本机窗口拼贴紧密结合的窗口组织器。 学习了一些基本的快捷方式后,您将像专家一样进行多任务处理。
  • Hazel — The icon says it all: a duster! Hazel is an automated organization tool that makes it easy to automate tasks. I use it to have an automatic deep app sweep when uninstalling an app, auto converting HEIC images to JPG when airdropping them from my phone, and much more.
    淡褐色 -图标说明了一切:喷粉器! Hazel是一种自动化的组织工具,可轻松实现任务自动化。 我使用它可以在卸载应用程序时自动进行深度应用程序扫描,在从手机中空投HEIC图像时将其自动转换为JPG,等等。
  • Backblaze — seamless cloud backup service.
    Backblaze —无缝的云备份服务。
  • Bartender 3 — And finally, last but not least, a menu bar icon organiser. I kept this one for last because it ties neatly with the next section. Most apps that I launch at start-up have a neat little menu bar icon that serves as an app controller / setting tweaker. Bartender is essential to hide all the unnecessary icons, show them only when they are updating, and keep the overall look of your mac as clean as possible.
    调酒师3-最后,但并非最不重要的,是菜单栏图标的组织者。 我将其保留为最后一个,因为它与下一节紧密联系。 我在启动时启动的大多数应用程序都有一个简洁的小菜单栏图标,可以用作应用程序控制器/设置调节器。 酒保对于隐藏所有不必要的图标,仅在它们进行更新时显示它们以及保持Mac的整体外观尽可能整洁至关重要。

Having the mac auto launch these 11 apps / utilities at start-up makes my workflow much smoother. At start-up, everything that needs to be synced will start syncing, and all of the background tasks that I’m used to working with are ready to be summoned.

Mac会在启动时自动启动这11个应用程序/实用程序,使我的工作流程更加流畅。 在启动时,所有需要同步的内容都会开始同步,并且我习惯使用的所有后台任务都可以被召唤。

However, launching apps at start-up is not the only trick up my sleeve. As I just spoiled in my Bartender description, the second tool to a smooth macOS workflow lies at the top of our screens. Enter the menu bar.

但是,在启动时启动应用程序并不是我的唯一选择。 正如我刚刚在Bartender描述中所讲的那样,平滑的macOS工作流程的第二个工具位于屏幕顶部。 进入菜单栏。

(Using and Optimising the Menu Bar)

  1. Your app will be always one click away no matter what you have on screen. No need to focus on the app’s window or move away from what you’re doing.
  2. The app you have available in the menu bar is a distilled essential version of the app. All of the main functionality will be easily available, whilst the deep setting will always be stored in the settings menu.

Even though the advantages of the menu bar are obvious, it can also get quite crowded quite easily. I suggest you use Bartender or any valid alternative to hide icons that are not being used. In this way you will have all the functionality of the menu bar without having to live with too many icons clogging your top bar.

即使菜单栏的优点很明显,也很容易使它变得很拥挤。 我建议您使用调酒师或任何有效的替代品来隐藏未使用的图标。 这样,您将拥有菜单栏的所有功能,而不必承受过多的图标阻塞顶部栏的情况。

(Spotlight — the secret weapon)

All that has been said above wouldn’t be enough to improve drastically one’s workflow on a mac and wouldn’t justify an empty dock. Enter spotlight.

上面所说的一切还不足以在Mac上大幅度改善自己的工作流程,也不足以证明一个空坞站是合理的。 输入聚光灯。

Spotlight is macOS’ powerful search feature that lets one summon any kind of file or application through a simple text search. Spotlight can be accessed from its magnifying glass icon on the top right of the screen, but most importantly it can be summoned through a really quick and easy shortcut.

Spotlight是macOS的强大搜索功能,可让您通过简单的文本搜索来召唤任何类型的文件或应用程序。 可以从屏幕右上角的放大镜图标访问Spotlight,但最重要的是,可以通过非常快速便捷的快捷方式来调用Spotlight。

cmd + space

cmd +空格

This shortcut is what this article is mostly about. Thanks to Spotlight I am able to launch any app installed on my mac by simply typing its name or, most of the times, the first few letters of the name and hitting enter. Any time I need to launch an app, I simply press “cmd + space” to summon the Spotlight bar and start typing the name of the app itself. As soon as I see the app icon appear, I press the return key and the app will launch. Even though this seems like a pretty lengthy process, with time you’ll get extremely fast and you’ll be able to launch apps in a fraction of a second.

本文主要讨论的是此快捷方式。 多亏了Spotlight,我可以通过输入名称或在大多数情况下键入名称的前几个字母并按Enter来启动Mac上安装的任何应用程序。 每当我需要启动一个应用程序时,只需按“ cmd + space ”以调用Spotlight栏,然后开始输入应用程序本身的名称。 看到应用程序图标出现后,我按返回键,应用程序将启动。 即使这似乎是一个漫长的过程,但随着时间的流逝,您将变得非常快,并且能够在不到一秒钟的时间内启动应用程序。

The benefits of this workflow is an overall cleaner look (essential for my eye) and a tidier dock. If you end up having to unhide the dock to select an app for any reason, you’ll only see the open apps, and this will make the hunt much quicker.

此工作流程的好处是使外观更整洁(对我来说是必不可少的)和简洁的底座。 如果由于某种原因而最终不得不取消隐藏底座以选择一个应用程序,则只会看到打开的应用程序,这将使查找过程更快。

I hope these three tips will make your macOS workflow smoother, and please let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions on how to improve the workflow even more.


翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/the-zen-of-a-3-icon-dock-2e7687d80dc1
