1 HAL产生的原因

Android HAL(Hardware Abstraction Libraries)是处于user space的最下层,是Android定义的要求Linux内核空间来具体实现的驱动接口。根据Google的说法,使用user-space HAL的原因为:

1 Not all components have standardizedkernel driver interface

2 Kernel driver are GPL which exposes anyproprietary IP

3 Android has specific requirements forhardware drivers

但这其中最重要的原因为第二个,把控制硬件的动作都放到了user space中,在kernel driver里面只有最简单的读写寄存器的操作。Android user space的代码就可以不必受到GPL的束缚而封装成库,避免了暴露硬件厂商使用的硬件型号。

2 HAL的重要性


1 从学习的角度看,HAL通常是Linux内核开发者想学习整个Android系统架构时选择的突破口,这是由于HAL所处在整个系统架构的位置决定的;同样Android user-space的开发者,想要从APP和中间件进一步深入贯通到内核,HAL也是必经之路。如果把Kernel比作关内,Android user-space比作关外,HAL就是进出关的唯一通道,兵家必争之地。

2 从使用的频度来看,随着对SOC性能要求的进一步提高,越来越多的模块将使用硬件加速,甚至以前使用DSP来加速的一些模块,由于性能和功耗的要求,都改用硬件实现,特别是多媒体相关的领域,GPU也几乎成了最近2年出来的SOC的标配,Android也集成了方便使用硬件加速的标准OpenMAX, OpenGL等。

3 HAL的2种模式

3.1 直接调用(旧的模式)

1 源码路径:\hardware\libhardware_legacy

2 模式简介:libhardware_legacy是将 *.so 文件当作shared library来使用,JNI以 direct function call 使用 HAL module。通过直接函数调用的方式,来操作驱动程序。

3 实例:PowerManager


static void
acquireWakeLock(JNIEnv *env, jobject clazz, jint lock, jstring idObj)
    if (idObj == NULL) {
        throw_NullPointerException(env, "id is null");
        return ;

    const char *id = env->GetStringUTFChars(idObj, NULL);

    acquire_wake_lock(lock, id);

    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(idObj, id);


acquire_wake_lock(int lock, const char* id)

//    LOGI("acquire_wake_lock lock=%d id='%s'\n", lock, id);

    if (g_error) return g_error;

    int fd;

    if (lock == PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK) {
        fd = g_fds[ACQUIRE_PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK];
    else {
        return EINVAL;

    return write(fd, id, strlen(id));

3.2 通过回调函数调用并统一接口(新的模式)

1 源码路径:\hardware\libhardware

2 模式简介:hardware.c和hardware.h(hardware\libhardware\include\hardware)提供了使用这种模式的HAL的方式,并规定统一接口。上层通过hardware.c中的函数hw_get_module获取相应module的stub,然后通过stub来访问HAL。

3 接口源码hardware.c和hardware.h说明


 * Every hardware module must have a data structure named HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM
 * and the fields of this data structure must begin with hw_module_t
 * followed by module specific information.
typedef struct hw_module_t {
    /** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG */
    uint32_t tag;

    /** major version number for the module */
    uint16_t version_major;

    /** minor version number of the module */
    uint16_t version_minor;

    /** Identifier of module */
    const char *id;

    /** Name of this module */
    const char *name;

    /** Author/owner/implementor of the module */
    const char *author;

    /** Modules methods */
    struct hw_module_methods_t* methods;

    /** module's dso */
    void* dso;

    /** padding to 128 bytes, reserved for future use */
    uint32_t reserved[32-7];

} hw_module_t;


 * Every device data structure must begin with hw_device_t
 * followed by module specific public methods and attributes.
typedef struct hw_device_t {
    /** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG */
    uint32_t tag;

    /** version number for hw_device_t */
    uint32_t version;

    /** reference to the module this device belongs to */
    struct hw_module_t* module;

    /** padding reserved for future use */
    uint32_t reserved[12];

    /** Close this device */
    int (*close)(struct hw_device_t* device);

} hw_device_t;



4 实例:overlay


void DisplayHardware::init(uint32_t dpy)
    mNativeWindow = new FramebufferNativeWindow();
    framebuffer_device_t const * fbDev = mNativeWindow->getDevice();
    mDpiX = mNativeWindow->xdpi;
    mDpiY = mNativeWindow->ydpi;
    mRefreshRate = fbDev->fps;

    mOverlayEngine = NULL;
    hw_module_t const* module;
    if (hw_get_module(OVERLAY_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &module) == 0) {
        overlay_control_open(module, &mOverlayEngine);


 * Every hardware module must have a data structure named HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM
 * and the fields of this data structure must begin with hw_module_t
 * followed by module specific information.
struct overlay_module_t {
    struct hw_module_t common;

 * Every device data structure must begin with hw_device_t
 * followed by module specific public methods and attributes.

struct overlay_control_device_t {
    struct hw_device_t common;
    /* get static informations about the capabilities of the overlay engine */
    int (*get)(struct overlay_control_device_t *dev, int name);

    /* creates an overlay matching the given parameters as closely as possible.
     * returns an error if no more overlays are available. The actual
     * size and format is returned in overlay_t. */
    overlay_t* (*createOverlay)(struct overlay_control_device_t *dev,
            uint32_t w, uint32_t h, int32_t format);
    /* destroys an overlay. This call releases all
     * resources associated with overlay_t and make it invalid */
    void (*destroyOverlay)(struct overlay_control_device_t *dev,
            overlay_t* overlay);

    /* set position and scaling of the given overlay as closely as possible.
     * if scaling cannot be performed, overlay must be centered. */
    int (*setPosition)(struct overlay_control_device_t *dev,
            overlay_t* overlay, 
            int x, int y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h);

    /* returns the actual position and size of the overlay */
    int (*getPosition)(struct overlay_control_device_t *dev,
            overlay_t* overlay, 
            int* x, int* y, uint32_t* w, uint32_t* h);

    /* sets configurable parameters for this overlay. returns an error if not
     * supported. */
    int (*setParameter)(struct overlay_control_device_t *dev,
            overlay_t* overlay, int param, int value);

    int (*stage)(struct overlay_control_device_t *dev, overlay_t* overlay);
    int (*commit)(struct overlay_control_device_t *dev, overlay_t* overlay);

Overlay.cpp (hardware\libhardware\modules\overlay)

static int overlay_device_open(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* name,
        struct hw_device_t** device);

static struct hw_module_methods_t overlay_module_methods = {
    open: overlay_device_open

struct overlay_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
    common: {
        version_major: 1,
        version_minor: 0,
        name: "Sample Overlay module",
        author: "The Android Open Source Project",
        methods: &overlay_module_methods,

4 后记


5 Reference

